TYPO3 Plugin's position - typo3

How can I programatically determine plugin's position on page? Assuming that I have two instances of the same plugin on a page, I need to determine their position to display slightly different layout. Is it feasible?

Let your extension store a counter variable in $TSFE.
Such variables will survive from plugin instance to plugin instance and can be used to count the instances that live in the same page.
Depending on that counter you can change your extension's output.
In your function main do something like this:
// init counter var in the very first plugin instance
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['plugin.']['tx_'.$this->extKey.'_pi1.']['myCounter'] = 0;
// increment counter var in each plugin instance
// and execute code depending on the count
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:

Use section frames:
Edit the content element you placed your plugin in.
Go to Appearance
Choose "Frame 1" at "Indentation and Frames"
In the frontend you will realize that the modified plugin container now has an additional css class that can be used for different layout:
<div class="csc-frame csc-frame-frame1" id="c123">
Read more about it here: Custom Frames for Content Elements in Typo3


How to access data from FLUIDTEMPLATE file and render that content in our desired file?

I have my package from sitepackagebuilder (v9.5.14). I no good at Typoscript. I am using the optional menu navigation file MainBefore.html (my desired file) from bootstrap_package which I put in my stpkg extension because this file is globally available in the FE alongside main menu. I try to explain my doubt in the two following examples.
First one is clear to me. usually I do things like this, (My only known typoscript way to access and render things).
Example 1:
In typoscript
lib.stdContent = FLUIDTEMPLATE
lib.stdContent {
file = EXT:sitepackagebuilder/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/DropIn/Navigation/Data.html
variables {
mylabel = TEXT
mylabel.value = Label coming from TypoScript!
In Data.html
<h4>Hello TYPO3</h4>
<h3 hidden>{mylabel}</h3>
<div class="from-data-file"><f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.stdContent" /></div>
The above example will work.
Example 2:
But this following example is my doubt.
page.10.variables.userInfoForChat = COA_INT
page.10.variables.userInfoForChat {
10 {
file = EXT:company/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/DropIn/Navigation/Data.html
variables {
mylabel = TEXT
mylabel.value = Label coming from TypoScript!
How can I access variables in Data.html and render content in MainBefore.html like example 1? Correct me If I am wrong
Both files are in same location.
First: you are doing very complicated things. normaly stacking templates inside each other is not necessary. so the main question would be: What do you intend to do?
Then we can find a simple way to do it.
I try to identify your intention:
you have a main template (main = main for this example, otherwise it is just a small part of the general page rendering) where you want to have a variable, which is filled from another template, where some variable is inserted.
Some information is missing as these would not be necessary when all values are static like in your example.
There must be something non static as you use a uncached COA_INT and the name userInfoForChat hints to something user specific, which of course is not cachable.
My question is: why do you put a complete fluid templating in the variable, when it should be enough to have only some uncached values in it and stay with just one set of fluid template. (That set already could consists of template, layout and a lot of partials)

TYPO3: How to use disablePrependAtCopy in combination with allowLanguageSynchronization?

My question refers to the default "assets"-TCA-field. For the assets-field allowLanguageSynchronization is set to 'true' and disablePrependAtCopy for sys_file_reference is active.
This configuration works as expected when the content element is translated for the first time. [Translate to XY] is not visible in the translated content element.
However, when I add another image to the content element for sys-lang 0 after the initial translation, [Translate to XY] is visible for sys-lang 1.
(Click image to enlarge)
How can I stop TYPO3 from adding [Translate to XY] to the metadata fields?
Version: TYPO3 9.5.5
'allowLanguageSynchronization' is set to true:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['columns']['assets']['config']['behaviour']['allowLanguageSynchronization'] = true;
I also disabledPrependAtCopy for assets:
TCEMAIN.table.sys_file_reference {
disablePrependAtCopy = 1
What I tried:
For sys-lang 0: Add image to a content element which uses the assets field (e.g. text-media).
Add metadata for image (e.g. title).
Translate content element to sys_lang 1 ([Translate to XY] is not visible as expected).
Go back to sys-lang 0: add a second image to content element and save the changes.
Switch to sys-lang 1: metadata of new file now contains [Translate to XY] -> How can I prevent that?
You need another TCEMAIN setting here.
Try the following code
translateToMessage =
if this does not work, maybe you can disable it by this code
translateToMessage >
The issue is still not fixed. https://forge.typo3.org/issues/87887 is connected to TYPO3 v9, however changes in v10 were made. Even those changes do not work..
However, I was able to walk around the problem by unset the l10n_mode of the fields alternative, description and title.
Default it is set to prefixLangTitle and exclude would remove the field in the translations completely.
Therefore, unset (or probably set it to empty or an invalid value) does not add the prefix.

How to retrieve the rows which are selected in the list report page of smart templates

This is the List Report type of Smart Template application
Here I have selected 2nd and 5th row, I also have a button named Send Requests in the section part which is highlighted. If I click this button it calls a javascript controller function which is defined in the extensions of the application. In this js function how can I retrieve the selected rows that are selected?
I have enabled the checkboxes in this page by mentioning this code
"settings": { "gridTable": false, "multiSelect": true } in the manifest.json
As it was recommended by this link https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/116b5d82e8c545e2a56e1b51b8b0a9bd.html
I want to know how can I retrieve the rows which got selected?
There is an API that you can use for your use case. It is described here: https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/bd2994b69ef542998becbc69ab093f7e.html
Basically, you just need to call the getSelectedContexts method. Unfortunately you will not be able to really get the items themselves, only the binding contexts (which point to the data entities which are selected). Excerpt from the documentation:
After you have defined a view extension, you can access and modify the
properties of all UI elements defined within these extensions (for
example, change the visibility). However, you cannot access any UI
elements that are not defined within your view extensions.
In this type of table there is way.
var myTable=sap.ui.getCore().byId("your table id");
get all rows:
var myTableRows=myTable.getRows();
now get selected Indices
var selectedIndeices=myTable.getSelectedIndices(); //this will give you array of indeices.
now run loop on indeices array. And get particular row item;
// get binding path
var bindingpath=myTableRows[2].getBindingContext().sPath; // this will return eg:"/ProductCollection/2"
// now get Binding object of that particular row.
var myData=myTableRows[2].getModel().getObject(bindingpath); // this will return binding object at that perticular row.
// once your loop is over in the end you will have all object of selected row. then do whatever you want to do.
If you use smart template create an extension.
This is the standard event befor the table is rebinding:
onBeforeRebindTableExtension: function (oEvent) {
this._table = oEvent.getSource().getTable();
In your action function (or where you want) call the table and get the context :

In CQ How to disable any field in child page properties dialog?

I have added a new selection type field "Theme" in page properties>Basic.
Now if I add a new page using the same template in WCM, there also I
am getting the option "Theme", which is quite obvious.
Is there any way by which I can hide the field in child page?
P.S this is happening because I am using the same template for the child page.
You can't use the same template and have the page property dialogs be different.
What you can do is overload the dialog
create a new template and corresponding resourceType component that
inherit from your current.
copy the dialog, or tab that you want to be different from the lowest parent of the component. Make sure the dialog is the only node under the component.
Make the changes you want to the dialog.
You would then have to include code in the page jsp to get the parent page property something like:
// if the parent page is always a certain level below the root you can use
// currentPage.getAbsoluteParent(3); to get the third page down from the top
// of the current path tree.
Page parentPage = currentPage.getParent();
ValueMap parentPageProperties;
if (parentPage != null) {
parentPageProperties = parentPage.getProperties();
// This tries to get the property 'theme' from the current page. If that fails
// then it tries to get the property from the parent page. If that fails it
// defaults to blank.
theme = properties.get("theme", parentPageProperties.get("theme", ""));
A quick solution would also be to create a second set of template / page component. Let's assume you've got template A, that uses page component B as resource type:
Create template X and play with allowedParents allowedChildren and allowedPaths properties so that the two are exclusive (actual solution depends on your content architecture)
Give X same title as A
Create page component Y that extends B, and defines it's own dialog
Make Y's dialog re-use any tabs from B using xtype=cqinclude (see foundation page's dialog for reference)

Test to see if you are in a specific content block in TinyMCE and not allow a plugin to add to that content block if in it

So I have a TinyMCE form on my page and it is pre-filled with "sections" (divs with specific class names).
I have a couple of plugins that will add to TinyMCE with more "sections".
I need it so when I push the plugin button it will test to make sure the cursor is not inside a "section" and paste a "section" inside another "section".
Not sure the direction I need to take to accomplish this. Any help would be great.
more info:
So below is an example of a plugin that adds a button that just inserts a simple dov into the editor at the selection/cursor.
ed.addButton('pluginbutton', {
title : 'MyPlugin',
image : 'img/test.png',
onclick : function() {
I am currently thinking that onBeforeSetContent is the API event handler I need to set to process whether or not I am in another section and if so send a message to the screen. If not just do the setContent method. I am not sure exactly how to set that up though so I am still figuring that out. Any help here?
Since it seems like you have control over the plugin, here is how I would edit it to work.
Note: I am using the jQuery method closest. I figured since you are on the jQuery core team, you are probably using it for this project. If not, just refactor that line as needed. The important part is that selection.getNode() returns the DOM element that is the parent of both the start and end selection points.:
ed.addButton('pluginbutton', {
title : 'MyPlugin',
image : 'img/test.png',
onclick : function() {
if( !$(ed.selection.getNode()).closest('div.section').length ){
ed.selection.setContent('<div class="section">test</div>');
Additional thoughts
Also, to make your plugin aware enough so it won't put a div as the child of a p tag, you could do something like this:
Replace onclick above with this:
onclick: function(){
var $node = $(ed.selection.getNode());
if( !$node.closest('div.section').length ){
// Get highest element that is a direct child of the `body` tag:
var $parent = $node.closest('body > *');
// Wrap with our special section div
if($parent.length) $parent.wrap('<div class="section"></div>');
I don't know TinyMCE specifically, but it should be possible to extract the current DOM element from ed.selection. If that is possible (I'm sure it is using some sort of getter function or property), you should be able to do the following:
Mark a "forbidden" area using an id or class ("<div class='protected'> ")
traverse through the selection's ancestry (using the parentNode property of the element) and check whether one of the parent elements has the "protected" class or ID.
If the ID was found, do not execute setContent(); otherwise execute it.