Issue in using WSDL2OBJC tool for my WebService - iphone

I am using the wsdl2objc Tool to generate the soap Searvice APIs for my webservice.
I am following this tutorial to generate code and use it
I can generate My WebService APIS successfully, but when i added i am getting 8 Errors and errors are
Expected Identifier or '(' before '=' token
Please tell me what can i Do with it. I am stuffed. the WEBSERVICE URL given in the tutorial work perfectly fine when i compile but mine code giving these errors.
Can anybody Help!

First, don't use version 0.6, use version 0.7 instead. I encountered cache problem under version 0.6. The version 0.7 fixed this problem. So, my web service could use session mechanism to store state information.
Second, not any generated codes with wsdl2objc (or gSOAP) and WSDL will be compiled successfully. In practice, our team encountered some problems about compiling, so finally we implemented a proxy web service which provides an interface with simple class types (ex, int, string, byte) in order to avoid the compiling problems.


Reverse Engineering an auth code query parameter passed to Play Framework in URL query Parameter

I recently got thrown into a company to do DD on a SaaS solution that needs to generate codes to send invites. Has anyone seen or used this method of passing an API key/auth code? It's using the Play Framework. I don't have access to the play source code, just a compiled binary so I can't even see how the GET request is validated.
I checked the packages used and there is io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-0.9.1.jar used but I'm only familiar with passing it as a header "Bearer ". and haven't seen this three segmented formatting. XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Any help would be appreciated. I know it's not a lot to go off but I'm only looking to be pointed at the method used to get started.

Configure Swagger api with Play 2.4

Facing problem while configuring swagger api with play 2.4 framework.
Follow this url for configuration :
After configuration gets a compile time error with message "type ApiHelpController is not a member of package controllers" as this ApiHelpController.scala file is present in app/controllers package.
Does anyone knows what i am missing.
Not sure what you are missing but let me show you an alternative for swagger play 2.4 integration
Unlike the one you were trying to use, this one does not require annotation, you write swagger spec directly in your routes files as comment. There are several benefits of this approach:
controller remain clean
you don't need to repeat path and parameters
you don't need to learn another API (the annotation api)
Also it generates swagger definition from case classes reflection.
Check it out:
Not sure about swagger-jaxrs, but swagger-play2 package works for me. You can refer to

The error creating app Engine's DataStore Entity within GWT app

I try to create the entity like this:
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
Entity stock = new Entity("Stock", 1);
stock.setProperty("Stock", "FCB");
but keep getting the error:
No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module?
The error means just what it says, the GWT compiler needs access to the Java source it compiles to Javascript, and obviously DatastoreService is not something that should exist on the frontend - so you have an architecture issue here.
You'll need to write a proxy that can call a server component (Which in turns calls the DatastoreService) and returns DTOs/value objects (that you define and thus have the source for).
No source code is available
GWT transliterate Java to Javascript, reading it's source code and there a limited language support.
What you're trying to achieve is a Server only operation and you're adding this operation within the client code, which will run on a browser. Neither GAE allow this or GWT has the source of these classes nor capability to do so.
You need to create a request to your server that will access the DatastoreService , the return the output to the client code.
Below a example of a properly architect GWT web application:

Samples not working for Web API Help Page when using an Entity Framework Complex Type in the model

I have an EF code first model that includes some Complex Types. Generating Web API controllers works without any problem, but when generating the Web API Help Page as described in then the samples don't get generated. The error message given is :
An exception has occurred while using the formatter 'JsonMediaTypeFormatter' to generate sample for media type 'application/json'. Exception message: One or more errors occurred.
The same thing happens for the rest of the media types. I know there was a problem some time ago with complex types and serialization but it was solved when the Json.NET formatter was included by default in Web API.
Could this be related? Anyone else having the same problem? Any ideas?
My guess is that this is most probably due to the referencing loops that your model has. For example, can you give a try in generating the help page by making the following change to the Json formatter. you should see the sample getting generated:
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize;
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects;
Also, you should see similar error even during runtime actually if you do not make the above settings.
For XmlFormatter and self referencing loops, you can look here.

LoadRunner and wicket application

Doing some research with regards to application framework used on the SUT am going to LoadTest using Loadrunner I fond the application is developed using wickets.
I have generated script using web http/html protocol against a wicket
application and there was some calls recorded in the following
format,script is failing at this URL when i ran the script in VUGen.
http://somem/nnnweb/main/ ?
wicket:interface= :1:someSearchForm :someSearchForm :searchInfo: :IActi
vePageBehaviorListener :0:&wicket: ignoreIfNotActiv e=true&random=
I find out like when i generate the script which has just views(
viewing tabs) is working fine, but when i edit somefileds and submit
the script is generating the above calls ( http://xxx...) and failing
This guy has explained just the same issue here:
I hope it is ok to refer other sites in Stackoverflow?
General question. Does loadrunner support testing of wicket application and is TruClient the best choice here? I actually got it to work with TruClient, but as I understand there are drawbacks with memory footprint using TruClient, but maybe it is time to move on to next generation protocol given my project has decided to use wicket framework?