What does this function definition SomeFunction(hObject,~) mean in Matlab? - matlab

I guess this is something from new version of Matlab. But I can't figure out what does ~ represent.
%function content here
Any clue would be appreciated.
In addition, maybe it's me but I can't always find a good resource to find this kind of special operator in matlab. Any recommendation of good resource for matlab?

It is used to ignore function inputs. Related MATLAB reference page tells:
Use this operator when your function must accept a predefined set of
inputs, but your function does not use all of the inputs. Common
applications include defining callback functions, as shown here, or
deriving a class from a superclass.
You may refer to the reference for example code.
Tilde is also used for ignoring some outputs. You may refer to the answers here for that kind of usage.


Modelica I/O blocks vs. Functions

Blocks and functions in Modelica have some similarities and differences. In blocks, output variables are most likely expressed in terms of input variables using equations, whereas in functions output variables are expressed in terms of input variables using assignments. Given a relationship y = f(u) that can be expressed using both notions, I am interested in knowing which notion shall you favour in which situation?
Blocks can be better integrated in block diagrams using input/output connectors
Equations in blocks can be most likely better treated by compilers for symbolic manipulation, optimization, and evaluating analytical derivatives required for Jacobian evaluation. So I guess blocks are likely less sensitive to numerical errors in some boundary cases. For functions, derivatives are likely to be evaluated using finite difference methods, if they are not explicitly provided.
on the other hand a set of assignments in a function will be most likely treated as a single equation. The same set of assignments if expressed in terms of a larger set of equations in a block will result in a model of larger size probably leading to a decrease in runtime performance
although a block with an algorithmic section is kind of equivalent to a function with the same assignments set, the syntax of a function call is favored in couple of situations
One can establish hierarchies of blocks types and do all of sort of things of object oriented modelings. Functions are kind of limited. It is not possible to extend from a non-abstract function that contains an algorithm section. But it is possible to have (an) abstract function(s) that act(s) as (an) interface(s) out of which implemented functions can be established etc.
Some of the above arguments are dependent on the way a specific simulation environment treats a block or a function. These might be low-level details not necessarily known.
The list in your "question" is already a pretty good summary. Still there are some additional things that should be considered:
Regarding the differentiation of functions, the developer at least needs to define how often the assignments can be differentiated (here is a nice read on this), as e.g. Dymola will not do it automatically. Alternatively the differentiated function can be specified manually (here). By the way, a partial derivative can be defined as well, see Language Specification, Sec. 12.7.2.
When it is necessary to invert a function, it can be necessary to define it manually. This is described in the Language Specification, Sec. 12.8.
Also it could be important that code from a function can be inlined, which should overcome some of the issues mentioned above, see Language Specification, Sec. 18.3.
Generally I would go for blocks whenever there is no very strong reason for a function. Some that come to my mind are the need for procedural execution, or for-loops.
This is just my two cents - more opinions welcome...
You might be interested in the opposite: calling a block as if it was a function:
The advantage of using function syntax is that you don't need to declare + connect components:
Block b;
connect(x, b.in1);
connect(y, b.in2);
connect(z, b.out1);
z = Block(x, y);
Of course right now, this syntax does not exist yet. And you really want to use blocks when you can. Algorithmic blocks might as well be functions as they are shorter and easier to write and will introduce fewer trajectories in your result-file (good unless you want to debug what happens inside the function call I guess).

Change simulink parameters at runtime from the code/block flow

My initial problem is that I have a continuous transfer function which coefficients change with time.
Currently the TF's coefficients are expressed in function of the block mask parameters. These parameters are tunable, and if I change the value in the mask parameters dialog during a simulation the response seems to react appropriately.
However how can I do just that in the code/block flow? Basically, I
have the block parameter 'maskParam' which is set using the mask
parameters dialog, and in the mask initialization commands:
'param=maskParam'. 'param' is used in the transfer function and I
would like to change it in real time (as param=maskParam*f(t)).
I have already looked around and found relevant solutions but either it's unbelievably complicated; or the only transfer function which we are allowed to modify at runtime is discrete and 1) I would like to avoid z-transforming my quite complex TF (I don't have the control toolbox) 2) The sampling time seems to be fixed.. None uses this "dirty" technique of updating parameters, maybe that's the way around?
To illustrate:
I am assuming that you want to change your sim parameters whilst the simulation is running?
A solution is that you run your simulation for inf period and use/change a workspace variable during the simulation period to make the changes take effect.
for Example:
If you look at the w block, you can set it's value in runtime, by doing this:
set_param('my_model_name/w', 'value', 100); % Will change to 100 immediately
You can do similar things with arrays (i.e. a list of coefficients in your case).
You are using discrete transfer function block. Try the following:
1) Give your block a name e.g. fcn_1
2) In your script, type set_param('your_model_name/fcn_1', 'numerator', '[1 2]'); This will set the numerator value to [1 2]. Do the same for denominator.
3) You should be able to understand, through this exercise, how to handle the property names etc. so that you can change/get them using set_param/get_param.
I leave you to investigate further.
The short answer is that Simulink blocks are not really designed to do this. By definition, a transfer function is Liner-Time Invariant, meaning its characteristics (read coefficients) do not vary with time.
Having said that, there are some workarounds, such as the ones you mentioned in your question. These are the correct way to approach the problem I'm afraid, other than the set_param method suggested by #ha9u63ar. See also this blog on the subject on the MathWorks web site.

PID filter coefficient output minimum, maximum and parameter attributes

I am trying to find more information on making a custom PID block in MATLAB. I have most of it done but there are a few parameters that I don't really understand and as such I don't know what value to give them. NOTE I am NOT asking for help tuning PID gains.
They are all inside the filter coefficient block:
When I open the block I have to set a few parameters (output min/max, data type, parameter min/max, etc.). Can someone explain to me what these mean? I can't find good resources anywhere. The only thing that I've tried which works is setting each to [] (i.e. -inf) and the input/output data types to 'Inherit: Inherit via internal rule' but then my output goes to hell. If I copy paste the blocks from the PID block there are a bunch of variables which I haven't defined anywhere so the program won't even compile.
Can someone point out some good resources for this or else explain it? Thanks!
You should get your blocks from the standard Simulink library, not from under the PID block mask. The ones under the mask have been set-up to use variables that are passed from/through the mask, which you are not doing.
The block you have circled is just a gain block (from the Math library).
You most likely won't need to make any changes to the default settings of the block other than the constant value (which needs to be the N that you want to use in the approximation of the derivative term in your controller).
To answer your specific question about what the parameters are, some of them are used to specify data types (if you don't want to use the default double precision), some are only used in code generation, some others only for other specific tasks.
All of them are described (in more, or sometimes less, detail) in the doc for the block, obtained by pressing the help button on the block's dialog.

Matlab parametric plotting gui - vary parameters via sliders

I often have function such as:
sin(a*w*t + p)
w = natural frequency
t = time
a,p = parameters (which I can vary)
As you can see if you want to vary a,p, you can do so via the standard interface but it's not very convenient. So I thought I'd look for a GUI which has a slider for each parameter. Does such a thing exist?
I've never seen one so I thought I'd quickly write one. However, I'm worried that due to lack of time and knowledge of matlab I will cause problems such as generating too many plot commands when the slider is moved instead of just one. Of course I also have the problem that I want to specify a field where the user can specify the function e.g. by typing sin(a*w*t +p) in a text field and then specify what each variable means which I currently don't know how to do (it looks like a parsing task). Can I do this or should I go with a predefined set of functions?
You can find similar projects in Matlab File Exchange as example.
For instance:
Integral Tool
Function Parameter Slider
I didn't have a look at the code but according to the screenshots, it should help you.
Regarding the function input feature, you can use the function eval (with a few checks on the input if you need reliability). If you want to allow any parametric variable, it may be harder.

How to modify an array in function?

MATLAB is a pass by value language. I have a recursive function that processes pixel's neighbors. It is very expensive to make the copy of the image (in my case two images) each time the function is called.
I used global variables to solve the problem. Is there any other way to make a recursive function modify an array?
You have three options here, but maybe you don't need any of them, since Matlab used 'copy-on-write', i.e. variables are only copied if you modify them.
As #gnovice mentions, you can use a nested function. Variables used inside the nested function are shared between the nested function and the enclosing function. Nested functions are somewhat tricky to debug, and a bit more complicated to write/understand.
You can store your images as properties of a handle object, which is passed by reference.
You can write code differently in order to not use a recursive function, since Matlab isn't the best language for using those. If you have access to the image processing toolbox, you may be able to use functions like blockproc, or im2col to rewrite the function.
Finally, if you want to stay with your current scheme, I strongly suggest using persistent variables instead of globals.
MATLAB is not always pass-by-value, newer versions of MATLAB do pass-by-reference under some circumstances, see in-place operations and a more general discussion about MATLAB memory management in this SO post.
Without tail-call optimization it is inefficient to use recursion and MATLAB does not have it as far I know, but every recursion can be transformed into a loop.
If you make your recursive function a nested function within another function where the image data is stored, then the recursive function can modify the image data without needing to have it passed to it.
This is a common misconception. Although the sytanx of MATLAB is pass by value, it does not actually pass by value as in C. The interpreter is smart enough to only make copies when necessary. So you should just go ahead and pass by value and see if you run into memory problems.
As other posters have noted, you should try to avoid recursion in MATLAB anyway.