I am building a Sammy application and I want to use Haml for it. Looks good so far.
app = $.sammy '#main', ->
#use 'Haml'
# Get some server data
$.getJSON '/some-data', (data) ->
# Hic sunt ponies
#get '#!/', ->
#partial '/tmpl/maintenance.haml'
$ -> app.run '#!/'
I have a template /tmpl/navbar.haml that I would like to render before any routing. The reason for this is, the navbar is dependant on some data I receive from the server - again, before the routing.
So how can I render the template outside of the route? Sammy doesn't seem to have a method read for this, only inside a RenderContext, e.g. a route.
I used 'location-changed' event, may be not ideal, but seems working:
this.bind('location-changed', function(context) {
var url = escape(app.getLocation());
if (app.connected()) {
$('#welcome').html(i18n('text_logged', 'index.php/account/account', app.connected().firstname, 'index.php/account/logout?_url=' + url));
} else {
$('#welcome').html(i18n('text_welcome', 'index.php/account/account?_url=' + url, 'index.php/account/register?_url=' + url));
Where app.connected is session check. And '#welcome' is outside of sammy's $element, and should be present.
You can use context.load for template.
Due to some url versioning, we try to map multiple paths to the same handler.
I tried to achieve this via rerouting but the query parameters get lost in the process.
// reroute if the path contains apiv3 / api v3
router.route("/apiv3/*").handler( context -> {
String path = context.request().path();
path = path.replace("apiv3/", "");
LOG.info("Path changed to {}", path);
What is the most elegant way around this problem?
There are some discussions on google groups but surprisingly nothing quick and simple to implement.
The reroute documentation says:
It should be clear that reroute works on paths, so if you need to
preserve and or add state across reroutes, one should use the
RoutingContext object.
So you could create a global catch-all route that stores any query param in the RoutingContext:
router.route().handler(ctx -> {
ctx.put("queryParams", ctx.queryParams());
Then your apiv3 catch-all route:
router.route("/apiv3/*").handler( context -> {
String path = context.request().path();
path = path.replace("apiv3/", "");
LOG.info("Path changed to {}", path);
Finally an actual route handler:
router.get("/products").handler(rc -> {
MultiMap queryParams = rc.get("queryParams");
// handle request
I wonder if it is possible to have the Blueprint API support in Cloud SDK.
But apparently, the generated cloud.setup.js file does not contain blueprint APIs. Just normal routes beginning with /api
It is written in the Cloud.js file :
* ### Basic Usage
* var user = await Cloud.findOneUser(3);
* var user = await Cloud.findOneUser.with({ id: 3 });
It lets think that it's possible to have auto generated routes to the blueprint APIs like actionModel -> findOneUser, createServer, addToGame, and so on...
Do you know if that is possible ? I don't find a documentation about this.
I took original code in rebuild-cloud-sdk.js and created a rcsdk.js with the code below before the actual for (let address in sails.config.routes):
_.each(_.keys(sails.models), model => {
let action = sails.config.blueprints.prefix + sails.config.blueprints.restPrefix + '/' + model;
_.each([['GET', 'find'], ['POST', 'create']], pair => {
endpointsByMethodName[`${pair[1]}${model}`] = {
verb: pair[0],
url: action,
_.each([['GET', 'findOne'], ['PUT', 'update'], ['DELETE', 'delete']], pair => {
endpointsByMethodName[`${pair[1]}${model}`] = {
verb: pair[0],
url: action,
args: ['id'],
I also asked this question the other day. It is not possible. We need to be explicit here. Blueprint routes is only for quick integration testing with postman. I don't recommend this though. You should not be using postman or auto routes. You should write tests in files so they are permanent.
My code sample was
package require rest
set yweather(forecast) {
url http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss
req_args { p: }
opt_args { u: }
rest::create_interface yweather
% set res [yweather::forecast -p 94089]
channel {title {content {Yahoo! Weather - Sunnyvale, CA}} .........
But i am trying to view Response header, like Status codes, set-cookie information. I don't know how to view, some one please help to resolve this issue.
Typically with handling REST, I'd just use the standard http package directly (or wrapped into a little class). That would let you use http::meta to get at the gory response details, and also let you control much more precisely what message gets sent in the first place (usually rather important!)
However, that's me (as I'm pretty au fait with REST and the http package). Let's dig into the rest package more carefully and get it to do what we want.
By close reading of the documentation, I see that the interface descriptor dictionary allows the keys pre_transform and post_transform, and that the http token is available in the calling context. Let's try with the post_transform…
package require rest
set yweather(forecast) {
url http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss
req_args { p: }
opt_args { u: }
post_transform extract_metadata
rest::create_interface yweather
proc extract_metadata {response} {
upvar 1 token token
lappend response [http::meta $token]
return $response
Now, if you do:
set res [yweather::forecast -p 94089]
You should get the extra information you want (and far more probably!) in the meta field at the end.
i can navigate to
https://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?id=20531316728 via my browser
but cant use jQ $.get , (not working with the specific url)
$.get(url, function(data){alert(data);} );
can i use any method to fetch the url (js is preferred ) ? any idea?
Simple, You cannot make cross domain ajax calls.
There are 2 options:
1) Try with JSONP Read - http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getJSON/
2) Make an ajax call to your site URL where you can use CURL to facebook URL to get the data.
we could not access the cross domain data with ajax request
So, you have to use a local file to accessing the cross domain data.
var content="your_url";
var urlRegex = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%=~_|])/ig;
// Filtering URL from the content using regular expressions
var url= content.match(urlRegex);
// Getting cross domain data
// do your stuff
and the urlget.php file should be like this
echo file_get_contents($url);//loading the URL data.
On the system I am working on right now, I have had to try to tame ember-data a bit about how it does its REST request. The way that ember-data by default figures the URL for a certain request for a model is just not gonna cut it with the backend I am using.
What I need is, to get ember-data to use the same URL that ember is loading, but with a '?json' suffix. That is, if ember switches page to my band page, and the url is /bands, I want ember-data to request /bands?json for the data it needs, not whatever it figures from the name of the model. One could say, that I wanted the URL to be calculated from the path of the loading route, instead of from the name of the model being used.
I have tried by subclassing DS.RESTAdapter{} and see if I could get the buildURL method to do this, but I can't figure out how to get the URL ember is gonna load. The buildURL method is called before ember changes the location, so I can't use document.location.href or something. I can imagine I will need a way to ask ember what it is now loading, and what the URL is.
Any ideas of how to do this?
There hasn't been any satisfying solutions, so I decided to just do it the dirty way. This is it:
App.RouterSignature = [
['index', '/', '/index_models'],
['bands', '/bands', '/band_models'],
['band', '/band/:band_slug', '/band_model']
App.Router.map(function() {
for (var i = 0; i < App.RouterSignature.length; i++) {
var route = App.RouterSignature[i];
this.resource(route[0], {path: route[1]});
App.CustomAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
buildURL: function(record, suffix) {
var url,
suffix = '?json',
needle = this._super(record);
for (var i = 0; i < App.RouterSignature.length && !url; i++) {
var route = App.RouterSignature[i];
if (route[2] == needle)
url = route[1];
return url + suffix;
Now App.Routes and DS.RESTAdapter.buildURL are based off the same data. The first two values in the App.RouterSignature list is just the name of the route, the path of the route. The third value is what DS.RESTAdapter.buildURL by default guesses should be the url. My custom adapter then takes that guess, matches it with one of the items in the App.RouterSignature list and then takes the second value from that item - the routes path.
Now the requests that ember-data makes is to the same url as the routes path.
You can try to setup your Adapter like so:
App.Adapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
buildURL: function(record, suffix){
return this._super(record, suffix) + "?json";
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: App.Adapter.create();
See here for more info on the RESTAdapter buildURL method.
Hope it helps