Typoscript replace text with images - typo3

I want to do a simple countdown on my site which uses the below code.
lib.countdown.date = 1293814800
Setup :
lib.countdown = COA_INT
lib.countdown {
10 = TEXT
10.cObject = TEXT
10.cObject.data = date:U
10.cObject.wrap = ({$lib.countdown.date} -|)/86400
10.prioriCalc = intval
10.wrap = |
The design I have been given means I need to use images for the numbers, but I can't work out how to convert the text to images. Is there a way this can be done via GIFBuilder or another method? Or should I approach this a different way?


Text style in google script TextItem title

I have written an app to automatically update an order form everytime an order is passed. Currently, the form consists in N Textitems, which titles are like:
Product (remains : [number of remaining products])
Product description
This is performed by the following lines :
var Products= wsStocks.getRange(1,1,wsStocks.getLastRow(),1).getValues();
var Description = wsStocks.getRange(1,2,wsStocks.getLastRow(),2).getValues();
var Qtys = wsStocks.getRange(1,3,wsStocks.getLastRow(),3).getValues();
Items[j].setTitle( `${Products[j][0]} (remains: ${Qtys[j][0]})`+ "\n" +`${Description[j][0]}`;
I would like to set a text style for this title : I want the information on the number of remaining products to be in italic, and the description to be in small size. But while I have found how to set the style for a Text variable, I can't find how to do this for a string used in the setTitle method ?
You should get the Range of each item from the Items array first and then you should be able to change the TextStyle according to your needs by using the setTextStyle() method.
For customizing the text styles, you can create your own, something similar to this.
// italic text style
var style1 = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle()
// small size text style
var style2 = var style = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle();
Afterwards, for each element of the Items array, you should do this
for(j = 0; j < Products.length; j++)
sheet.getRange("RANGE_OF_Items[j]_ELEMENT").setTextStyle(style1); //or style2
Apps Script Class TextStyle;
Apps Script Range Class - setTextStyle(style).

Field from default language should be valid for all languages

I'm using this bit of Typoscript and a Templavoilà Plus input field to generate some text.
10 = TEXT
10.value.field = field_test
I work with English (default) and German contents. When I translate a content to German, the backend user has to fill in again field_test, which is the normal behaviour.
Modifying the Typoscript, how can I only use the English (default) content of the field_test even in the German content?
Put in other words, how can I get the value of a field of a particular language?
I saw LLL: and l10n_mode, can they be of any help? And if so, how can you use them in that case?
Is it even possible to achieve that with a simple Header of a tt_content?
Or could I use something like that to disable localisation of a single Templavoilà field ?
config.sys_language_softExclude = tt_content:subheader
config.sys_language_softMergeIfNotBlank = tt_content:subheader
The reason why I'm asking this, is because it would be quite useful not to have to fill in again TV fields for links or images for example…
Here is my Typoscript, where field_test is created with Templavoilà and filled in by an backend editor:
5 {
if.isTrue.field = field_test
file = fileadmin/icons/test.png
wrap = <li>|</li>
imageLinkWrap = 1
imageLinkWrap.enable = 1
imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.field = field_test
I have tried modifying the Data Structure XML as follow, but even though I have no content in the German field_test, it doesn't display the Default/English content.
<meta type="array">
<field_test type="array">
<tx_templavoilaplus type="array">
A complete guess, maybe insertData = 1 helps out??
5 {
if.isTrue.field = field_test
file = fileadmin/icons/test.png
wrap = <li>|</li>
imageLinkWrap = 1
imageLinkWrap.enable = 1
imageLinkWrap.insertData = 1
imageLinkWrap.typolink.parameter.field = field_test

Render TypoScript Objects in a CommandController

tldr: How do I render a TypoScript COA Object with a GIFBUILDER image from inside a CommandController?
I'm currently developing an eCommerce platform for which I need to periodically import an excel file that holds the product catalog. After a product is created from a row of data in the excel file, a directory is searched for product images related to that item, and they are linked as FileReferences to the product. I've written an ImportCommandController that takes care of that.
This all works like a charm, with the only glaring problem being the performance of the image manipulation. The first call to a product list pages takes a good 30 seconds, the first request of a single view. I periodically need to recreate the whole catalog from scratch, and the source product images are huge files, I have no influence on that.
The product images of that catalog are being generated by a TypoScript that takes care of fitting these images inside a square white background, returning the IMG_RESOURCE url. I call that TypoScript from inside a Fluid template with the cObject ViewHelper.
I've been trying to call this bit of TypoScript from the ImportCommandController->importAction, so that the import cronjob would take care of creating these scaled images beforehand, with the same filename hash, so they're already processed when they're called by the single view. But I can't manage to do that.
The TypoScript in question ist this:
plugin.tx_productfinder_products {
// Productfinder-Produktbilder
// Bilder quadratisch auf weissen Hintergrund einpassen
productimage = COA
productimage {
// Daten der FileReference im Regsiter ablegen
10 = FILES
10 {
references.data = current
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
10 {
param = TEXT
param.data = file:current.uid
20 {
file {
XY = 960,960
format = jpg
quality = 95
backColor = #ffffff
20 = IMAGE
20 {
offset = 960-[20.w]/2,960-[20.h]/2
file {
import.data = current
treatIdAsReference = 1
maxW = 960
maxH = 960
// // Text aus Daten der FileReference als Wasserzeichen ins Bild rendern
// 30 = TEXT
// 30 {
// //text.data = register:param
// text.data = current
// fontColor= #dddddd
// fontSize = 12
// offset = 20,[20.h]-20
// align = left
// antiAlias = 1
// }
And I call these from inside the Fluid template like so:
<img class="img-responsive" src="{f:cObject(typoscriptObjectPath:'plugin.tx_productfinder_products.productpreviewimage', data:'{image.uid}')}">
What have I tried so far? Pretty much everything.
I've first tried to call the ContentObjectRenderer directly,
/** #var \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $cObj */
$contentObject = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\ContentObject\\ContentObjectRenderer');
$content = $contentObject->cObjGetSingle($this->settings['productimagetest'], $this->settings['productimagetest.']);
resulting in these weird errors.
Oops, an error occurred: PHP Warning: imagejpeg(typo3temp/GB/csm_8000424600_cbbd127be3_9cb1d3c8cc.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /html/typo3/typo3_src-7.6.16/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Imaging/GraphicalFunctions.php line 2912
It seems that the TYPO3 Configuration regarding the Grapics Processing isn't initialized in the same way as it is for the Frontend.
Next, I tried instanciate a StandaloneFluidView to render the whole SingleItem template per item, but I cant figure that out because the Request and Context are missing and so the partials being referenced in the template aren't being rendered.
Then I tired to just create the FrontendUrls per single item and request them from the CommandController,
/** #var \TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\ContentObject\ContentObjectRenderer $cObj */
$contentObject = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\ContentObject\\ContentObjectRenderer');
$test = $contentObject->typolink_URL(array(
'parameter' => 671,
'additionalParams' =>
'returnLast' => 'url'
but the URLs generated in this way are missing the cHash.
Can anybody offer help or a different approach to this?
Since these images are generated just once for the frontend output and are then available anyway, I don't see the advantage of generating them beforehand. The white square could be easily generated with CSS, so to me this does not even look like a use case for the GIFBUILDER.
That being said there's still something you could do: Since you are in the PHP context already, why don't you instanciate the GIFBUILDER directly or use even pure IM/GM commands instead of going for an IMG_RESOURCE which is actually meant to be output in the frontend?
I know this is an old question, but I had the same issue and had to invest some time to debug it, so maybe this this answer is useful for someone else in the future.
The CLI uses a different working directory than the frontend, therefore the relative path to typo3temp/ directory used in the GifBuilder class cannot be resolved, which results in the above mentioned warning.
To fix the relative path resolution, you have to change your working directory to the frontend one, this can be achieved by:
class AcmeCommand extends Command
protected static $cwdBackup;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
if (Environment::isCli()) {
static::$cwdBackup = getcwd();
if (Environment::isCli()) {

Automatic update of Button text on change

I'm currently learning scala, and making an encryption program with a basic scala swing UI.
I added 2 swing buttons which text is held by 2 var.
The code looks like this :
var encText = "Encrypt"
var decText = "Decrypt"
def top = new MainFrame {
title = "Data Guardian"
minimumSize = new Dimension(500, 200)
contents = new GridPanel(2, 2) {
hGap = 3; vGap = 3
contents += new Button {
text = encText
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => Main.startEnc
contents += new Button {
text = decText
reactions += {
case ButtonClicked(_) => Main.startDec
size = new Dimension(150, 40)
Those "text" var will be changed often during the encryption/decryption process by various methods, but when they do change, the text displayed on the buttons doesn't.
I'd like to know a way to make the displayed text of the buttons automatically change when the var that holds that text changes.
Thanks a lot for your insight :)
Make the strings private and write getters/setters that change the button text as a side-effect.
You'll need to give the buttons names, rather than having anonymous instances as you do above.

TYPO3: Trying to add link to images

On our site, other admins add images via the "Resources" tab of the main page. These images are displayed as Banners in a Slider on the main page. However, now they want the ability to add links to specific images.
My first thought on this (after receiving some help on making a loop for images to be added to the page) was to perhaps let them be able to add the link to either the "Title" or "Caption" spot I saw there. And later, on the slider "create" function, pull the said data from the image and make <a> wrap around the image before the slider finished building. I've already tested the slider plugin with this functionality, and that would work fine, however, I can't seem to pull anything from the "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the image in any way.
My other thought would be, is there a way to extend the back end to give them an actualy spot to paste links on images so that I may pull that and wrap the image via the typoscript, or can i pull from caption and wrap image in <a> "if" the link is available.
In other words, does typoscript have a type of "if" statement? What I ahve so far, thanks to maholtz is as follows:
page.10.marks.topimage = TEXT
page.10.marks.topimage {
# retrieve data
data = levelmedia: -1, "slide"
override.field = media
# we have some filenames in a list, let us split the list
# and create images one by one
# if there are five images selected, the CARRAY "1" will be executed
# five times where current is loaded with only one filename
split {
# the images are separated via ","
token = ,
# you can do funny stuff with options split, f.e. if you want to give first
# and last image a different class... but thats another topic;)
# we just say, render every splitted object via CARRAY "1"
cObjNum = 1
1 {
# just render the single image,
# now there should be one filename in current only
10 = IMAGE
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = image_link
caption.1.typolink.parameter.listNum.stdWrap.data = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
wrap = <div id="slides">|</div>
I was thinking perhaps I could do something like:
10 {
file.import.wrap = fileadmin/user_upload/|
file.import.current = 1
border = 0
file.height = 670
file.width = 1800
altText = Banner
titleText = Banner
# attempt to add link to image if available
caption.1.typolink.parameter.field = ???
caption.1.typolink.parameter.listNum.stdWrap.data = register:IMAGE_NUM_CURRENT
But as you can see, I'm stumped on how that might even work right. Can anyone help point me the right way.
As before mentioned, perhaps I could do ONE of two things:
Pull link from "Title" or "Caption" and add it to the IMAGE Date on output so that I can use that client side to wrap the image in appropriate a tag, |OR|
Pull link from there and use typoscript to wrap the image in a tags
When accessing the ressources via levelmedia = slide you're not directly accessing the FAL table. Therefore you have to load it again to access the fields you want. We solved exactly the problem you have with the following code. Insert it inside your 1 after 10 = IMAGE.
cObject = RECORDS
source.current = 1
tables = sys_file_reference
conf.sys_file_reference = TEXT
conf.sys_file_reference.field = #title or description