Building a 7-zip command string in powershell - powershell

My first excursion into a real app in Powershell; I could write the code in a traditional .Net language, but I think Powershell is ideal for console apps like this. I've searched StackOverflow and found the (nearly) exact script I need; my issue is that I want to take a folder of files (on server fsA) and create 7-Zip archives on fsB named by the file date. For instance, all the files that were last written on 7/21/12 would be found in archive 20120721.7z. I'm basing this on the solution found here: Create a 7z Archive for files created by date using Powershell
Here is what I have so far:
$prog_dir = "C:\Progra~1\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$archive_dir = "\\fsa\Backup"
$input_dir = "\\fsb\Xml\Archive\"
$7zOpts = "-m0=PPMd:o32:mem192M"
$groups = dir $input_dir | group-object -property {$_.LastWriteTime.Date}
$groups | foreach{$cmd = $prog_dir + " a " + $archive_dir + "\$((Get-Date $_.Name).ToString(`"yyyyMMdd`")).7z $([string]::join(`" `", $_.Group)) " + $7zOpts} #; invoke-expression $cmd}
#Where to put this: "+ $input_dir +"???
I can't seem to find a way to specify the input directory in the foreach line; I can put it at the beginning of the join statement, but it only adds the input directory to the first file in the list. For instance:
$groups | foreach{$cmd = $prog_dir + " a " + $archive_dir + "\$((Get-Date $_.Name).ToString(`"yyyyMMdd`")).7z " + $input_dir + "$([string]::join(`" `", $_.Group)) " + $7zOpts} #; invoke-expression $cmd}
produces the output
C:\Progra~1\7-Zip\7z.exe a \\fsa\Backup\20120722.7z \\fsb\Xml\Archive\255IQR.xml 2573WV.xml 257RMC.xml
where the last two files do not have the full path prepended? What am I doing wrong?

PowerShell is a shell, so running commands is pretty much the thing it should do well. So generally, if you resort to Invoke-Expression when running commands you're doing something very wrong. Let's try a different way:
$prog_dir = 'C:\Progra~1\7-Zip\7z.exe' # you don't need 8.3 names here, by the way
$archive_dir = '\\fsa\Backup'
$input_dir = '\\fsb\Xml\Archive\'
$7zOpts = '-m0=PPMd:o32:mem192M'
$groups = dir $input_dir | group-object -property {$_.LastWriteTime.Date}
$groups | foreach {
$files = $_.Group | select -expand FullName
$date = (Get-Date $_.Name).ToString('yyyyMMdd')
& $prog_dir a $archive_dir\$date.7z $files $7zOpts


Powershell Change path in variable

i need you help again :D
I have created a function to put the error logs in a file who take the name of my script (i call multiples scripts so it's very helpful), here is my function :
function ExportLog{
$path = Get-Location
$LogFile = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($MyInvocation.ScriptName,"log")
Write-Host $LogFile
$timestamps = Get-Date
$string_err = $_ | Out-String
$ExportError = "[" + $timestamps.DateTime + "]`n" + $string_err + "`n"| Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Append
Read-Host “Appuyez sur ENTRER pour quitter...”}
This works fine but the log file created or edited is in the path of my script.
My question is how can i add \log\ in the path who is in my variable $LogFile ?
I tried to use Join-Path, but it just add path like this : C:\import\Modif_CSV.log\Logs ... I wan't to add the Logs folder before the name of the file ^^
Ty for help :)
You can split the current script filename from the full path and change the extension with:
$LogFileName = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension((Split-Path $PSCommandPath -Leaf), 'log')
Next combine the current script path with the subfolder 'log' and with the new filename
$LogFullName = [IO.Path]::Combine($PSScriptRoot, 'log', $LogFileName)
Theo's helpful answer shows a .NET API-based solution that works in both Windows PowerShell and PowerShell (Core) 7+.
Here's a PowerShell (Core) 7+ solution that showcases new features (relative to Windows PowerShell):
$dir, $name = $PSCommandPath -split '\\', -2
Join-Path $dir log ((Split-Path -LeafBase $name) + '.log')
-split '\\', -2 splits the path into two strings by \: the last \-separated token, preceded by everything before the last \, thereby effectively splitting a file path into its directory path and file name. That is, -split now accepts a negative number as the count of tokens to return, with -$n meaning: return $n-1 tokens from the right of the input string (albeit in left-to-right order), and save any remaining part of the string in the return array's first element; e.g., 'a/b/c/d' -split '/', -3 yields 'a/b', 'c', 'd'
Split-Path -LeafBase returns a file path's file-name base, i.e. the file name without its extension.
Join-Path now accepts an open-ended number of child paths to join to the parent path; e.g., Join C:\ dir subdir now works to create C:\dir\subdir, whereas in Windows PowerShell you had to nest calls: Join-Path (Join-Path C:\ dir) subdir
Note: It would be handy if Split-Path supported returning all components of a given path in a single operation; GitHub issue #6606 proposes an -All switch that returns an object whose properties reflect all the constituent parts of the path, which would enable the following simplified solution:
# WISHFUL THINKING, as of PowerShell 7.2
$pathInfo = Split-Path -All $PSCommandPath
Join-Path $pathInfo.Parent log ($pathInfo.LeafBase + '.log')

Inserting space before every capitalized characters for word documents name using power shell

I am working on inserting the space before every capitalized characters to rename the word documents in power shell
I tried to insert the space before first character for every file in this folder using the following script in power shell:
Could you pls let me know how to write a script to insert and iterate ?
#Target: the files names will appear as shown here: 220519ColdWaterMeters[enter image description here][1] , change all of the file names by adding a spaces in the file names so it will read as “220519 Cold Water Meters”
previous code
PS C:\Users\B> $source_path = "C:\Temp"
PS C:\Users\B> $filter = "*.doc"
PS C:\Users\B> $new_prefix = " "
PS C:\Users\B> $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $source_path -Filter $filter
PS C:\Users\B> # Process each file and add the $new_prefix to the filenames
>> ForEach ($file in $files) {
>> $old_file_name = $file.Name
>> $new_full_name = "$($file.DirectoryName)" + "\" + "$($new_prefix)" + "$($old_file_name)"
>> # Rename the file (perhaps first with the -WhatIf parameter?)
>> # Rename-Item $file.FullName -NewName $new_full_name -WhatIf
>> Rename-Item $file.FullName -NewName $new_full_name
>> } # ForEach $file
Really, having spaces in filenames, folder names, filed names, property names, is a prescription for unneeded headaches in coding later. Doing so, can/will cause quoting complexities.
Yet, if you really want to do this, try this approach.
'220519ColdWaterMeters' -csplit '(?=[A-Z])' -ne '' -join ' '
# Results
220519 Cold Water Meters
You can use -creplace with delay-bind scriptblock in one pipeline like this.
$source_path = "C:\Temp"
$filter = "*.doc"
$new_prefix = " "
Get-ChildItem -Path $source_path -Filter $filter |
Rename-Item -NewName {($_.basename -creplace '(?=[A-Z])',"$new_prefix") + $_.Extension}
Just in case the extension had a capital letter I targeted just the basename and then added the extension back.

VBScript to Powershell - Environment Variables

I am currently working on a powershell script that maps directories along with loading database software. I have this current vbscript I am converting to powershell that is suppose to validate a temporary file path , but I am getting a little confused on what I may need to take out and what I can leave in.
Here is the original vbscript ...
' assure that temp version of Perl is used
perlPath = basePath & "install\perl\bin;"
WshShell.Environment("Process")("PATH") = perlPath & WshShell.Environment("System")("PATH")
' assure that temp version of Perl Lib is used
perlLib = basePath & "\install\perl\lib;" & basePath & "\install\perl\site\lib;"
WshShell.Environment("Process")("PERL5LIB") = perlLib
Here is what I have written in powershell so far ...
# assure that Oracle's version of Powershell is used
$psPath = $basePath + "install\powershell\bin;"
$sysPath = $WshShell.Environment("System") | Where-Object { $_ -match "PATH" } |
foreach-object {$_.Substring(9)} | Out-String
$psPos = $sysPath.contains($psPath)
if( -not ($psPos)){
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", ($psPath + $sysPath), "Process")
# assure that Oracle's version of Powershell Module is used
$psMod = $homePath + "\perl\lib;" + $homePath + "\perl\site\lib;" # still need to convert
$sysMod = $Env:PSModulePath
$psPos = $sysMod.contains($psMod)
if( -not ($psPos)){
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", ($psPath + $sysChk), "Process")
The same validation is done later in the script with the "System" variables. I do have a module that I will be using, but the rest are scripts. I guess I am not sure if what I am converting is the right way to verify these pathways exist and if not to add the new pathways.
First of all, you should use the Join-Path cmdlet for combining a path:
$psPath = Join-Path $basePath "install\powershell\bin"
You can access the Pathvariable using $env:Path split it using -split ';' and select the first path entry using [0]. All in all, I would define the three path you want to set, put them into an array and iterate over it.
$powershellBin = Join-Path $basePath "install\powershell\bin"
$perLib = Join-Path $homePath "\perl\lib"
$perlSiteLib = Join-Path $homePath "\perl\site\lib"
#($powershellBin, $perLib, $perlSiteLib) | foreach {
if (-not (($env:Path -split ';')[0].Equals($_)))
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", ("{0};{1}" -f $_, $env:Path), "Process")

Attachments.Add wildcard with Powershell

I have a ZIP file generated with dynamic information (Report_ PC Name-Date_User). However when I go to attach the file I'm unable to use a wildcard. There is only one ZIP file in this directory so using a wildcard will not attach any other ZIP files.
#Directory storage
#Max number of recent screen captures
$MAX = "100"
#Captures Screen Shots from the recording
$SC = "1"
#Turn GUI mode on or off
$GUI = "0"
#Caputres the current computer name
#Use either the local name or domain name
#$User = "$ENV:UserDomainName"
$User = "$ENV:UserName"
$Date = Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%b-%d_%H%M
#Computer Information
$MAC = ipconfig /all | Select-String Physical
$IP = ipconfig /all | Select-String IPv4
$DNS = ipconfig /all | Select-String "DNS Servers"
#Needed to add space after user input information
$EMPT = "`n"
#Quick capture of the computer information
$Info = #"
# Used to attach to the outlook program
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -Last 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
$Start_Click = {
psr.exe /start /output $DIR\$Date-$PCName-$ /maxsc $MAX /sc $SC /gui $GUI
psr.exe /stop
$Email_Click = {
$Outlook = New-Object -Com Outlook.Application
$Mail = $Outlook.CreateItem(0)
$Mail.To = ""
$Mail.Subject = "Capture Report from " + $PCName + " " + $User + " " + $Date
$Mail.Body = $Problem.text + $Info
I no longer get an error but the file will not attach the first time around. The second time it will attach but it does the previous .zip not the most recent. I added my entire code
As per the msdn article it shows what the source needs to be which is.
The source of the attachment. This can be a file (represented by the
full file system path with a file name) or an Outlook item that
constitutes the attachment.
Which mean that it does not accept wildcards. To get around this you should instead use Get-ChildItem to return the name of your zip.
$File = Get-ChildItem -Path $Dir -Filter "*.zip" | Select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Fullname
That should return the full path to the first zip. Since Get-ChildItem returns and object we use -ExpandProperty on the Fullname so that you just return the full path, as a string, to the file. -First 1 is not truly required if you really only have the one file. On the off-chance you do including -First 1 will make sure only one file is attached.
Update from comments
I see that you are having issues with attaching a file still. My code would still stand however you might be having an issue with your .zip file or $dir. After where $file is declared I would suggest something like this:
If (! Test-Path $file){Write-Host "$file is not a valid zip file"}
If you would prefer, since I don't know if you see your console when you are running your code, you could use a popup

Get-ChildItem script hangs due to large object?

Okay - I am brand new to PowerShell. I only started using it two weeks ago. I've scoured the web to create some scripts and now I'm trying something that seems a bit advanced and I'm uncertain how I should solve this.
I'm creating an audit script to determine what files are different between two backup repositories to ensure they've been properly synchronized (the synchronization scripts use robocopy and they've failed more than once without producing an error). The folders are quite extensive and upon occasion, I'm finding that the script just hangs on certain folders (always on the largest of them) and it will never complete due to this.
At first, I was using Get-ChildItem on the full source path, but that created a memory problem and the script would never complete. So, I thought I'd enumerate the child directories and perform a compare on each child directory... but depending on the folder, that goes bad as well.
Here is the script (using Powershell 2):
for ($i=0; $i -lt 8; $i++) {
$server = $serverArray[$i]
$destination = "D:\BackupRepository\$server"
# Copy to removable drive
$remoteDestination = "T:\BackupRepository\" + $server
$log = $server + "ShareBackup.log"
$remoteLog = "Remote_" + $server + "ShareBackup.log"
$logDestination = $localLogPath + $log
$logUNCDestination = $uncLogPath + $log
$logRemoteDestination = $localLogPath + $remoteLog
$logUNCRemoteDestination = $uncLogPath + $remoteLog
## This file is used for the process of checking
## whether or not the backup was successful
$backupReport = $localReportPath + $server + "ShareBackupReport.txt"
$remoteBackupReport = $localReportPath + "Remote_" + $server + "ShareBackupReport.txt"
## Variables for the failure emails
$failEmailSubject = "AUDIT REPORT for " + $server
$failRemoteEmailSubject = "AUDIT REPORT for " + $server
$failEmailBody = "The Audit for " + $server + " has found a file mismatch. Please consult the attached Backup Report."
$failRemoteEmailBody = "The Audit of the Remote Backups for " + $server + " has found a file mismatch. Please consult the attached Backup Report."
$sourceFolderArray = Get-ChildItem $source | ?{ $_.PSIsContainer }
$sourceFolderCount = $sourceFolderArray.Count
$mismatchCount = 0
$remoteMismatchCount = 0
for ($s1=0; $s1 -lt $sourceFolderCount; $s1++) {
$sourceFolder = $sourceFolderArray[$s1].FullName
$sourceFolderName = $sourceFolderArray[$s1].Name
$destFolder = $destination + "\" + $sourceFolderName
$remoteDestFolder = $remoteDestination + "\" + $sourceFolderName
Write-Host "Currently working on: " $sourceFolderName
$shot1 = Get-ChildItem -recurse -path $sourceFolder
$shot2 = Get-ChildItem -recurse -path $destFolder
$shot3 = Get-ChildItem -recurse -path $remoteDestFolder
$auditReportDest = "C:\BackupReports\Audits\"
$auditReportOutput = $auditReportDest + $server + "_" + $sourceFolderName + ".txt"
$auditReportRemoteOutput = $auditReportDest + $server + "_Remote_" + $sourceFolderName + ".txt"
$auditMismatchReport = $auditReportDest + "MismatchReport_" + $numericDate + ".txt"
Compare-Object $shot1 $shot2 -PassThru > $auditReportOutput
Compare-Object $shot2 $shot3 -PassTHru > $auditReportRemoteOutput
$auditCompare = Get-ChildItem $auditReportOutput
$auditRemoteCompare = Get-ChildItem $auditReportRemoteOutput
if ($auditCompare.Length -gt 0) {
$content = Get-ChildItem -Recurse $auditReportOutput
Add-Content $auditMismatchReport $content
Write-Host "Mismatch FOUND: " $sourceFolderName
$mismatchCount = $mismatchCount + 1
if ($auditRemoteCompare.Length -gt 0) {
$remoteContent = Get-ChilItem -Recurse $auditReportRemoteOutput
Add-Content $auditMismatchReport $remoteContent
Write-Host "Remote Mismatch FOUND: " $sourceFolderName
$remoteMismatchCount = $remoteMismatchCount + 1
send-mailmessage -from $emailFrom -to $emailTo -subject "AUDIT REPORT: Backups" -body "The full mismatch report is attached. There were $mismatchCount mismatched folders found and $remoteMismatchCount remote mismatched folders found. Please review to ensure backups are current." -Attachments "$auditMismatchReport" -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer $emailServer
What I've discovered when run interactively is that I'll get a "Currently working on FolderName" and if that object is "too large" (whatever that is), the script will just sit there at that point giving no indication of any error, but it will not continue (I've waited hours). Sometimes I can hit Ctrl-C interactively and rather than quitting the script, it takes the interrupt as a cancel for the current process and moves to the next item.
The rub is, I need to schedule this to happen daily to ensure the backups remain synchronized. Any help or insight is appreciated. And, yes, this is probably raw and inelegant, but right now I'm just trying to solve how I can get around the script hanging on me.
Not sure what version of PS you're using, but Get-Childitem has known problems scaling to large directories:
If you're just comparing file names, you can get much better results in large directory structures using the legacy dir command. The /b (bare) switch returns just the fullname strings that can be readily used with Powershell's comparison operators.
$sourcedir = 'c:\testfiles'
$source_regex = [regex]::escape($sourcedir)
(cmd /c dir $Sourcedir /b /s) -replace "$source_regex\\(.+)$",'$1'
This uses a regular expression and the -replace operator to trim the soruce directory off of the fullnames returned by dir. The -replace operator will work with arrays, so you can do all of them in one operation without a foreach loop.