I am googling NSSting manipulation methods from last few hours. and found many on stack overflow like this here
I have a String "1800 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA". String may have any number of "," . I have to take the third last(San Franncisco) and last(USA) substring after ",".
and output should be "San Franncisco USA".
I have logic how to do this in my mind that but I am struggling to implement it.
I try this code for getting the position of last three "," in string. but it's not work for me
NSInteger commaArr[3];
int index=0;
int commaCount=0;
for(unsigned int i = [strGetCityName length]; i > 0; i--)
if([strGetCityName characterAtIndex:i] == ',')
if(commaCount == 3)
You can do it like this:
NSString *s = #"1800 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA";
NSArray *parts = [s componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSUInteger len = [parts count];
NSString *res;
if (len >= 3) {
res = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", [parts objectAtIndex:len-3], [parts objectAtIndex:len-1]];
} else {
res = #"ERROR: Not enough parts!";
The componentsSeparatedByString: will split the string at ,, and stringWithFormat: will put the parts back together.
NSString *s = #"1800 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA";
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"^(?:[^,]*,)?\\s*([^,]*),\\s*(?:[^,]*),\\s*([^,]*)$" options:0 error:NULL];
NSString *result = [regex stringByReplacingMatchesInString:s options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [s length]) withTemplate:#"'$1 $2'"];
Try this:
NSString *string = #"1800 Ellis St, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA";
NSArray *components = [string componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSString *sanFrancisco = [components objectAtIndex:components.count - 3];
NSString *usa = [components objectAtIndex:components.count - 1];
NSString *result = [sanFrancisco stringByAppendingString:usa];
I am new in objective and I'm facing my first problem, and I can not continue my first project.
it's quite simple, I have a NSString :
NSString *myString = #"<font face='Helvetica' size=25 color='#d79198'> Here is some text !</font>";
what I want to do is to get the value of the size "25" which is always 2 char long, so I can calculate my UILabel size.
i know how to detect if there is the substring I am looking for "size=" using :
if ([string rangeOfString:#"bla"].location == NSNotFound)
but I have not found or not understand how to extract the string #"size=XX" and then get the XX as a NSString from *myString
Thank for any help.
NSString *myString = #"<font face='Helvetica' size=25 color='#d79198'> Here is some text !</font>";
NSRange range = [myString rangeOfString:#"size="];
if (range.location != NSNotFound)
NSLog(#"Found \"size=\" at %d", range.location);
NSString *sizeString = [myString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.location+5, 2)];
NSLog(#"sizeString: %#", sizeString);
This should do the trick. You could also at the end do this: int sizeFont = [sizeString intValue];
NSString *myString = #"<font face='Helvetica' size=25 color='#d79198'> Here is some text !</font>";
if ([myString rangeOfString:#"size"].location != NSNotFound)
myString = [myString substringFromIndex:[myString rangeOfString:#"size"].location];
myString = [myString substringToIndex:[myString rangeOfString:#" "].location]; // Now , myString ---> size=25 color='#d79198'> Here is some text !</font>
myString = [myString substringFromIndex:[myString length]-2];// Now, myString ---> size=25
NSLog(#"myString -- %#",myString); // Now, myString ---> 25
If you have string like stack:overflow then use it as follow :
NSString *Base=#"stack:overflow"
NSString *one = [[Base componentsSeparatedByString:#":"] objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *two = [[Base componentsSeparatedByString:#":"] objectAtIndex:1];
In this case one = stack and two=overflow
Part of an HTML page? Then use the tool that is designed for the task.
You could calculate the range of the number yourself or use a very simple regular expression to get the substring, something like
This means that you are searching for digits (\d*) that is preceded by "size=" ((?<=size\=))
Which using NSRegularExpression would be
NSError *error = NULL;
NSRegularExpression *regex =
[NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"(?<=size\\=)\\d*"
NSTextCheckingResult *match =
[regex firstMatchInString:myString
range:NSMakeRange(0, [myString length])];
NSString *sizeText = [myString substringWithRange:match.range];
Finally you should convert the text "25" into a number using
NSInteger size = [sizeText integerValue];
Use componentsSeparatedByString: method...
NSString *myString = #"<font face='Helvetica' size=25 color='#d79198'> Here is some text !</font>";
NSString *theSizeString = [[[[myString componentsSeparatedByString:#" "] objectAtIndex:2] componentsSeparatedByString:#"="] objectAtIndex:1];
NSLog(#"The sizestring:%#",theSizeString);
I think it will be helpful to you.
You can get the range of the string #"size=". The range has location and length. So what you need next is to call on the myString the substringWithRange: method. The parameter would be an NSRage starting from the location+length of #"size=" and length of 2.
I have a string like: "mocktail, wine, beer"
How can I convert this into: "mocktail", "wine", "beer"?
the following gives you the desired result:
NSString *_inputString = #"\"mocktail, wine, beer\"";
NSLog(#"input string : %#", _inputString);
NSLog(#"output string : %#", [_inputString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#", " withString:#"\", \""]);
the result is:
input string : "mocktail, wine, beer"
output string : "mocktail", "wine", "beer"
You need to use:
NSArray * components = [myString componentsSeparatedByString: #", "];
NSString *string = #"mocktail, wine, beer";
//remove whitespaces
NSString *trimmedString = [string stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
//get array of string
NSArray *array = [trimmedString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
NSMutableArray *newArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *trimmedString in array) {
NSString *newString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:#"'%#'", trimmedString];
[newArray addObject:newString];
//merge new strings
NSString *finalString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [newArray objectAtIndex:0]];
for (NSInteger i = 1; i < [newArray count]; i++) {
finalString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#, %#", finalString, [newArray objectAtIndex:i]];
Without knowing spesifically about iOS or objective-c, I assume you could use a split function.
In almost any higher level programming language there is such a function.
Objective-C split
This gets you an array of Strings. You can then practically do with those what you want to do, e.g. surrounding them with single quotes and appending them back together. :D
I have to match the number of occurrences of n special characters in a string.
I thought to create an array with all these chars (they are 20+) and create a function to match each of them.
I just have the total amount of special characters in the string, so I can make some math count on them.
So in the example:
NSString *myString = #"My string #full# of speci#l ch#rs & symbols";
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"#",#"#",#"&",nil];
The function should return 5.
Would it be easier match the characters that are not in the array, take the string length and output the difference between the original string and the one without special chars?
Is this the best solution?
NSString *myString = #"My string #full# of speci#l ch#rs & symbols";
//even in first continuous special letters it contains -it will return 8
//NSString *myString = #"#&#My string #full# of speci#l ch#rs & symbols";
NSArray *arr=[myString componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSMutableCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"##&"]];
NSLog(#"resulted string : %# \n\n",arr);
NSLog(#"count of special characters : %i \n\n",[arr count]-1);
resulted string : (
"My string ",
" of speci",
"l ch",
"rs ",
" symbols"
count of special characters : 5
You should utilize an NSRegularExpression, its perfect for your scenario. You can create one like this:
NSError *error = NULL;
NSRegularExpression *regex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"(#|&)" options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:&error];
NSUInteger numberOfMatches = [regex numberOfMatchesInString:string options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
Caveat: I ripped the code from the Apple Developer site. And I'm no regex guru so you will have to tweak the pattern. But you get the gist.
You should look also at NSRegularExpression:
- (NSUInteger)numberOfCharacters:(NSArray *)arr inString:(NSString *)str {
NSMutableString *mutStr = #"(";
for(i = 0; i < [arr count]; i++) {
[mutStr appendString:[arr objectAtIndex:i]];
if(i+1 < [arr count]) [mutStr appendString:#"|"];
[mutStr appendString:#")"];
NSRegularExpression *regEx = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:mutStr options:NSRegularExpressionCaseInsensitive error:nil];
NSUInteger *occur = [regExnumberOfMatchesInString:str options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])];
[mutStr release];
return occur;
Usage example:
NSString *myString = #"My string #full# of speci#l ch#rs & symbols";
NSArray *myArray = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"#",#"#",#"&",nil];
NSLog(#"%d",[self numberOfCharacters:myArray inString:myString]); // will print 5
I want to split an NSString into an NSArray. For example, given:
NSString *myString=#"ABCDEF";
I want an NSArray like:
NSArray *myArray={A,B,C,D,E,F};
How to do this with Objective-C and Cocoa?
NSMutableArray *letterArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSString *letters = #"ABCDEF𝍱क्";
[letters enumerateSubstringsInRange:NSMakeRange(0, [letters length])
usingBlock:^(NSString *substring, NSRange substringRange, NSRange enclosingRange, BOOL *stop) {
[letterArray addObject:substring];
for (NSString *i in letterArray){
results in
enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock: available for iOS 4+ can enumerate a string with different styles. One is called NSStringEnumerationByComposedCharacterSequences, what will enumerate letter by letter but is sensitive to surrogate pairs, base characters plus combining marks, Hangul jamo, and Indic consonant clusters, all referred as Composed Character
Note, that the accepted answer "swallows" 𝍱and breaks क् into क and ्.
NSString * string = #"A B C D E F";
NSArray * array = [string componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
//Notice that in this case I separated the objects by a space because that's the way they are separated in the string
NSLog(#"%#", array);
This is what the console returned
NSMutableArray *chars = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[theString length]];
for (int i=0; i < [theString length]; i++) {
NSString *ichar = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C", [theString characterAtIndex:i]];
[chars addObject:ichar];
This link contains examples to split a string into a array based on sub strings and also based on strings in a character set. I hope that post may help you.
here is the code snip
NSMutableArray *characters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[myString length]];
for (int i=0; i < [myString length]; i++) {
NSString *ichar = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [myString characterAtIndex:i]];
[characters addObject:ichar];
Without loop you can use this:
NSString *myString = #"ABCDEF";
NSMutableString *tempStr =[[NSMutableString alloc] initWithString:myString];
if([myString length] != 0)
NSError *error = NULL;
// declare regular expression object
NSRegularExpression *regex =[NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:#"(.)" options:NSMatchingReportCompletion error:&error];
// replace each match with matches character + <space> e.g. 'A' with 'A '
[regex replaceMatchesInString:tempStr options:NSMatchingReportCompletion range:NSMakeRange(0,[myString length]) withTemplate:#"$0 "];
// trim last <space> character
[tempStr replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange([tempStr length] - 1, 1) withString:#""];
// split into array
NSArray * arr = [tempStr componentsSeparatedByString:#" "];
// print
This solution append space in front of each character with the help of regular expression and uses componentsSeparatedByString with <space> to return an array
Swift 4.2:
String to Array
let list = "Karin, Carrie, David"
let listItems = list.components(separatedBy: ", ")
Output : ["Karin", "Carrie", "David"]
Array to String
let list = ["Karin", "Carrie", "David"]
let listStr = list.joined(separator: ", ")
Output : "Karin, Carrie, David"
In Swift, this becomes very simple.
Swift 3:
myString.characters.map { String($0) }
Swift 4:
myString.map { String($0) }
my code works great until know and, if I put a double digit number into the text field (like 12) nslog returns 2 single digit numbers (like 1 and 2). Now I need to put these 2 single digit numbers into 2 strings. can somebody help me. thanks in advance.
NSString *depositOverTotalRwy = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [deposit text]];
NSArray *components = [depositOverTotalRwy
NSString *firstThird = [components objectAtIndex:0];
for(int i = 0; i < [firstThird length]; i++)
char extractedChar = [firstThird characterAtIndex:i];
NSLog(#"%c", extractedChar);
You should be able to use -stringWithFormat:.
NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", extractedChar];
You can store them in an array.
NSMutableArray *digits = [NSMutableArray array];
for ( int i = 0; i < [s length]; i++ ) {
char extractedChar = [s characterAtIndex:i];
[digits addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", extractedChar]];
Try to print the value of firstThird using NSLog(), see what it exactly hold, you code seem correct,
Use characterAtIndex function for NSString to extract a character at known location
- (unichar)characterAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
Use as below
NSString *FirstDigit = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [myString characterAtIndex:0]];
NSString *SecondDigit = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%c", [myString characterAtIndex:1]];