I am going to run BIRCH clustering algorithm in WEKA or in SPSS Clementine. Is there any package to install in WEKA or other software to run these algorithms?
Thank you in advance.
I would like to use SVM of scikit-learn library to do unserpervised clustering. I have been reading the documentation and many links in the net, but I can't find how to do that. Would you mind explaining me how to use scikit-learn for that and also the concept of SVM unserpervised clustering?
I get confused with SVM on MATLAB. There are Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox as well as other libraries like LibSVM. I wonder what makes them different and which one should I use,
I wanted to implement SVM on my dataset. Which tool should I use?
fitcsvm - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
I'm also wondering why there other SVM libraries while MATLAB has provided their own tool
I am new in Data Mining analytic and Machine Learning. I have been trying to compare the use of Predictive analysis and Clustering analysis using RapidMiner and Weka for my college assignment.
Just after I study the advantages and disadvantages from both tools and starting to do the analyzing process I found some problems. I tried doing Clustering using K-means and simpleKmeans for Weka and Regression analysis using LinearRegression and I am not quite satisfied with the result, since they contain result that significantly different. all of that I used a same datasets. numerical datasets.
I have been spending a lot of my time trying to figure something out by studying the initialization for each algorithm each tools since the interface is different and there are some parameter that is on RapidMiner but not in Weka or otherwise, so I am a bit confused. (is it the problem?)
Despite that what do you think is wrong? is there some initialization process that I missed? or is it because the code is different in each tools even they use the same algorithm?
Thank you for your answer!
Weka often uses built-in normalization at least in k-means and other algorithms.
Make sure you have disabled this if you want to make results comparable.
Also understand that k-means is a randomized algorithm. Different results even from the same package are to be expected (and desirable).
did you use WEKA itself or rapidminer's WEKA extension? Did you try to compare the results of WEKA with RM WEKA?
I have a homework to classify multi-class images with Support Vector Machines. I am not allowed to use any toolbox, I have to write SVM code by my self. I have to implement it in MATLAB. Since I am not familiar with MATLAB, I have some troubles about implementing.
Can you suggest me any pseudocode or paper that explains the svm implementation basically? I mean I know the theory of SVM but I am just not good at programming. Or any SVM code might be very helpful!
Thank you for your help in advance.
I like using LibSVM library. On its web pages you can find some useful hints and descriptions of the SVM. There is also beginner's guide to SVM classification. The source code itself should be available as well.
Does anybody know an open-source\free library that does term clustering?
Apache Mahout provides algorithms for clustering.
Checkout NLTK. There's a number of clustering modules that might work for you.
WEKA has a whole suite of tools for text processing along with clustering.
If your in to python there is NLTK, as already mentioned by it's author, but there is also sklearn which provides much more than just clustering. (Link takes you to text applicable examples).
Python Scikit learn has some dedicated packages for text analysis. Besides they have a complete suite of Clustering Algorithms that includes K-means, AP, Mean shift, Spectral Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering and DBSCAN algorithms (with appropriate evaluation metrics). This may be helpful your term clustering task.
Link to Scikit Learn latest video tutorial
Link to Scikit Learn Book