Crystal Reports : Keeping different sections together - crystal-reports

Is it possible to keep different Crystal Reports Sections together ?
I have the following setup :
What I want is for the Group to always appear with its details on the same page.

Do the following:
Right-click the Group Header section, and select "Change Group"
At the bottom, select "Keep Group Together" and "Repeat Group Header On Each Page"
Your Group Header should now repeat on each page, and they should all be grouped together on the same page (so you shouldn't have a group header at the bottom of the page, and then the details start on the next page).

Thanks for your answer #LittleBobbyTables
However for Crystal Reports 10 and above, I found a little bit different option
Right-click the Group Header section, and select "Group Expert"
Click Options..
Select Options tab
Check "Keep Group Together" check box
Check "Repeat Group Header On Each Page" check box (If you want to repeat Group Header on every page)


How to insure there is no pagebreak between detail sections of a crystal report?

In my Crystal Report I have four detail sections. I want this section stay on one page together. For example if there is not enough space for all SECTIONS on one page, then all four sections should go to the next page.
You will need at least one level of grouping on your data for this to work, but begin in the design tab of your report and right click on the group name and select "Change Group" from the menu. Then go to the Options tab and check the check box for Keep Group Together.
This will keep all sections of the group and the details sections within together on a page. If they don't fit, the whole group will begin on a new page and will only push data into a second page if the entire group and all of its contained sections do not fit on one page together.
You can activate this functionality in the Section Expert you select on the left the Menu Details and then you have to check the option on the right keep together.

Display report header in every page of cross tab in Crystal report

I want to display report header in every page of my cross tab report in Crystal Reports 13. Currently the header only appears on the first page. How can I fix this problem? Kindly suggest me.
Check bellow screen shot
Page 1:
Page 2:
Design View:
Right click on the selected fields in report header and go to format and check option Repeat on Horizontal Pages so that it applies for every page
Finally I solved the problem to display header for cross tab report in each page.
1.Create a formula using bellow code
2.Create a Group Field using that formula field (which is empty group)
3.Crete Cross Tab Report inside of group header section.
4.Finally place my report header inside of page header section.
Now its working according to my demand and display report header every page
Thanks all of you
Check bellow screen shot
You have to do following things:
right-clicking on the row header
select Row options
select Repeat Labels on Page break
Crystal Reports lets you designate report objects that don't expand horizontally, such as text objects, field objects, OLE objects, charts, maps, lines, boxes, and so on, to be repeated on each additional horizontal page that a Cross-Tab creates.
Check this for help.
Also, similar question How to repeat Crystal Report Header on each page answered by me here. If you still after this links don't get solution, feel free to ask so we go into details of your cross-tab etc...
There are two kinds of headers in Crystal Reports. There are Report Headers (which you're currently using) and there are Page Headers (which are what you want to use in this case.)
A Report Header will only display once - on the first page.
A Page Header will appear on every page. (Unless you
specifically tell it not to.)
Move the circled fields into a Page Header and suppress the old Report Header you were using before. If all goes well, you'll see the circled field on every page going forward.
One other possible approach would be to insert a separate section above each crosstab that will contain your repeating Page Header. (Section Expert -> Insert) or (Right click Section -> Insert Section Below)
Then for the aforementioned inserted section, force a page break before. (Section Expert -> New Page Before)
Repeat this step for each Report Header section that contains a crosstab. The downside is that you will have many pages depending on the number of crosstabs in your report. Hope it helps.

add page after group in crystal

i have a large crystal report (XI). the users want a completely blank page to print in between each group. they don't want the next group to just start on its own page... they want an entire blank sheet of paper in between each group. is there a way to do this? they are not using duplex printing.
the page is set up as
group footer2
group footer1
i need the blank page to appear after each instance of group footer 2
add a second group 2 footer section
enable 'Force new page after' on both sections

Crystal report: keep group header and details on the same page

I've got group: header and details section in subreport. The problem is: when the group is in the bottom of the page it make the gap - header is in the one page and deteis are in the next one. How to keep together both sections?
I've tried following:
Group Expert->Options-> Keep Group Together
It doesn't help.
And in this link, method two.
But it doesn't help too.
Thank you for help.
This link that you posted helped me.
Right click the group you don't want to be orphaned and choose change group then a small pop-up window opens, click options then check the Keep Group Together checkbox.
In the main right, right click on the subreport there is an option called Keep Together. This will ensure that the whole of subreport will be printed as a whole
The section export will not do what you are trying to do. Keep a group and detail together. Section export will allow you to keep detail together if you select that on the main and sub detail bands. To keep group together as well as print header on each new page you want to go to Report->Group Export. Right click the group and select options. On options tab select Keep Group Together.

Crystal Reports - repeat page header when data changes

I have a report that is pretty complex, with multiple sub-reports for each item selected. I want a main header for each item, and then a page header for that item at the top of each page. If I only select one item it looks great. If I have multiple items, that main page header only shows once.
main header
page header item 1
page header item 1
page header item 1
main header
page header item 2
page header item 2
How do I design it so that Item 2 main header shows up?
The details are a series of group headers (I inherited this report). Right now it has just what I want, except that the main header shows once and only once. It is in a Report Header section, the page header is a Page Header section, and all the rest of the reports (which can span multiple pages) are in various Group Header sections.
I can put both the main header and the page header in a Page Header a and Page Header b section, with the item id in both. Now, if I can suppress Page Header a if item id is duplicated, it should print it only with a new item id, and the page header b will still print at the top of each page.
Since a report only has one "Report Header", you'll have to organize your groups in a way that "main header" is a top level group, "page header" is a sub group, and finally details is below that.
Once you have that done you can then click on the Paging tab in section expert and click the New Page Before option in order to get the pages to break like you expect.
Under menu Report, Group Export, in the Group By, there is an Options button, and then an Options tab. That is where the Repeat Group Header on Each Page option is. Then, back in the Section Expert for the Main Header Group, in the Suppress function, put InRepeatedGroupHeader. That way, the Main Header (GroupHeader#1a) is suppressed except for the first page for each item, and the Page Header (GroupHeader#1b) shows at the top of each page.
IN the grouping there are two Headers i.e. 1- Report Header (a, b, c etc) and 2- Page Header. Place the Fields (column names) in the Report Header and also the Same Fields (columns Names) in the Page Header.
Then in the Group Expert , Check the Radio Button in the Group Option to : "Repeat the Group Header on Each Page".
The Report Header fields will be displayed on the first Page and Page Header will be displayed on the rest of Pages.
I got my answer from this external post by brucevde on VB Forums:
What you need to do is setup your details section for multiple
Place the database field(s) in the details section as normal.
In Format Section dialog, click on Details and an option appears at the bottom called "Format with Multiple Columns".
Once you check this option a new tab called Layout will appear. Use this tab to setup your multi-column page.
When you click OK, Crystal will duplicate your details section to the right X number of times, depending on the width you have chosen.
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