Enterprise Library for Logging to Flat File Trace Listener - enterprise-library

What kind of permission needs to be given to the Error.log file in the server (running IIS 7.5) so that errors are written to the Error.log file?
I have created a directory named ErrorLog and set up the listener in web.config like below.

The windows identity in play (depends on how you authenticate)
var principal = ClaimsPrincipal.Current; //normally this reverts to Thread.CurrentPrincipal, but can be changed
return principal.Identity.Name;
var windowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
if (windowsIdentity != null)
return windowsIdentity.Name;
The Executing windows identity Will need create permission in directory and write permission to the file specified in your EL config.
You can place file anywhere you like using config. Default for file without path is Start project directory containing assembly dll.
See In IIS the Application Pool used by the website. The pool determines the windows Identity. See the advanced settings tab for the Pool. The identity approach to be used is defined here.

I don't see your configuration example, but..
I find that it is best not to use Flat File outside of development. The Event Log or Database listeners are more suitable for a web application in production.
If you must use Flat File, you will need to give the account (for the application pool that is assigned to the web application) write access to the directory that the file should be created in. By default I think that is the web application's bin directory, unless you include a path in the file name in your configuration.

It probably depends on what context your app in operating in. The app pool thread is responsible for writing the log so give the read/write folder permissions for the same identity as your app pool. I think this is NETWORKSERVICE by default.


Azure batch Application package not getting copied to Working Directory of Task

I have created Azure Batch pool with Linux Machine and specified Application Package for the Pool.
My command line is
command='python $AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py',
python3: can't open file '$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
when i connect to node and look at working directory non of the Application Package files are present there.
How do i make sure that files from Application Package are available in working directory or I can invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line ?
Make sure that your async operation have proper await in place before you start using the package in your code.
Also please share your design \ pseudo-code scenario and how you are approaching it as a design?
Further to add:
Seems like this one is pool level package.
The error seems like that the application env variable is either incorrectly used or there is some other user level issue. Please checkout linmk below and specially the section where use of env variable is mentioned.
This seems like user level issue because In case of downloading the package resource, if there will be an error it will be visible to you via exception handler or at the tool level is you are using batch explorer \ Batch-labs or code level exception handling.
Reason \ Rationale:
If the pool level or the task application has error, an error-list will come back if there was an error in the application package then it will be returned as the UserError or and AppPackageError which will be visible in the exception handle of the code.
Key you can always RDP into your node and checkout the package availability: information here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#connecting-to-compute-nodes
I once created a small sample to help peeps around so this resource might help you to checkeout the use here.
Hope rest helps.
On Linux, the application package with version string is formatted as:
On Windows it is formatted as:
Where 0 is the application name and 1 is the version.
$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1 will take you to the root folder where the application was unzipped.
Does this "exact" path exist in that location?
You can see more information here:
Edit: Just saw this question: "or can I invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line"
Yes you can invoke and execute files from the application package directory with the environment variable above.
If you type env on the node you will see the environment variables that have been set.

AWS MobileAnalyticsManager access to folder 'AWS Mobile Services\M4SP' is denied

I am trying to add the AWSSDK DLL into my C# code to collect my event data and pass the data to the AWS bucket. My C# code is created with VS Share point template. The project contains WSP files. The following code indicates how I use the AWSSDK :
using Amazon;
using Amazon.CognitoIdentity;
using Amazon.MobileAnalytics.MobileAnalyticsManager;
CognitoAWSCredentials credentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(
Amazon.AWSConfigs.ApplicationName = "M4SP";
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogMetrics = true;
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogResponses = ResponseLoggingOption.Always;
AWSConfigs.LoggingConfig.LogMetricsFormat = LogMetricsFormatOption.JSON;
MobileAnalyticsManager manager = MobileAnalyticsManager.GetOrCreateInstance(
RegionEndpoint.USEast1 // Region
CustomEvent customEvent = new CustomEvent("TestRecordEvent");
customEvent.AddAttribute("label", "M4SP");
customEvent.AddAttribute("action", "invoke");
customEvent.AddAttribute("details", "run the workflow test");
I found the code inside AWSSDK DLL was trying to log the data to local folder before passing it to AWS database. The location of the folder is C:\Users\[userid]\AppData\Roaming\AWS Mobile Services.
There is no problem in a standalone project since it always uses current user’s identity to run the application so it has access to the folder. But, because of the authentication mechanism of SharePoint solutions, it uses Application Pool Identity to access the folder and it gets access denied issue and the whole process fails.
Here is the error:
"Access to the path 'AWS Mobile Services\M4SP' is denied."
I modified the access right of Share point Application Pool Identity (in my case, it is “network service” account) but it still can’t access the folder .
Does anyone have a solution for this issue? Thanks very much for the help!!

Change log file name during runtime - ent lib

I have a WCF service that will serve multiple clients. I'm using ent lib for the logging.
I'd like to have a different log file for each client. is there a way to change the file name back and forth?
I found a few threads but they all talk about editing the config file during runtime.
ALso found this: Enterprise Library Logging but it talks about environment variables. I will set the log name according to the client id.
You can have distinct categories linked to individually configured FlatFile or RollingFile tracelisteners for each client.
If filenames are unknown till runtime, consider using fluent API for configuration, like so:

CherryPy : Accessing Global config

I'm working on a CherryPy application based on what I found on that BitBucket repository.
As in this example, there is two config files, server.cfg (aka "global") and app.cfg.
Both config files are loaded in the serve.py file :
# Update the global settings for the HTTP server and engine
cherrypy.config.update(os.path.join(self.conf_path, "server.cfg"))
# ...
# Our application
from webapp.app import Twiseless
webapp = Twiseless()
# Let's mount the application so that CherryPy can serve it
app = cherrypy.tree.mount(webapp, '/', os.path.join(self.conf_path, "app.cfg"))
Now, I'd like to add the Database configuration.
My first thought was to add it in the server.cfg (is this the best place? or should it be located in app.cfg ?).
But if I add the Database configuration in the server.cfg, I don't know how to access it.
Using :
Works only if the [Database] parameter is in the app.cfg.
I tried to print cherrypy.request.app.config, and it shows me only the values defined in app.cfg, nothing in server.cfg.
So I have two related question :
Is it best to put the database connection in the server.cfg or app.cfg file
How to access server.cfg configuration (aka global) in my code
Thanks for your help! :)
Put it in the app config. A good question to help you decide where to put such things is, "if I mounted an unrelated blog app at /blogs on the same server, would I want it to share that config?" If so, put it in server config. If not, put it in app config.
Note also that the global config isn't sectioned, so you can't stick a [Database] section in there anyway. Only the app config allows sections. If you wanted to stick database settings in the global config anyway, you'd have to consider config entry names like "database_port" instead. You would then access it directly by that name: cherrypy.config.get("database_port").

jboss username and password for login

How can, we know the jboss username and password for login
Under your JBoss application server directory, look for a file named:
There will be a block called:
<application-policy name="jmx-console">
... which will tell where your file-based username=password combinations are stored. I believe the default path is:
By default credential in Jboss is Given below
login: admin
password: admin
But if you use EAP these credential are turn off by default and there is no active user (security reasons :)). If you want to turn on these user you have to edit file in your current profile: ./deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/WEB-INF/classes/web-console-users.properties. It should be enough to remove # sign form the line with the user.
If you want to create new user don't forget to set up correct groups in
web-console-roles.properties file.
You can easly find information where these information are store. Just open the ./conf/login-config.xml file and find the proper security domain definition. In case of Web Console application it will be web-console policy.
in JBoss application server directory you have to look for a file named which is given below:
Inside this file search for application and go to below tags
<application-policy name="jmx-console">
which will tell where your file-based username=password combinations are stored. I think that default path is:
User: jboss
Password: passw0rd
If you are referring to JBoss' console user/password.