How to I configure tox so it will run pytest coverage on a single environment instead of all? -

I do have a complex tox.ini configuration with multiple environments for different versions of python.
I would like to know how to tell tox to run coverage only on the default python interpretor.
One of the problems is that the default python environment can be different from one platform to another.
I do have a wrapper script which calls tox -e py25,py26,docs where the -e arguments are the detected versions of python.
commands=py.test --cov-report xml --cov scripts
Desired behaviour: run pytest with coverage for a single environment (this is supposed to run integrated with jenkins).

I think you could use and include the [testenv:py] environment which uses the python interpreter with which tox is invoked itself. If you define the coverage-run there you should get what you want.


pytest.ini doesn't take effect when calling pytest vs. pytest <test_name>

I am working creating some testing infrastructure and struggling with taking care of all the dependencies correctly.
The directory structure I have looks like:
When I call pytest on any of these tests, the test first compiles and simulates the kernel source code (C++) and compares the output against golden that is generated in python. Since all the kernels will be compiled individually, I create an output directory to store compile/simulation logs along with some header files that we generated in the kernel_1 directory.
For example, pytest kernel_1/test/ will create a directory in kernel_1/build_test_func1/<compile/sim logs>.
I use the which updates cwd to the test directory based on the accepted answer here:
Change pytest working directory to test case directory
I also added pytest.ini to add kernel_2 to the pythonpath when running test_func2 so we can find modules in scripts folder:
Tests run correctly when calling it from:
cd kernel_2/; pytest
cd kernel_2/test; pytest
cd kernel_2; pytest test/
cd kernel_2/test; pytest
The test also runs correctly when calling it like this: pytest kernel_2/test/
But I start seeing ModuleImportError when calling it from top-level without specifying the test
ImportError while importing test module '<FULL_PATH>/kernel_2/test/'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
<FULL_PATH>miniconda3/envs/pytest/lib/python3.7/importlib/ in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
kernel_2/test/ in <module>
from scripts.some_module import some_func
E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'scripts'
The issue looks when collecting pytest.ini in a specific kernel doesn't take effect when calling pytest, but I haven't been able to find a way to fix this issue. Any comments, concerns are appreciated!

How to debug unit test while developping a package in Julia

Say I develop a package with a limited set of dependencies (for example, LinearAlgebra).
In the Unit testing part, I might need additional dependencies (for instance, CSV to load a file). I can configure that in the Project.toml all good.
Now from there and in VS Code, how can I debug the Unit tests? I tried running the "runtests.jl" in the debugger; however, it unsurprisingly complains that the CSV package is unavailable.
I could add the CSV package (as a temporary solution), but I would prefer that the debugger run with the configuration for the unit testing; how can I achieve that?
As requested, here is how it can be reproduced (it is not quite minimal, but instead I used a commonly used package as it give confidence the package is not the problem). We will use DataFrames and try to execute the debugger for its unit tests.
Make a local version of DataFrames for the purpose of developing a feature in it. I execute dev DataFrames in a new REPL.
Select the correct environment (in .julia/dev/DataFrames) through the VS-code user interface.
Execute the "proper" unit testing by executing test DataFrames at the pkg prompt. Everything should go smoothly.
Try to execute the tests directly (open the runtests.jl and use the "Run" button in vs-code). I see some errors of the type:
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package CategoricalArrays not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("CategoricalArrays")` to install the CategoricalArrays package.
which is consistent with CategoricalArrays being present in the [extras] section of the Project.toml but not present in the [deps].
Finally, instead of the "Run" command, execute the "Run and Debug". I encounter similar errors here is the first one:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
merge | 19 19
PASSED: index.jl
FAILED: dataframe.jl
LoadError: ArgumentError: Package DataStructures not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("DataStructures")` to install the DataStructures package.
So I can't debug the code after the part requiring the extras packages.
After all that I delete this package with the command free DataFrames at the pkg prompt.
I see the same behavior in my package.
I'm not certain I understand your question, but I think you might be looking for the TestEnv package. It allows you to activate a temporary environment containing the [extras] dependencies. The discourse announcement contains a good description of the use cases.
Your runtest.jl file should contain all necessary imports to run tests.
Hence you are expected to have in your runtests.jl file lines such as:
using YourPackageName
using CSV
# the lines with tests now go here.
This is a standard in Julia package layout. For an example have a look at any mature Julia such as DataFrames.jl (

Force py.test to use installed version of module

I have a mixed Python/C++ library with test files mixed in amongst source files in the same directories. The layout looks like
Unfortunately, the library is unusable in-place since it lacks .so extension modules. Question: Can I make py.test always use an installed version, even when run from /home/irving/geode or a subdirectory?
The test files have from __future__ import absolute_import, and run fine if executed directly as scripts. For example, if I do
cd geode/vector
which does import geode, it finds the installed version. However, if I run py.test in geode/vector, it finds the local copy of geode, and then dies.
I think you have two options:
run py.test --pyargs geode.vector.test_vector to make pytest interpretet the argument as an import path, deriving the file system path from it. This should run the test against the installed version.
move the tests out into a tests directory without an file. This way you need to pip install -e . to work in-place or can do python install and the py.test tests to run tests against the installed version.

Translate F2PY compile steps into

I've inherited a Fortran 77 code which implements several subroutines which are run through a program block which requires a significant amount of user-input via an interactive command prompt every time the program is run. Since I'd like to automate running the code, I moved all the subroutines into a module and wrote a wrapper code through F2PY. Everything works fine after a 2-step compilation:
gfortran -c my_module.f90 -o my_module.o -ffixed-form
f2py -c my_module.o -m my_wrapper my_wrapper.f90
This ultimately creates three files: my_module.o, my_wrapper.o, my_module.mod, and The is the module which I import into Python to access the legacy Fortran code.
My goal is to include this code to use in a larger package of scientific codes, which already has a using distutils to build a Cython module. Totally ignoring the Cython code for the moment, how am I supposed to translate the 2-step build into an extension in the The closes I've been able to figure out looks like:
from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension
wrapper = Extension('my_wrapper', ['my_wrapper.f90', ])
libraries = [('my_module', dict(sources=['my_module.f90']],
extra_f90_compile_args=["-ffixed-form", ])))],
ext_modules = [wrapper, ]
This doesn't work, though. My compiler throws many warnings on the my_module.f90, but it still compiles (it throws no warnings if I use the compiler invocation above). When it tries to compile the wrapper though, it fails to find the my_module.mod, even though it is successfully created.
Any thoughts? I have a feeling I'm missing something trivial, but the documentation just doesn't seem fleshed out enough to indicate what it might be.
It might be a little late, but your problem is that you are not linking in my_module when building my_wrapper:
wrapper = Extension('my_wrapper', sources=['my_wrapper.f90'], libraries=['my_module'])
libraries = [('my_module', dict(sources=['my_module.f90'],
ext_modules = [wrapper]
If your only use of my_module is for my_wrapper, you could simply add it to the sources of my_wrapper:
wrapper = Extension('my_wrapper', sources=['my_wrapper.f90', 'my_module.f90'],
ext_modules = [wrapper]
Note that this will also export everything in my_module to Python, which you probably don't want.
I am dealing with such a two-layer library structure outside of Python, using cmake as the top level build system. I have it setup so that make python calls distutils to build the Python wrappers. The setup.pys can safely assume that all external libraries are already built and installed. This strategy is advantageous if one wants to have general-purpose libraries that are installed system-wide, and then wrapped for different applications such as Python, Matlab, Octave, IDL,..., which all have different ways to build extensions.

CoffeeScript build setup that supports unit testing?

I want to use CoffeeScript for building what will essentially be a JavaScript library.
I would just like to be able to
define some classes, with inheritance
keep my code in several files
write some unit tests (QUnit or whatever works, preferably writing tests in CoffeeScript)
(ideally) have the project watched and built automatically while I work
This seems reasonable, no? My plan is just having the unit tests run against the compiled JavaScript, in a browser, although if I can run them straight in node.js that's even better.
Currently I'm trying to do this with CoffeeToaster and QUnit, using two different CoffeeToaster configurations, one with tests and one without. It is working, but perhaps somebody has a better suggestion? Should I ditch CoffeeToaster and do it with Cake? Or get another unit testing framework? Can anybody point me to a tutorial for this? I'm making a clientside JS lib, so I don't want to involve Rails etc.
I'm currently using:
Mocha as the test runner and should.js for assertions;
Mockery to intercept certain require calls for isolated testing with mocks/stubs of required libraries;
*JSCoverage for instrumenting the code for code coverage reports.
My code lives in src/ and I write my tests in CoffeeScript. I use make to build and test the code.
make build compiles the CoffeeScript in src/ to JavaScript in lib/.
make test builds the code and then runs the tests in test/.
make monitor watches and runs the tests as soon as they change. Unfortunately it doesn't recompile the code. I use a Vim keybinding to call make, which also triggers Mocha to re-run the tests.
Edit: If this bothers you, you could run coffee --watch -o lib/ -c src/.
make coverage generates a code coverage report and puts it in lib-cov/report.html.
My Makefile looks somewhat like this:
COFFEE = ./node_modules/.bin/coffee --compile
MOCHA = NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha
--compilers coffee:coffee-script \
--require should \
#$(COFFEE) --output lib/ src/
test: build
#$(MOCHA) --reporter $(REPORTER) $(MOCHA_OPTS)
#$(MOCHA) --reporter min $(MOCHA_OPTS) \
--watch --growl
coverage: instrument
--reporter html-cov > lib-cov/report.html
instrument: build
#rm -rf ./lib-cov
#jscoverage ./lib ./lib-cov
.PHONY: build test monitor coverage instrument
You could probably use the above with very little modification.
To generate the coverage report with make coverage, the tests must be run against the instrumented code in lib-cov/ instead of the code in lib/. To make this possible, three things are needed:
The Makefile should set an environment variable, like MYLIB_COV (change the name as you like).
Your index.js should look at this environment variable and require either lib/ or lib-cov/ accordingly:
// index.js
module.exports = process.env.MYLIB_COV
? require('./lib-cov/mylib')
: require('./lib/mylib');
If you need exports from multiple source files, you can combine them here. If you have something other than index.js as 'main' in your package.json, don't forget to change it.
Your tests should require '../':
# test/
describe 'User', ->
User = {}
before ->
{User} = require '../'
describe '#equals()', ->
describe 'when users have the same username and host', ->
it 'should return true', ->
user1 = new User 'user', ''
user2 = new User 'user', ''
# etc.
I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to find out whether they need Mockery and how to use it if they do. I will point out, though, that the require call in the test snippet above is done inside before for a reason.
Happy coding!