Is it possible to get the list of apps installed with specific (e g mine) Apple ID through Apple API? - apple-id

I would like to put together a web app allowing users to get the full list of apps/software they installed during time using their Apple ID. I won't be storing their passwords or anything.
Is there an Apple API method for this?

This is not possible. The Apple API is a search API for the iTunes catalog. You can only retrieve informations about applications, not about users.
You can find more information here :

Related React Native track ad campaign information

In my react native app, I have the & Facebook sdk integrated. I can see the number of installs in the branch dashboard.
I want to save the information to my db as well. Like I want to know which user, in particular, came from which Ad campaign. The documentation does not seem to give a clear indication of how to do that.
Please note that Branch Universal links work just fine. I can extract data from the link. Your help would be required for the case where I cannot put universal links like Facebook Ads.
Understanding your query here, I can understand that you are looking to fetch user data with respect to the campaign and ad level data from Facebook.
Facebook does not allow sharing of device-level information unless you sign the 'Advanced Mobile Measurement' agreement for Facebook. Once signed, you can get the data out to your internal database via Webhooks, the Daily Export API, and CSV Exports.
We cannot send device-level Facebook attribution data to third parties. Please instead consider analyzing this data in-house.
You can check on the link here for a better understanding :
Hope the above helps.

Get user installed apps and each app ratings

I have created a new facebook application.I am trying using Graph api 2.2, once user installs my app to get his already installed apps and each installed app ratings.
While reading documentation i see such action in not possible. I was wondering if there is another way (not using Graph api) to get applications. Also i cannot understand why facebook is not allowing (once your app is granted) to read installed apps but is allowing to read inbox,friends,personal which is supposed to be confidential data!
Thank you
There is no way to get the installed Apps of a user, with or without the Graph API. Everything that may be possible somehow without the the Graph API would not be allowed, because that would be scraping:
You need to think as a user, not as a developer. I would not want any App to know which other Apps i am using. There is no serious way how an App would deal with that information anyway.
Also, the permission to get access to the inbox will not get approved in most cases, and you can only get the friends who authorized the same App too.

How to share from iphone app to any windows phone 7 app?

Let's say I have app on iPhone and Windows Phone 7. How to share (ex. Note) between my both apps, regardless any platform.
Guess this question is very broad, my bad.
Be more specific, I want the user to go through his contact list and share through my app. How do I identify if the other user installed my app? and what platform he/she using?
Using the contact list isn't a good way to "share" in this regard.
You're asking two questions here:
How to build a system to share data between two mobile clients, irrespective of platform?
How to best enable users to find their friends to share data?
Let's start with the 2nd question.
I would leverage services like Twitter and Facebook and have your app connect with your users facebook account. This is a well known approach, and avoids having to roll your own account system.
With facebook as an example:
Facebook connect, you can get the facebookID of your user, as well as their friends facebookID. You'll need a backend webservice which you can query users by fbID.
When a user opts to use their facebook account, store their FacebookID on your backend service. Then using facebook's api's get a list of their friends facebookID's. Your app will lookup each ID using your backend service, and if it finds one, then you know that friend has also installed the app, and connected it to facebook.
So if Alice installed your app, connects to facebook, and she is friends with Bob, who also has installed your app, your back end service would return that Bob's facebookID is known to your app, and thus the two of them can share to each other using some protocol that you design.
If their friend's ID isn't known to your system, I would send them a facebook message, or post on thier wall with a restful link that invites them to check out the note you want to share on the web, and place the link to the app on the same page.
Due to the high level of your question, this answer is a bit of a 20,000ft view, and assumes you know how to build a web service.
If you want to see a great example of an app that makes use Facebook and or Twitter to find friends who also use the same app, I recommend checking out Groupme. It's free, and available for WP7, iPhone, and Android. It's a group SMS app, and uses your contact list, facebook, and twitter, to setup friends.
For the first question, you'll need to make use of a backend webservice. User would elect to share either in-app, or by posting to their facebook, with a weblink. In-app sharing, I would use an inbox approach. A user posts a message to their friend, and it gets stored in a queue. The app periodically checks the users queue to see if any new "shares" have been posted. If so, get that data, and present it to the user. Your back end service should also take advantage of newer app concepts like push notifications, because thats what users expect.
I would suggest using a web service such as Parse. This will allow you to focus on your app development and not worry about server coding.
Currently they do not have a Windows Phone 7 SDK but it is just a matter of making the REST requests manually to the service.

How can I collect a list of all my iOS applications programmatically over the Internet?

I would like to collect all the iOS apps I have on my iTunes account programmatically via a web script, applet or anything possible over the web. Idea is to have a web page where I can enter my iTunes credentials and then display all these apps.
It looks like no open API is offered by Apple to do this so what's the best way to do it ?
The only way I can think of is an applet reading the XML files in the iTunes directory on my computer, but it's a poor solution regarding me for a few reasons.
EDIT : solution must be valide for any user (not only an iOS developer)
You can use the iTunes Store Search API to search for apps by your developer name, then filter the results by your developer ID in case anyone has a similar name.
It may interest you:
It's a document about iTunes Store Search API. It could be a starting-point.

Can I use Google Maps API (Places API) in my iPhone app to find locations near me?

I have a couple of questions regarding using Google maps API, especially the Places API in my iPhone application.
Can I use Places API in my iPhone app and still release the app as a paid app? Could I release my app as free if I am unable to use these APIs in a paid app?
Is there an example for figuring out store locations around user's current location using Places API? For example if the user types "Groceries" in the app, I would like to show all the Store that sell groceries near the user's location.
1) Taken from their terms and conditions:
If your Maps API Implementation is
deployed internally or you are
charging for use of your Maps API
Implementation, please contact the
Google Maps API Premier sales
team for more information.
2) Location is a required parameter in any search request:
Yes, you can use Google Map API in paid apps according to the term of use 9.1.1-(a) and 9.1.2-(b). The terms of service can be found at :
(b) Mobile Applications. The rule in Section 9.1.1(a) (Free Access) does not apply if your Maps API Implementation is used in a mobile application that is sold for a fee through an online store and is downloadable to a mobile device that can access the online store.
Examples can be found at and