Class for iOS like Android.Database.Cursor - iphone

Can anyone tell me is there any Class in iOS development like android.database.cursor in android development. I am android app developer and recently started iOS development.
I have tried Googling but couldn't get any decent solution.

I think you can use sqlite3 framework


Eclipse: one PhoneGap project for iPhone and Android?

I'm trying out PhoneGap, so I followed the instructions to create an Android Project in Eclipse.
But now I'm wondering how I can use this same code for building an iPhone app.
Is there something like a hybrid project in Eclipse!?
I realize now that it's not possible to use PhoneGap on Windows to develop iPhone apps? That's too bad... is there any way to use PhoneGap on Windows to compile for iOS ??
In theory PhoneGap build should allow iPhone development on Windows.
However Nitobi was bought out by Adobe (PhoneGap:Build service may have changed), and you may still need iOS to upload your app (might be able to get around with a jailbroken iOS?!).
A dodgy solution could be to install OSX in a vbox virtual machine :)
No, there is no way to develop iPhone app on Windows using PhoneGap or Titanium.
Because they need iPhone SDK and Android SDK on back-end, which is not possible on windows environment. However you can make both apps on iOS simulations.

Porting Android Application to Iphone

I have implemented an application on Android using phonegap and Jqtouch. Its working fine.
I would like to test the same on iPhone. Could you please suggest me , how to test it on IPhone? Does it required any additional components to test it?
go on if you had used phonegap and check for ios.
Definitely, you need MAC, developer certificate ($99 atleast), XCode (4 gb)
and it is not easy to upload on app-store as in android market.

using iPhone as android application development, testing phone

Can i use my iPhone for android application development testing?
By using some hacks, you can do so. But what will be the use of this? The users of your application will use it on an Android phone, not on iPhone. If you don't have an Android device, you can test your apps on emulators of different versions.
Actually, it may be possible:
Just try to install Android on your iPhone.
Does your iPhone run Android? Probably not, so no you can not use your iPhone to test apps that were built for Android.
You can install Android on an iPhone, but I don't know about developing.
For iPhone 2G:
(Nothing available for iPhone 4 yet, but it is coming soon:
This is still a preliminary version, and is buggy, as a lot of the drivers don't work. This could limit it from being used for Android development.

Developed application for iphone converting into android

I developed an app. for iphone. same app i need to develop for android.
i found some stuff about. sencha, phonegap,
Does it work efficiently?
It'll be better if you'll develop it for Android again.

Working with Titanium Appcelerator

I am using Titanium appcelerator for developing my android application, more over i am newbie to handle both of this together, even though i have made some digging to find some resources to start up with this, i am finding some difficulties in my first try.if anybody have resources that helps me move on further, please let me know...
Other one.. is it possible to run my android application that i have done using Titanium appcelerator in iPhone..if so please provide some resources...for doing the same...
Please let me know....
Thanks in advance...
Yes, titanium appcelerator apps can be packaged for the iPhone, and will work nearly the same as on android.
To do this, you need a Mac computer and the iPhone SDK (download from Apple). I believe you also need to pay Apple US$50 to deploy your own app to the phone.
If you want to put it on the App Store, you will need to submit it for Apple's approval.
The following link may help:
As far as general coding goes, I found the Twitter client example helpful.