How to do ups = ups+1 after a action have been sent from client? - tastypie

I want to send a action from client to do
ups = ups +1 in server
the ups = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(_(u'vote count'), default=0)
How i to do these?

Create a resource with only post allowed. Then every time you receive a post request do 'ups +=1'
The other way is to use an update on a resource, probably best with the 'patch' request.


How to keep the same request for two pages?

I have homepage with multiple listItem each item send a request to a server to get the latest update for the specific item (building tracking packages app) so for example you have 10 packages when you enter the app it will send 10 request to the server to get the updated location for them , what i am looking is when the user click in the item itself if the request didn't finish receiving data from the server it will keep that current request even it's in the detail page of that package . so it won't cancel the request and send another one in the detail page if the first request is still active . i hope i am making sense in this question .
I am using Dio for the request
I am getting your point you want when the first request in progress I don't want to send a new request to at this time. you need to do few things when you are doing a request the first time then set a flag true until you do not get response and use the same flag check on your detail page before API call next time.

Is there a smart possibility to get API results without sending requests every second? [VueJS | Vuetify]

So I made a website to show which services on my server are running and which are offline.
The site is an Vuetify App running in a docker container. My services are monitored via UptimeRobot.
Currently I use:
created: function () {
this.interval = setInterval(() => this.getStatuses(), 1000);
To trigger my API request function every second to update the status of my services.
But is there some smarter possibility to only update on change and not request every second to see if something happened?
Like I send one request to get the status and then receive a message when something changed? I hope you can understand, whats my problem. It's hard to decribe.
Yes you can by firing an event. for example:
in your app.js
window.Fire = new Vue();
For example here you create a user then you want to update table after creating a new user, Follow these steps:
// FireUpdate is your fire name, you can give it any name you want!
// Call this after you post something to specific route.
Then you will load new users using this approach:
// Load new Users after created.
Fire.$on('FireUpadte', () => { this.createUser(); });
For more information check this video:
What you're looking for are websockets. You establish a websocket connection and it stays open, allowing the server to notify the web app when something changes.
You can run your own server on a Node.js backend or use a service like (very cheap, free tier is pretty big).
I highly recommend going the route, they also have great tutorials ; )

Flask-Mail - Any way to request Read Receipt?

I just spent a little time browsing similar questions on here, and it looks like some mail frameworks have a way of sending the proper signals to a mail client for the confirmation of read receipts.
The project on which I am working must have Read-Receipts requested as all the recipients have auto-sent read receipts enabled, and also have images blocked so I'm unable to use image-loading for tracking.
I'm most familiar with Python, Flask, and Flask-Mail, which is why I'm starting here to see if anyone knows a way to request this through these frameworks, or perhaps knows what to add to a to a mail header to request this.
So after a little more research and testing, in the absence of a specific setting in Flask-Mail for read-receipts, it is possible to request them by defining the header Disposition-Notification-To using extra_headers in the Flask-Mail Message() definition in order to trigger a read-receipt request:
sender = ''
recipient = ''
msg = Message(subject='Testing Read Receipt',
sender = ('Testy McTesterson', sender),
extra_headers={'Disposition-Notification-To': sender})

Access muc roster from an ejabberd module (disco_items?)

I'm building an ejabberd module to send carbon copies of messages to an external RESTful API. Everything works okay, and requests to that API are sending POST params with Sender, Recipient and the message Body.
I'm triggering the user_send_packet and user_receive_packet hooks for this, and I can extract the params (Sender, Recipient, Body) from the packet:
Sender = xml:get_tag_attr_s("from", Packet),
Recipient = xml:get_tag_attr_s("to", Packet),
Body = xml:get_path_s(Packet, [{elem, "body"}, cdata])
For group chats (MUC) I'd also like to send the MUC roster (participants) in a parameter, but I don't know how to access them.
Is there an event for this? Can anyone point me to some documentation?
Thanks in advance!
It seems that you want to get MUC participants of specific room.
You need to look at mod_muc.erl and mod_muc_room.erl.
I'm not sure which version of ejabberd you use, so I will explain based on latest ejabberd.
After getting pid of room by calling
mnesia:dirty_read(muc_online_room, {Room, Host})
you can call
gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {get_disco_item, From, Lang}, 100)
or use similar code. User list is in the reply.
If you don't like reply format, you may want to add custom handle_sync_event to mod_muc_room.erl .

How to kill a GWT RPC which has not yet completed

My code is for sending Emails to multiple users.User will click on send button,and rpc will be called. Now if user clicks on Cancel button .Ongoing rpc should be cancelled. . Can anyone help ?
I googled a lot, they have introduced the concept of Request Builder. But I am not getting any perfect idea.
Make your async method return a Request instead of void so you can call cancel() on it.
For the same reason, asynchronous methods do not have return types; they generally return void. Should you wish to have more control over the state of a pending request, return Request instead.
— Source:
FYI, you can also use RequestBuilder as the return type, you'll then have to call the send() method by yourself (after possibly customizing the request, e.g. adding headers) to actually make the request to the server.
And of course, if you need to tell the server to abort the processing, you'll have to make another RPC call.
The request is asynch, so the client side can do anything it wants.
All you need to do is add a flag to indicate that the request should be cancelled, and then change the onSuccess method to check the flag and do nothing if it is set.
You should clear the requestCancelled flag each time you make a request - or else after the first request is cancelled, you won't be able to make another one...
boolean requestCancelled = false;
void onSuccess(...)
if (!requestCancelled) {
// actual response handing code
If you really want to cancel the request on the server side, it is a lot more complicated. You could do this by sending a second request - one where the fuinctionality is to cancel a request.
To make this work, the "cancel request" has to set a field somewhere the "email request" can read. The "email request" needs to check if the "cancel field" has been set.
// server side Impl
void cancelRequest()
// You need to implement this class and ensure it really is a singleton
// and thread safe.
void serverSideEmailFunc()
while(modeEmailAddrs && ! RequestStatusSingleton.getCancelled()) {
// get next address and send email
Obviously this is a lot of work. Have you considered:
Not having a cancel button on your GUI?
Getting the server to process emails a few at a time (i.e. client sends multiple requests until server tells the client all emails are done).
I totally understand your user. No one wants to wait for 15 seconds.
There is no standard way to "kill" the request, because there is no way to know where your server/datastore is in implementing it. Unless you deal with a process that can be put in a single transaction that can be rolled back, you will have to implement your own logic. For example, if you asked the server to save an entity, you will have to tell the server to save this entity again, but this time without the changes.
Also, think again about your use case. Why a user wants to kill the request? May be he simply wants to go to another place in the app. Then there is no need to kill the request: when the response arrives, check if the user is still in the same place patiently waiting. If not, do not execute onSuccess().