What is correct way to create .bar file in Blackberry 10 native SDK? - blackberry-10

I am using Momentics IDE for building apps for my BB10 device.
I have created one app and renamed it, but during installing bar file(Which is exist in BAR packages folder) in my BB10 device it stuck in this screen.

Add debug token in bar-description file
Run project as device debug
Connect your device using USB/WIFI
Now run your project. It will install .bar file in your device


How to install iOS app on a real device for iOS Test Automation?

I am writing XCUITests for an app without source code. I have .app file of the app.
I am using XCUIApplications init(bundleIdentifier:) method to launch the application.
This works fine if I have the app pre installed on the device.
If I don't have the app insalled, XCUIApplication fails to launch the app as it cannot find the build.
How can I provide .app file of the app to Xcode to install and launch the application using init(bundleIdentifier:) ?
It is usually done with https://github.com/libimobiledevice/ideviceinstaller
This tool allows installing and uninstalling the apps

How to debug real iOS device from windows machine in Ionic

I am working on ionic application. I am able to debug app in real android device.
So, is it possible to debug ionic app in iPhone by connecting it through USB cable from CPU?
You require an iPhone and a mac with XCode installed.
If you are building for iOS, you’ll need to sign up for an Apple
Developer account to test as a native app on an iPhone or iPad.
Unfortunately, this costs $99 per year (don’t blame us!). Once you
have an account and you have set up Xcode with your certificates to
enable device testing, you’ll want to open the Xcode project from
platforms/ios/ and do your testing from Xcode.
As you have mentioned you do have an iPhone and Mac with XCode, see the steps below:
Run ionic cordova prepare ios
Copy across your platform/ios folder to your Mac
Open the XCode project on your Mac that is located in the platform/ios folder.
Select a device or target simulator in XCode and then click on the play button to start debugging.

Jailbreak development using xcode

I have been looking around for learning how xcode can be used for jailbreak development.
I have Lion and jailbroken iPhone3G and xcode4.6 which doesnt support iPhone3G.
I have installed ldid but have no idea how to use it.
I have to make launch daemons, too, and attach them with my application. I have followed this tutorial for making a daemon but i got stuck in the setup for creating an open tool chain template in xcode. I followed every step but my xcode is not showing any template for open tool chain. Is it really required to have open tool chain template?
You're right. Xcode 4.6 doesn't support the iPhone 3G. Can you install an older version of Xcode? For example, Xcode 4.4 still supports the 3G.
Login to the Apple Developer Portal and download old versions here
You can choose to install the old version of Xcode in a different folder, so that it doesn't overwrite the new version (for example, install to /Developer-old/ or something).
Once you install the old Xcode version, you can navigate to the installation directory and look for the directory named:
(or probably iPhoneOS5.1.sdk would work, too). Then, copy that entire folder into the new Xcode 4.6 installation directory. For example:
Afterwards, you should see this:
With the 5.0 SDK installed, you can now build apps for the iPhone 3G, using Xcode 4.6. You can also now uninstall Xcode 4.4 if you want. See more about this in this other question. The key is that you will be building your app for armv6 (only). Armv6 is the iPhone 3G's processor.
The second step is to turn off code-signing within Xcode. In your project settings, you set the provisioning profile to Don't Code Sign. You must modify an Xcode configuration file to allow you to do this.
Now you build the app in Xcode. When you're done, navigate to the directory on your Mac where the app has been built (where the MyAppName.app/ folder is). Then, you use ldid to fake code sign the app executable:
ldid -S MyAppName.app/MyAppName
Now, your app has a fake code signature that will allow it to run on a jailbroken phone.
Then, you use ssh, or scp, or something else to transfer it to your phone, where it should be installed under /Applications/.
You already have the best link on building iOS Launch Daemons. I'd stick with that tutorial. No, I don't have any open toolchain template in Xcode, either. I just use Chris' tutorial to see how to build a non-graphical daemon main program (not a UIApplication), copy it to my MyAppName.app folder, and create a com.mycompany.mydaemon.plist file that defines the Launch Daemon.
Once the plist is installed in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ on the phone, you can start it, without having to reboot the phone, with:
launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.mycompany.mydaemon.plist
at the command line (on the phone). Or, just reboot the phone, and the daemon will start automatically.
Although I learned to do this before it was available, you can now look at iOSOpenDev if you'd like a more polished way of doing some of this stuff.
Yes. Xcode can be used for developing jailbreak-type projects. Use iOSOpenDev to set up Xcode and iOS SDK to allow jailbreak-type development.
iOSOpenDev comes with a set of templates, signs (with ldid) targets and creates Debian packages (packages are submitted to repos like ModMyI and BigBoss) during its build phase, in addition to installing packages directly to an iDevice with Cmd-Shift-I (build for profiling shortcut) for immediate testing, among other useful features for using Xcode to develop jailbreak-type projects.

Why does Xcode successfully build & copy my application, but won't launch it?

Developing an iPhone application on Xcode 4.5.2. Device: iPhone 4.
I was preparing my application for sending it to someone through testflight. I created a distribution profile and certificate for this. I did it following this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11917884/555690
Anyway, recently, Xcode is unable to launch my project. When I press Run, it will successfully build and copy the files to the device, but when attempting to launch it, it will send an error:
Error launching remote program: No such file or directory
I'm not sure why is this happening.
A very similar question is this: Xcode successfully builds my target, but does not run the product, however, it seems to be more oriented to OSX instead of iOS, and the solutions there haven't helped me either. Also, I do get an error (he doesn't get an error).
If I run the app in the device (without Xcode), it works fine.
Yes, this happens a lot in the new Xcode.
One recipe that should work is:
disconnect the device from computer
delete app from device
reset the device
quit the xcode (not just by closing the project, quit the program)
in Finder go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
(Library folder is hidden: you can open Finder->Go->Go to Folder...)
delete all subfolders there
empty the trash
reconnect the device
open the project
now you should be able to run the app on the device again

how to run project in iphone mobile

hi i am new to iPhone application development. i developed a simple project on xcode now i check it in mobile. how can i done this ,means need to create exe file or any thing else
pls help me
The first step is to join the iPhone development program. Once you that and follow the instructions of createing a developer certificate you can run your code on a physical device. If you're using the latest version if Xcode just connect your device - choose device in the build settings and build & run. It will install the app on your device and run it.
iPhone developer program
Obtaining your iPhone Development Certificate - Requires login to apple dev center