Celery class based task apply_async - celery

I have my class inherited from celery.task.PeriodicTask and i want to run this task asynchoronously sometimes.
If it was a usual method task, i did something like:
def mytask(additional=False):
if a==b and not additional:
# args = [True,] sets additional=True
mytask.apply_async(args=[True, ], countdown=7*60)
But now i have a class:
from celery.task import PeriodicTask
class MyClassTask(PeriodicTask):
def run(self, additional=False):
if a == b and not additional:
self.apply_async(task_id=self.request.id, args=[True, ], countdown=7*60)
EDIT: CODE IS WORKING OK. I checked and question is no longer needed.

I double checked manually and my code works, anyone can do like this:
from celery.task import PeriodicTask
class MyClassTask(PeriodicTask):
def run(self, additional=False):
if a == b and not additional:
self.apply_async(task_id=self.request.id, args=[True, ], countdown=7*60)


Run scala test "Spec" file programmatically

I have a Spec subclass B which extends another Spec A and I want the tests in B to run too whenever I run the A test file.
(A and B are in the same file)
Is there a way I can programmatically do this by adding some scala code in class A.
Like within A, can I instantiate the Spec class somehow and then call runTests on that object ?
here you go:
class SpecB extends Specification {
new SpecA() // it is a fragment and will be executed within the other
// more logic here
// if you're NOT in a Spec, this might be helpful:
implicit val app: Application = play.api.test.Helpers.baseApplicationBuilder.build
new org.specs2.mutable.Specification {
1 === 1
// and app.injector stuff e.g.

scalatest Flatspec: Timeout for entire class

With the scalatest Flatspec and the TimeLimits trait I can set a timeout for a line of code like so:
import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._
import org.scalatest.concurrent.TimeLimits
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class MyTestClass extends Flatspec with TimeLimits {
"My thread" must "complete on time" in {
failAfter(100 millis) { infiniteLoop() }
// I have also tried cancelAfter
This should fail due to a timeout. However, when I run this test in Intellij it just runs forever.
Furthermore, I do not want to have to rewrite the timeout for every method, instead I would like to configure it once for the entire class. The PatienceConfig claims to do that, but it does not seem to do anything. The test is still runs forever.
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.time.{Millis, Span}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{Eventually, IntegrationPatience}
class MyTestClass extends Flatspec with Eventually with IntegrationPatience {
implicit val defaultPatience = PatienceConfig(timeout=Span(100, Millis))
"My thread" must "complete on time" in {
I looked for a solution myself. came a cross this answer, it worked for me.
I am using flatspec, added the trait TimeLimitedTests
with TimeLimitedTests
then inside the code I wrote my limit for each of the tests val timeLimit: Span = Span(2000, Millis)
which is defined by the trait (we are overriding it).
Finally it didn't work until I overriden the interrupter as suggested by Rumoku in the referenced answer by
override val defaultTestInterruptor: Interruptor = new Interruptor {
override def apply(testThread: Thread): Unit = {
println("Kindly die")
testThread.stop() // deprecated. unsafe. do not use
I hope this helps

Akka Http Route Test: Request was neither completed nor rejected within 1 second

I am trying to write a test case for my application with akka-http. One of the testcases is given below:
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.RawHeader
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.{ ScalatestRouteTest}
import com.reactore.common.core.{CommonCoreSystem, CommonActors, BootedCommonCoreSystem}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import com.reactore.common.feature.referencedata.{DepartmentRepository, DepartmentService, DepartmentController, DepartmentRest}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.AsyncAssertions
import org.scalatest.time.Span
import org.scalatest.{WordSpec, Matchers}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
* Created by krishna on 18/6/15.
class DepartmentITTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest with CommonCoreSystem with CommonActors {
// override val departmentRouter = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[DepartmentService], DepartmentRepository), Constants.DEPARTMENT_ROUTER_NAME)
val deptRoute = (new DepartmentRest(departmentRouter)(DepartmentController).deptRoutes)
implicit val timeout = AsyncAssertions.timeout(Span.convertDurationToSpan(5.second))
val departmentJson = """{"id":13,"name":"ENGP22","shortCode":"ENGP2","parentDepartmentId":null,"mineId":null,"photoName":null,"isRemoved":false,"isPendingForApproval":false,"createdBy":0,"createDate":"2015-03-09 00:00:00","modifiedBy":0,"modifiedDate":"2015-03-09 00:00:00"}"""
val header = RawHeader("apiKey", "xxxxx")
"Service" should {
"return department by id" in {
Get("/departments/13").withHeaders(header) ~> deptRoute ~> check {
// Thread.sleep(500)
status shouldBe OK
responseAs[String] shouldBe departmentJson
When I run this, it works correctly sometimes, and sometimes I get the error as Request was neither completed nor rejected within 1 second. I added a Thread.sleep for making it work now. I know that is not the correct solution. Could anyone tell me how to make the test wait for more than 1 second?
The following is working for me:
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import spray.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
class RouteSpec extends ScalatestRouteTest {
implicit def default(implicit system: ActorSystem) = RouteTestTimeout(2.second)
You can use the "eventually" matcher in ScalaTest to wait for a condition to become true:
eventually { status shouldBe OK }
That should suffice if the Thread.sleep you commented out above fixes things for you.
However, it looks to me like the actual error is that the timeout that the RouteTest trait is using is too short. The error message "Request was neither completed nor rejected within 1 second." comes from RouteTestResultComponent via akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.RouteTest.
I think that the Thread.sleep is a distraction. The default timeout for routing tests is 1 second; see akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.RouteTestTimeout.default. You provide a 5 second implicit timeout in your code, but I think it's of a different type. Try making a RouteTestTimeout implicitly available with a longer timeout.
you can simply update the config to dilate the timeout
akka {
test {
# factor by which to scale timeouts during tests, e.g. to account for shared
# build system load
timefactor = 3.0

Final clean up in specs2

I am writing a specs2 Unittest for my scala software. The execution is working well. The only problem I have, is that I need to clean up after all test are finished. I just cannot find any solution for that. Is there a way to execute some functions after all test are finished?
You need to add a Step at the end of your specification:
import org.specs2.mutable._
class MySpec extends Specification {
// lots of examples here
// cleanup there
You can try to use After with After and implement def after function.
class Context extends Specification {
trait trees extends mutable.After {
def after = cleanupDB

Objects being "turned" to null randomly

Hey guys,
im working on a project in scala and i encountered very weird problem. This is a part of the code :
class Entity(val id:String){
override def toString = id
class RequirementType
case class DependsEither(t:List[(Entity,Int)]) extends RequirementType
case class Depends(t:(Entity,Int)) extends RequirementType
class BuildableEntity(override val id:String,
val mineralCost:Int,
val gasCost:Int,
val buildTime:Int,
val buildCount:Int,
val supplyCount:Int,
val req:List[RequirementType],
val onBuildStart: GameState => GameState,
val onBuildFinish: GameState => GameState
)extends Entity(id)
class SimpleBuilding(id:String,
) extends BuildableEntity(id,mineralCost,gasCost,buildTime,1,0,req:::List(ConsumesOnStart((Drone,1))),{s=>s},{x=>x})
object SpawningPool extends SimpleBuilding("spawningPool",200,0,65,List(DependsEither(List((Hatchery,1),(Lair,1),(Hive,1)))))
object Lair extends SimpleBuilding("lair",150,100,80,List(ConsumesOnFinish(Hatchery,1),Depends(SpawningPool,1)))
object InfestationPit extends SimpleBuilding("infestationPit",100,100,50,List(DependsEither(List((Lair,1),(Hive,1)))))
Now, when i call println(Lair.req), it sometimes prints as
List(ConsumesOnFinish((hatchery,1)), Depends((null,2)), ConsumesOnStart((drone,1)))
and sometimes as
Depends((spawningPool,2)), ConsumesOnStart((drone,1)))
Please, if anyone has any idea about what could be going wrong, i would love you for ever. I have no clue why is it act as it does. I have more extensions of SimpleBuilding but they seem to be working properly
I should also mention that the outcome changes after compilation. I mean that when i run unit test it sometimes appear as null and sometimes as proper instance.
This is indeed a case of circular dependency and initialization. Here is a shorter version of your issue:
class X(val x: List[X])
object A extends X(List(B))
object B extends X(List(A))
object Main {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("A.x: " + A.x)
println("B.x: " + B.x)
This will print this:
$ scala -cp classes Main
A.x: List(B$#143c8b3)
B.x: List(null)
You can use by names parameter to allow object construction to finish before you use it:
class X(x0: => List[X]) {
lazy val x = x0
object A extends X(List(B))
object B extends X(List(A))
The fix works on the small test case:
$ scala -cp classes Main
A.x: List(B$#1feca64)
B.x: List(A$#6d084b)
Based on this you may want to change req:List[RequirementType] to req0: => List[RequirementType] and add a lazy val req = req0.
If that works for you, we should retitle the question to mention object initialization and circular dependencies. Note this is very similar to this question/answer.
Lair use SpawningPool in its constructor and reciprocally. But at that time, the other doesn't exists.
You've got recursive definitions in constructors, and although I believe that is supported, it looks like something's going wrong. Can you try lazy vals instead and see if the problem goes away? That is,
object X extends C("this",that,1) { /* code */ }
lazy val X = new C("this",that,1) { /* code */ }