Issue reading screen pixels for color detaction - andengine

I am making a game representing freehand drawing and sprites to animate when pass over it. So i have to use color detection and cause an event when the change in color is encountered by sprite on the screen from where it passes. For this i am using glReadpixel() passing RGBA_8888 and GLES20 version and recieve its value in Red Green Blue form but everytime it returns everything to be 0. Tried to change pixelformat and make many hit and trial but no sucess. Can you please help
My code:
ByteBuffer PixelBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(4);
int mTemp = 0;
GLES20.glReadPixels(100, 100, 1,1,GLES20.GL_RGBA,GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, PixelBuffer);
byte b[] = new byte[4];
Log.e("COLOR", "R:" + PixelBuffer.get(0) + PixelBuffer.get(1) + PixelBuffer.get(2));
Logcat : COLOR R: 000.
I tried using non black background and have red color on screen coordinate provided.
Thanks in advance


PineScript - Keep in labels in the future when based on a fixed event

Thanks to the PineCoders on Twitter for pointing me in this direction.
I'm tracking both a hard stop (based on an entry indicator) and trailing stop and would like to keep them aligned.
bar_index+5 works great for the trailing stop, but for the hard stop, it simply places it 5 bars after entry indicator.
I've tried factoring in ta.barssince and it seems to have no effect, presumably since it believes the indicator is bar_index or something... I'm at a loss.
Here's the code:
SLAlabelText = str.tostring(SLCalc, "#.##")
var SLALabel = = bar_index, y = SLCalc, color =, style = label.style_none, textcolor = color.white, text=SLAlabelText)
if longBoy and stopLossA
label.set_xy(SLALabel, x = bar_index+5, y = SLCalc)
label.set_text(SLALabel, SLAlabelText)
label.set_tooltip(SLALabel, "Stop Loss: " + SLAlabelText)
"longBoy" is the indicator's confirmed state.
Chart image. Apologies for the meme stock, it was the best example.

How to get depth images from the camera in pyBullet

In pyBullet, I have struggled a bit with generating a dataset. What I want to achieve is to get pictures of what the camera is seeing: img = p.getCameraImage(224, 224, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
Basically: to get the images that are seen in Synthetic Camera RGB data and Synthetic Camera Depth Data (especially this one), which are the camera windows you can see in the following picture on the left.
p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(cameraDistance=0.5, cameraYaw=yaw, cameraPitch=pitch, cameraTargetPosition=[center_x, center_y, 0.785])
img = p.getCameraImage(224, 224, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
rgbBuffer = img[2]
depthBuffer = img[3]
rgbim = Image.fromarray(rgbBuffer)
depim = Image.fromarray(depthBuffer)'test_img/rgbtest'+str(counter)+'.jpg')'test_img/depth'+str(counter)+'.tiff')
counter += 1
I already run the following, so I don't know if it is related to the settings. p.configureDebugVisualizer(p.COV_ENABLE_DEPTH_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 1)
I have tried several methods because the depth part is complicated. I don't understand if it needs to be treated separately because of the pixel color information or if I need to work with the project matrixes and view matrixes.
I need to save it as a .tiff because I get some cannot save F to png errors. I tried playing a bit with the bit information but acomplished nothing. In case you asked,
# depthBuffer[depthBuffer > 65535] = 65535
# im_uint16 = np.round(depthBuffer).astype(np.uint16)
# depthBuffer = im_uint16
The following is an example of the the .tiff image
And to end, just to remark that these depth images keep changing (looking at all of them, then to the RGB and passing again to the depth images, shows different images regardless of being the same image. I have never ever seen something like this before.
I thought "I managed to fix this some time ago, might as well post the answer found".
The data structure of img has to be taken into account!
img = p.getCameraImage(224, 224, shadow = False, renderer=p.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)
rgb_opengl = (np.reshape(img[2], (IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE, 4)))
depth_buffer_opengl = np.reshape(img[3], [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE])
depth_opengl = far * near / (far - (far - near) * depth_buffer_opengl)
seg_opengl = np.reshape(img[4], [IMG_SIZE, IMG_SIZE]) * 1. / 255.
rgbim = Image.fromarray(rgb_opengl)
rgbim_no_alpha = rgbim.convert('RGB')'dataset/'+obj_name+'/'+ obj_name +'_rgb_'+str(counter)+'.jpg')
# plt.imshow(depth_buffer_opengl)
plt.imsave('dataset/'+obj_name+'/'+ obj_name+'_depth_'+str(counter)+'.jpg', depth_buffer_opengl)
Final Images:

Infinite Background problem with division SpriteKit

I've been trying to implement an infinite background animation, which should change between 4 images of equal height and then repeat the sequence. However, it does not seem to work properly.
Note anchorPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0)
func updateBackground(currentTime: TimeInterval){
var delta: CGFloat = 0.0
if lastUpdate != nil {
delta = CGFloat(currentTime - lastUpdate)
//First increment position
activeBackground1.position.y += delta*backgroundVelocity
activeBackground2.position.y += delta*backgroundVelocity
//Detect bounds surpass
if activeBackground1.position.y > activeBackground1.size.height + screen.height/2 {
lastSky = (lastSky + 1)%4
sky1 = SKTexture(imageNamed: "sky" + String(lastSky))
activeBackground1.texture = sky1
//Reposition: background1 new position is equal to minus the entire height of
//background2 + its y size.
activeBackground1.position.y = -abs(activeBackground2.size.height-activeBackground2.position.y)
if activeBackground2.position.y > activeBackground2.size.height + screen.height/2 {
lastSky = (lastSky + 1)%4
sky1 = SKTexture(imageNamed: "sky" + String(lastSky))
activeBackground2.texture = sky1
activeBackground2.position.y = -abs(activeBackground1.size.height-activeBackground1.position.y)
The update algorithm works fine, but when it is needed to reposition one of the two background, it seems there is an offset of about 10.0 CGFloat from one background to another. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: It turned out that the error was located in my image, which presented some blank rows and therefore generated visualisation glitches. So my code works perfectly.
I do the test and most likely you should use something like:
activeBackground2.position.y = activeBackground1.size.height + activeBackground1.position.y
instead of
activeBackground2.position.y = -abs(activeBackground1.size.height-activeBackground1.position.y)
I did this example and it works correctly:
Feel free to see and use.
Your problem is floating point math causing rounding errors. I am on a phone right now so I can’t wrote code, but what you want to do is have 1 parent SKNode to handle your entire background.
Add your background slivers to the parent node.
You then place the moving action on the parent only.
As each sliver leaves the screen, you take the sliver, and move it to the end of the other slivers.
This jumping should always be done with integer math, leaving no holes.
The floating point moving math is done on the parent node.
The integer based tile jumping is done on each of the slivers.

FreeText Annotation Appearance Stream In Landscape PDF Using iText

This is my code to create appearance stream for a free text annotation.
cs.rectangle(bbox.getLeft() , bbox.getBottom(), bbox.getWidth(), bbox.getHeight());
String[] text = new String[1];
text[0] = "BAC"
cs.setFontAndSize(BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED), pdfJSAnnotation.getFontSize());
cs.setLeading(fontSize + 1.75f);
cs.moveText(0, bbox.getHeight() - fontSize + .75f);
for (String s : text) {
if (s.equals("\n"))
where cs is PdfAppearance, bbox is Rectangle. This works okay when pdf is portrait. however, im having problems when it is in landscape, say if page rotation is 270.
The text shown is vertical. and even if i use cs.transform() to rotate, it does not even rotate properly. I also tried to save the state, do a rotate then display text and then call cs.restoreState() after cs.endText() but the outcome is still not correct.
any ideas?
the rectangle is correct since the 1st 2 lines where it fills a rectangle shape is correctly displayed. it is the text i am having problems with.
The solution to this is:
- set appearance dimension to (height,width) since it is 270 degrees.
Then in the PdfAppearance object:
translate it to (height, 0);
rotate to 270
translate to (-height,-height);
(Tried to remove this post but there is no option available)

Unity is returning material color slightly wrong

I have this mini task in my game where you need to click trophies to change color of the wood on them. I have two arrays of colors, one is an array containing all possible colors and the other one contains four colors (the answer) as follows:
I've double checked that the colors are equal between the two arrays. For example the purple in Colors-array has exactly the same r, g, b & a values as the purple in the Right Order-array.
To check whether the trophies has correct color I just loop through them and grab their material color. Then I check that color against the Right Order-array but it's not quite working. For example when my first trophy is purple it should be correct, but it's not because for some reason Unity is returning slightly different material color than excepted:
Hope somebody knows why this is happening.
When you say, they are exactly same color, I assume you are referring rgb values from Color Inspector, which are not precise values.
Now I dont know what could be causing in different values of colors but
You can write an extension method to compare the values after rounding them to closest integer.
public static class Extensions
public static bool CompareRGB(this Color thisColor, Color otherColor)
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.r * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.r * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.b * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.b * 255) &&
Mathf.RoundToInt(thisColor.g * 255) == Mathf.RoundToInt(otherColor.g * 255);
Color red = Color.Red;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Red); // true;
red.CompareRGB(Color.Green); // false;
Hope this helps.
I would use a palette. This is simply an array of all the possible colors you use (sounds like you have this). Record, for each "trophy", the INDEX into this array, at the same time you assign the color to the renderer. Also, record the index for each "button", at the same time you assign the color to the renderer.
Then you can simply compare the palette index values (simple integers) to see if the color matches.