something not straightforward for me in CONDLET macro in OnLisp - macros

I don't understand the purpose of the 1st LET in condlet-clause below.
`(,(car cl) (let ,(mapcar #'cdr vars)
Is this necessary since it does not define specific value here?
It just declare the local variables instead. Why bother to do this?
(defmacro condlet (clauses &body body)
(let ((bodfn (gensym))
(vars (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (cons v (gensym)))
(mapcar #'car
(mappend #'cdr clauses))))))
`(labels ((,bodfn ,(mapcar #'car vars)
(cond ,#(mapcar #'(lambda (cl)
(condlet-clause vars cl bodfn))
(defun condlet-clause (vars cl bodfn)
`(,(car cl) (let ,(mapcar #'cdr vars)
(let ,(condlet-binds vars cl)
(,bodfn ,#(mapcar #'cdr vars))))))
(defun condlet-binds (vars cl)
(mapcar #'(lambda (bindform)
(if (consp bindform)
(cons (cdr (assoc (car bindform) vars))
(cdr bindform))))
(cdr cl)))

Based on this implementation of CONDLET, condlet can be used like this:
(condlet (((= 1 2) (x 1) (y 2))
((= 1 1) (x 2) (y 1))
(t (x 3) (z 3)))
(list x y z))
Notice that there are three variables that appear in the body part, x, y, and z, but each of those clauses only binds two: the first and second bind x and y, and the third binds x and z. By doing
(let (x y z)
(let <bindings from actual clause>
(bodyfn x y z)))
the macro guarantees that x, y, and z all have default values of nil. The <bindings from actual clause> will lexically shadow the variables that the actual clause is responsible for binding. That's a bit of a simplification, though. To see what's actually happening, let's look at the macroexpansion of that example:
(pprint (macroexpand-1 '(condlet (((= 1 2) (x 1) (y 2))
((= 1 1) (x 2) (y 1))
(t (x 3) (z 3)))
(list x y z))))
(LABELS ((#:G973 (Y X Z) ; g973 = bodfn
(LIST X Y Z)))
((= 1 2)
(LET (#:G974 #:G975 #:G976) ; y(g974) = nil, x(g975) = nil, z(g976) = nil
(LET ((#:G975 1) (#:G974 2)) ; x = 1, y = 2
(#:G973 #:G974 #:G975 #:G976)))) ; (bodfn y x z)
((= 1 1)
(LET (#:G974 #:G975 #:G976) ; y = nil, x = nil, z = nil
(LET ((#:G975 2) (#:G974 1)) ; x = 2, y = 1
(#:G973 #:G974 #:G975 #:G976)))) ; (bodfn y x z)
(LET (#:G974 #:G975 #:G976) ; y = nil, x = nil, z = nil
(LET ((#:G975 3) (#:G976 3)) ; x = 3, z = 4
(#:G973 #:G974 #:G975 #:G976)))))) ; (bodfn y x z)


Why this symbol expasion is being malformed in Common Lisp?

I am trying to do the exercises on this tutorial about CLOS using SBCL and Slime (Emacs).
I have this class, instance, and function to set values for the slots:
(defclass point ()
(x y z))
(defvar my-point
(make-instance 'point))
(defun with-slots-set-point-values (point a b c)
(with-slots (x y z) point (setf x a y b z c)))
Using the REPL, it works fine:
CL-USER> (with-slots-set-point-values my-point 111 222 333)
CL-USER> (describe my-point)
#<POINT {1003747793}>
Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
X = 111
Y = 222
Z = 333
; No value
Now, the exercises indicates that using the symbol-macrolet I need to implement my version of with-slots.
I have a partial implementation of my with-slots (I still need to insert add the operation):
(defun partial-my-with-slots (slot-list object)
(mapcar #'(lambda (alpha beta) (list alpha beta))
(mapcar #'(lambda (var) (slot-value object var)) slot-list)))
It works when calling it:
CL-USER> (partial-my-with-slots '(x y z) my-point)
((X 111) (Y 222) (Z 333))
Since this use of symbol-macrolet works:
CL-USER> (symbol-macrolet ((x 111) (y 222) (z 333))
(+ x y z))
I tried doing:
CL-USER> (symbol-macrolet (partial-my-with-slots '(x y z) my-point)
(+ x y z))
But, for some reason that I do not know, Slime throws the error:
malformed symbol/expansion pair: PARTIAL-MY-WITH-SLOTS
Why does this happen? How can I fix this?
You can't write with-slots as a function which is called at run time. Instead it needs to be a function which takes source code as an argument and returns other source code. In particular if given this argument
(my-with-slots (x ...) <something> <form> ...)
It should return this result:
(let ((<invisible-variable> <something))
(symbol-macrolet ((x (slot-value <invisible-variable>)) ...)
<form> ...))
You need <invisible-variable> so you evaluate <object-form> only once.
Well, here is a function which does most of that:
(defun mws-expander (form)
(destructuring-bind (mws (&rest slot-names) object-form &rest forms) form
(declare (ignore mws))
`(let ((<invisible-variable> ,object-form))
(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (slot-name)
`(,slot-name (slot-value <invisible-variable>
And you can check this:
> (mws-expander '(my-with-slots (x y) a (list x y)))
(let ((<invisible-variable> a))
(symbol-macrolet ((x (slot-value <invisible-variable> 'x))
(y (slot-value <invisible-variable> 'y)))
(list x y)))
So that's almost right, except the invisible variable really needs to be invisible:
(defun mws-expander (form)
(destructuring-bind (mws (&rest slot-names) object-form &rest forms) form
(declare (ignore mws))
(let ((<invisible-variable> (gensym)))
`(let ((,<invisible-variable> ,object-form))
(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (slot-name)
`(,slot-name (slot-value ,<invisible-variable>
And now:
> (mws-expander '(my-with-slots (x y) a (list x y)))
(let ((#:g1509 a))
(symbol-macrolet ((x (slot-value #:g1509 'x))
(y (slot-value #:g1509 'y)))
(list x y)))
Well, a function which takes source code as an argument and returns other source code is a macro. So, finally, we need to install this function as a macroexpander, arranging to ignore the second argument that macro functions get:
(setf (macro-function 'mws)
(lambda (form environment)
(declare (ignore environment))
(mws-expander form)))
And now:
> (macroexpand '(mws (x y) a (list x y)))
(let ((#:g1434 a))
(symbol-macrolet ((x (slot-value #:g1434 'x)) (y (slot-value #:g1434 'y)))
(list x y)))
This would be more conventionally written using defmacro, of course:
(defmacro mws ((&rest slot-names) object-form &rest forms)
(let ((<invisible-variable> (gensym)))
`(let ((,<invisible-variable> ,object-form))
(symbol-macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (slot-name)
`(,slot-name (slot-value ,<invisible-variable> ',slot-name)))
However the two definitions are equivalent (modulo needing some eval-whenery to make the first work properly with the compiler).
You need to return expressions that will call slot-value when substituted into the macro expansion, rather than calling the function immediately. Backquote is useful for this.
(defun partial-my-with-slots (slot-list object)
(mapcar #'(lambda (alpha beta) (list alpha beta))
(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(slot-value ,object ',var)) slot-list)))
> (partial-my-with-slots '(x y z) 'my-point)
((x (slot-value my-point 'x)) (y (slot-value my-point 'y)) (z (slot-value my-point 'z)))
You use this in your with-slots macro like this:
(defmacro my-with-slots ((&rest slot-names) instance-form &body body)
`(symbol-macrolet ,(partial-my-with-slots slot-names instance-form)
> (macroexpand '(my-with-slots (x y z) point (setf x a y b z c)))
Z C))

Checking If Cons exist in list of Cons

I am building a program and lisp and need to check if a Cons exist in a list of cons, but for some reason it keep returning nil in the if statement, here is the current code I am using for it.
(defun countVertexTriangles (graph numOfVertices)
(findTriangle graph numOfVertices)
(defun findTriangle(graph numOfVertices)
(loop for (x y) in graph do
(loop for z from 1 to numOfVertices do
(write graph)
(write (cons z (cons y nil)))
(write (cons z (cons x nil)))
; (if (AND (member (cons z (cons y nil)) graph) (member (cons z (cons x nil)) graph))
; then (write (cons y z))
; )
; (defun findEdge(graph edge)
; (loop for x in graph do
; (write x)
; (write edge)
; (if (eql x edge)
; (write "A")
; (write "B")
; )
; )
; )
(defun testFunct ()
(setf g1 '((1 2)(2 3)(1 3)(2 4)(3 4)(4 5)(3 5)))
(countVertexTriangles g1 5)
Why does the member(cons z (cons y nil)) return nil even when in the first iteration we can see (1 2) exists in the list?
Currently even when it is true it returns nil, why would this be the case given the following code?
(defun countVertexTriangles (graph numOfVertices)
(findTriangle graph numOfVertices)
(defun findTriangle(graph numOfVertices)
(loop for (x y) in graph do
(loop for z from 1 to numOfVertices do
; (write graph)
; (terpri)
; (write (list z y ))
; (terpri)
(write (findEdge graph (list z y)))
; (if (AND (member (list z x) graph) (member (list z x ) graph))
; then (write "TEST")
; )
(defun findEdge(graph edge)
(loop for x in graph do
(if (equal x edge)
(defun return-true ()
(defun return-false ()
(defun testFunct ()
(setf g1 '((1 2)(2 3)(1 3)(2 4)(3 4)(4 5)(3 5)))
(countVertexTriangles g1 5)
findEdge doesn't return anything. Calling return-true and return-false doesn't return from findEdge. You also shouldn't return until you find a match.
(defun findEdge(graph edge)
(loop for x in graph do
(if (equal x edge)
(return-from findEdge (return-true))
This can be simplified to just:
(defun findEdge (graph edge)
(member edge findEdge :test #'equal))

(Chez) Scheme macro for hiding lambdas

I would like to write a macro to create shorthand syntax for hiding more verbose lambda expressions, but I'm struggling to understand how to write macros (which I realize is an argument against using them).
Given this example:
(define alist-example
'((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
(define ($ alist name)
(cdr (assoc name alist)))
((lambda (a) (map (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z)) ($ a 'x) ($ a 'y) ($ a 'z))) alist-example)
((lambda (a) (map (lambda (y) (/ y (apply max ($ a 'y)))) ($ a 'y))) alist-example)
I would like to write a macro, with-alist, that would allow me to write the last two expressions similar to this:
(with-alist alist-example (+ x y z))
(with-alist alist-example (/ y (apply max y)))
Any advice or suggestions?
Here is a syntax-rules solution based on the feedback that I received in the other answer and comments:
(define ($ alist name)
(cdr (assoc name alist)))
(define-syntax with-alist
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ alist names expr)
(let ([alist-local alist])
(apply map (lambda names expr)
(map (lambda (name) ($ alist-local name)) (quote names))))]))
Here is some example usage:
> (define alist-example
'((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
> (with-alist alist-example (x) (+ x 2))
(3 4 5)
> (with-alist alist-example (x y) (+ x y))
(5 7 9)
> (with-alist alist-example (x y z) (+ x y z))
(12 15 18)
This answer stops short of solving the more complicated example, (with-alist alist-example (/ y (apply max y))), in my question, but I think this is a reasonable approach for my purposes:
> (with-alist alist-example (y) (/ y (apply max ($ alist-example 'y))))
(2/3 5/6 1)
EDIT: After some additional tinkering, I arrived at a slightly different solution that I think will provide more flexibility.
My new macro, npl, expands shorthand expressions into a list of names and procedures.
(define-syntax npl
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (names expr) ...)
(list (quote names) ...)
(list (lambda names expr) ...))]))
The output of this macro is passed to a regular procedure, with-list-map, that contains most the core functionality in the with-alist macro above.
(define (with-alist-map alist names-proc-list)
(let ([names-list (car names-proc-list)]
[proc-list (cadr names-proc-list)])
(map (lambda (names proc)
(apply map proc
(map (lambda (name) ($ alist name)) names)))
names-list proc-list)))
The 3 examples of with-alist usage above can be captured in a single call to with-alist-map.
> (with-alist-map alist-example
(npl ((x) (+ x 2))
((x y) (+ x y))
((x y z) (+ x y z))))
((3 4 5) (5 7 9) (12 15 18))
The immediate problem I see is that there is no way to tell which bindings to pick. Eg. is apply one of the elements in the alist or is it a global variable? That depends. I suggest you do:
(with-alist ((x y z) '((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9)))
(+ x y z))
(let ((z 10))
(with-alist ((x y) alist-example)
(+ x y z)))
And that it should translate to:
(let ((tmp '((x 1 2 3) (y 4 5 6) (z 7 8 9))))
(apply map (lambda (x y z) (+ x y z))
(map (lambda (name) ($ tmp name)) '(x y z))))
(let ((z 10))
(let ((tmp alist-example))
(apply map (lambda (x y) (+ x y z))
(map (lambda (name) ($ tmp name)) '(x y)))))
This is then straight forward to do with syntax-rules. Eg. make a pattern and write the replacement. Good luck.

Unbound identifier racket operators

This is my first time working with racket, and I am getting an error message (*: unbound identifier;) when trying to evaluate a list in Dr. Racket.
#lang racket
(define (randop)
(define x(random 3))
((= x 0) '+)
((= x 1) '-)
((= x 2) '*)
(define (randexp ht)
(define x(random 10))
(define y(random 10))
(define z(randop))
(eval (list z y x))
(randexp 1)
When executing racket in the console, (eval lst) works fine, though when I execute this code, it comes up with an unbound identifier. Any help is appreciated.
You don't need eval here. Instead of returning the symbols return the procedures instead:
#lang racket
(define (randop)
(define x (random 3))
(cond ((= x 0) +) ; + not quoted means if will return what + evaluates to
((= x 1) -) ; which is the procedures they represent
((= x 2) *)))
(define (randexp)
(define x (random 10))
(define y (random 10))
(define z (randop))
(z y x))) ; call z (the procedure returned by randop) with arguments x and y.
There's a problem with the way you're calling eval, in Racket you have to do this in a file:
(define-namespace-anchor a)
(define ns (namespace-anchor->namespace a))
(define (randop)
(define x (random 3))
((= x 0) '+)
((= x 1) '-)
((= x 2) '*)))
(define (randexp ht)
(define x (random 10))
(define y (random 10))
(define z (randop))
(eval (list z y x) ns))
(randexp 1)
Also, you're not actually using the ht parameter, consider deleting it.

Undefined function in lisp

I am writing a lisp function and I keep getting EVAL - undefined function x when I try to return the value of x from the function.
(defun p+ (x y)
(recurcollect (gluelist x y) '()))
(defun isinlist (x y)
(if (car y)
(if (equal (cdr x) (cdar y))
(if (cdr y)
(isinlist(x (cdr y)))
(defun collectvalue (x y) ;takes an expression and a list and returns the sum of all like expressions from the list
(if (equal x NIL)
(print '(x is NIL))
(if (equal (cdr x) (cdar y))
(if (cdr y)
(collectvalue (list (+ (car x) (caar y)) (cdr x)) (cdr y))
(list (+ (car x) (caar y)) (cdr x)))
(if (cdr y)
(collectvalue x (cdr y))
(defun recurcollect (x y) ;returns a flat list of collected expressions
(if (isinlist (car x) y)
(recurcollect (cdr x) y)
(if (cdr x)
(recurcollect x (cons y (collectvalue (car x) (cdr x))))
(cons y (car x)))))
(defun gluelist (x y)
(if (cdr x)
(cons (car x) (gluelist (cdr x) y))
(cons (car x) y)))
(print (p+ '(2 0 1) '(4 0 1))) ;(6 0 1)
I believe the error is caused by the x at the end of the function but I cant see why, as far as I can tell my brackets are correctly paired up and I cant see why it is trying to evaluate x as a function.
The problem is in isinlist which is called recursively as (isinlist(x (cdr y))).
(x ...) is interpreted as a function call of function x.
You probably want (isinlist x (cdr y)) instead.
Incidentally, you can replace isinlist with member (with :key #'cdr :test #'equal).