App Access token gets denied - facebook

I got an issue with the debug_token option in the Graph Api.
Here and Here it states that a call like:{token to check}&access_token=APP_ID|APP_SECRET
should give me back information about the token I query.
If I use a Admin-User token in the Graph Api Explorer it works fine but not for the App Access Token.


Generate permanent access token Facebook API

I am using the graph API explorer and I am generating the access token using the right navigation panel with read_attribution credentials.
The issue I am facing is the token I am generating is not permanent. How can I get a permanent token?
You need to contact Facebook in order to get permanant tokens

Facebook - Cannot get infinate expiry token for page
After reading through this documentation I was under the impression that I could get a token that never expired if I requested a short lived access token with the scope manage_pages however when I follow the documentation and use the following to get an extended token:
GET /oauth/access_token?
Then I place the token inside of the debugger:
I get the following response:
The closest I've found to what I'm doing is this: How do you get long-lived access tokens from the Facebook Graph API (server-side auth)?
Perhapse is it another scope they requested that I didn't?
Also another thing I noticed is that due to not being a live app these are the "permissions" I have, of which manage_pages isn't one. However how could any new product work if the app needs to exist before it can function????
any and all help appreciated
Go to Facebook Graph API Explorer get your short-lived access token.
Go to Access Token Debugger, debug your short-lived access token from Step1, click the extend button at the bottom, you will get a long-lived token
Go to Facebook Graph API Explorer again, now use your long-lived token from Step2, request path /me/accounts, find the corresponding token for your target page in response data
to make sure it is the never expire token you need, debug it by Access Token Debugger

Difference between access token from Graph Explorer API Tool and Access Token Debugger

I am studying Facebook API. From "Graph API Explorer", I got one access token. From the "Access token debugger" , I got two access tokens. But what is the difference between these tokens?
It's not possible to get two access tokens from the Access Token Debugger, you can only debug one token at a time. You probably mean the Access Token Tool which gives a user access token and an application access token. The difference was described at the top
The user tokens listed here are provided for convenience to test your apps. They expire like any other user access token and should not be hard coded into your apps. App tokens do not expire and should be kept secret as they are related to your app secret. For more information on how access tokens work and should be used, see the documentation.

Facebook page: Permission update

I had an unknown permission exception when I tried to update/create/delete or doing anything my Page properties by using FB.api . I tried again by using Graph API Explore but it still gave me same error. I used google for 2 days but there wasn't any correct answer.
Below screenshot is my app Settings in the Adminster Page's account:
And here is the Graph API Expore screenshots:
Next is the error:
Please help me. Thanks too much.
You need a page access token.
Page Access Token – These access tokens are similar to user access
tokens, except that they provide permission to APIs that read, write
or modify the data belonging to a Facebook Page. To obtain a page
access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token and
asking for the manage_pages permission. Once you have the user access
token you then get the page access token via the Graph API.
Then use GET /me/accounts to get the access token associated to your page.

Facebook access_token for my application is not working while access_token of graph API is working

there is a problem with my access token. I have made my own application, and I took the permission from the facebook user, who is me. And also I have given the same permissions to the facebook graph api. However when I can easily get the results using FQL with graph api access token, but I cannot get the result with my own application access token. What is the problem with my access token.
It is not user access token. Maybe this can be problem however also graph api is not also user access token.
Per the error message you need to use a user access token retrieved via the Authentication flow - you cannot use an app access token for this.
You mentioned in the comments you're successfully using an access token from the Graph API Explorer tool - this is also a user access token which the tool retrieves using the client-side oauth flow. This is not the same as using an app access token for your own app.