I am new to emacs. I installed emacs24 which has a built-in python mode(python.el). I cannot find this file and don't know how to configure it to use python3 shell (it's using python2.7 as default). Thannks
M-x customize-variable RET python-shell-interpreter RET
Set it to python3. Afterwards M-x run-python RET should open a Python3 shell.
If not working yet, check $PATH, make sure the directory holding python3 executable appears.
I'm trying to setup elpy for emacs on my windows system, on which I'm using Winpython 3.4.3.
I have installed all the dependencies such as rope, flake8, etc... using pip. When I type M-x elpy-config in emacs, I get "Neither easy_install nor pip found".
If I run (executable-find "python") then I get the correct path to my Winpython installation.
What might be the problem?
On Windows 7 with Emacs 24.5 and Python 2.7 it worked for me to include the actual directory containing pip (Scripts) in the exec-path; using M-x customize-variable exec-path. Apparently, including just the directory of the python executable was not enough.
After many changes on my Debian Jessie, when I launch the command emacs I receive an error libgnutls.so.26 : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
If I launch instead the command emacs24 everything is allright.
I have emacs in /usr/local/bin
I have emacs24 in /usr/bin.
So, for now I created an alias to launch emacs24 as emacs, but i don't like and, for example, i have to change the git setting to open the default ide cause emacs is not availlable yet.
The question is where is the correct position of the command ? I have to change my PATH ?
Consider that libgnutls.so.26 is not installable from apt.
Thanks for any suggest or advice.
This is very strange, because a simple sudo dnf install emacs should suffice (I use fedora, so you probably use apt-get instead of dnf). Maybe it is best to just reinstall emacs (backup your .emacs to be safe) using apt-get? Anyhow, in fedora the emacs executable is located at /usr/bin/emacs (which is also the one used in the terminal when you use the emacs command).
My emacs version is 24.5, using in built python. I have written these lines in my .emacs for it:
(require 'python)
(setq python-shell-interpreter "C:/Python34")
The problem is none of the commands (when I am trying to run test.py) are working. I have tried several commands named like
M-x python-shell-*
and they all return
"wrong type argument:arrayp, nil".
What I am doing wrong?
What am I supposed to do?
What should be ideal configuration (.emacs)?
Further info:
Python 3.4 installed at C:/
Emacs at C:/Program Files/
$HOME is C:/user/akk/appdata/roaming/
That variable is for the Python interpreter, not the Python directory.
I don't have a Windows machine to test on, but if you update your configuration to point to the actual binary (possibly C:/Python34/python.exe?) you should find that it works.
According to the mode documentation in the top of python.el, you can set this on windows like (change Python27 to Python34 for your use case:
(setq python-shell-interpreter "C:\\Python27\\python.exe")
I wan't to compile python project in emacs. This project is running in a virtualenvwrapper environment. So i found a emacs plugin called virtualenvwrapper and use M-x work-on to choose virtualenv. After i have done this, the python interpreter and shell has been set to the correct python env, but when i compile emacs with M-x compile, it still can't found all the packages installed in python env.
I found this issue may be caused by zsh. After i change the default shell to bash in terminal. virtualenv works fine. Is it a bug of zsh or i haven't configured zsh with the right way.
I'm using nrepl.el, Emacs 24.2. My S.O version is OS X Lion 10.7.5.
Running the command [M-x] nrepl after start a REPL session through lein (:~ $ lein repl) i am able to connect to it but if i try to use [M-x] nrepl-jack-in i get the message bellow:
error in process sentinel: Could not start nREPL server: /bin/bash:
lein: command not found
I installed leiningen using the instructions in the main site and reinstalled it using homebrew with the command brew install leiningen --devel but both methods give me the same error.
Adding the path /usr/loca/bin to emacs exec-path list or trying to configure nrepl.el variable nrepl-lein-command to point to the full path of my lein installation does not help.
My emacs configuration can be found here: https://github.com/khaoz/emacs-files
What i'm doing wrong ?
Thanks :)
While #Arthur is correct a much simpler solution to your problem would be to install the exec-path-from-shell Emacs extension. It will copy your shell PATH (and MANPATH) to Emacs automatically and fairly reliably. This means that the PATH would be correct no matter where you started Emacs from (spotlight included).
for those of you landing on this question who are using a Mac:
lein needs to be on the path as seen by Emacs. This can be done by starting Emacs from bash
/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs project.clj
M-x nrepl-jack-in
If this solves the problem you can configure emacs to use the correct path by following these instructions
If you are seeing this error in Linux, you may need to set your PATH in ~/.bash_profile instead of ~/.bashrc when running emacs from the menu instead of the shell.
I had to do this:
;; set the path as terminal path [http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2011-10/msg00237.html]
(setq explicit-bash-args (list "--login" "-i"))
;; fix the PATH variable for GUI [http://clojure-doc.org/articles/tutorials/emacs.html#osx]
(defun set-exec-path-from-shell-PATH ()
(let ((path-from-shell
(shell-command-to-string "$SHELL -i -l -c 'echo $PATH'")))
(setenv "PATH" path-from-shell)
(setq exec-path (split-string path-from-shell path-separator))))
(when window-system (set-exec-path-from-shell-PATH))