Swapping mouse-1 and mouse-2 - emacs

How can I swap mouse-1 and mouse-2 on Emacs? There must be a simple .emacs code; I spent one hour searching on the web but I couldn't find any example... Thanks in advance.

You can do it with
(define-key input-decode-map [mouse-1] [mouse-2])
(define-key input-decode-map [down-mouse-1] [down-mouse-2])
(define-key input-decode-map [mouse-2] [mouse-1])
(define-key input-decode-map [down-mouse-2] [down-mouse-1])
But if you tell us why, maybe we can give a better answer. E.g. you might want to take a look at mouse-1-click-follows-link which performs a similar (but partial) swap (and is activated by default).


Disable completion pop-up in python-mode shadowing indentation

I updated recently my version of python-mode.el. Since then pressing at end of lines tries completion instead of indentation and pops up a buffer of suggestion.
I would rather have only indentation. I use something else for completion.
How can this be achieved?
By the way, auto indentation grew /less/ smart with the update. What possibly have I broken?
You didn't tell which python-mode. Also assume it's about TAB-key.
WRT python-mode.el comment out the present key-setting and write the desired one.
Like that:
;; (define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'py-indent-or-complete)
(define-key map (kbd "TAB") 'py-indent-line)
You shouldn't need to modify the mode file itself to make this happen. You should be able to do it via python-mode-hook. This works for me (in my ~/.emacs):
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "TAB") 'py-indent-line))

How to restore anything-like behavior for TAB autocomplete in helm?

A related question was asked here. But the answer is to get used to the new way autocomplete works in helm. I cannot get used to it, here's why.
Say, I want to open a file /home/user/work/f.txt. I do C-x C-f, it takes me to current dir, say /current/dir/. I hit Backspace and notice that autocomplete won't let me delete /. Ok, turn off autocomplete with C-Backspace. Then kill the line C-a C-k and start typing. Notice that autocomplete doesn't work, turn it back on C-Backspace. Normally I would type the part that I know is probably unique, e.g. /hom and hit Tab.
Not here. As soon as I type /ho, autocomplete resolves it to /home/, but since I type fast, I end up with /home/m, and continue typing now meaningless characters until I notice it. Chances are, by that time I got autocompleted into directories that I had no intent of going.
So I have to constantly watch what autocomplete is doing, rather than rely on what I type and only checking suggested completions when I hit Tab.
I also find myself descending into wrong directories due to occasional typo, and then having difficulty going up a level -- evil autocomplete won't let you fix the situation with a couple of Backspaces.
This interaction of autocomplete behavior and the removal of Tab functionality completely upsets my work, so much that I decided to ask this question. I am looking to either:
restore the old functionality
learn how to use autocomplete in a meaningful way, or
configure helm's C-x C-f to behave more like a linux command line
Please help.
Here are some ido tricks if you want to start using it.
Let me know if helm is better, perhaps I'll switch over.
I tried once shortly, but didn't like it.
Basic setup:
This will give you `ido-find-file on C-x C-f.
(setq ido-enable-flex-matching t)
Smex setup:
Install from https://github.com/nonsequitur/smex.
(require 'smex)
(global-set-key "\C-t" 'smex)
Switch buffers with ido:
(when (buffer-file-name)
(kbd "C-η")
(let ((ido-default-buffer-method 'other-window))
;; 1
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
(define-key dired-mode-map "j" 'ido-find-file)))
;; 2
(define-key ido-file-dir-completion-map "~"
(lambda ()(interactive)
(ido-set-current-directory "~/")
(setq ido-exit 'refresh)
;; 3
(define-key ido-buffer-completion-map "η" 'ido-next-match)
;; 4
(define-key ido-buffer-completion-map (kbd "C-p")
;; 5
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-.") 'smex-find-function)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-,") 'smex-describe-function)))
Quick open file from dired.
Move to home directory one key faster (i.e. ~ instead of ~/).
Cycle buffer candidates with the same key that shows the candidates (a la C-TAB in Firefox).
Useful to have a fall back when you want to create a file-less buffer (ido will try
select an existing buffer unless you fall back).
Useful to jump to function definition/documentation.
If you want TAB completion of directories and file names, map helm-execute-persistent-action to the TAB key:
(define-key helm-map (kbd "<tab>") 'helm-execute-persistent-action)
See also the answer to "How can I change emacs helm-find-file default action[...]".

emacs, flyspell, deactivate "C-." key binding

I have this little problem, I have some key bindings like so C-. C-x or C-. C-m. After I activate the flyspell-mode, I cannot use these commands. In my .emacs file I have the next 2 lines before
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-."))
(define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "C-.") nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-. C-l") 'global-linum-mode)
Then, my C-. C-l works, but it does not when the flyspell-mode is activated. The command bound to C-. is flyspell-auto-correct-word. I tried to deactivate it as follows:
;; first try
(defun flyspell-auto-correct-word-disable() (define-key (current-local-map) (kbd "C-.") nil))
(add-hook 'flyspell-mode-hook 'flyspell-auto-correct-word-disable)
;; second try
(define-key (current-global-map) [remap flyspell-auto-correct-word] nil)
None of the tries work, what can I do? I tried in Emacs 23 and 24 and I have the same issue.
What about:
(eval-after-load "flyspell"
'(define-key flyspell-mode-map (kbd "C-.") nil))
Your first solution is almost correct, but you have to remember that the current local map is set up by the major mode, not minor modes. The best option you have it to directly access flyspell-mode-map and modify it (another option would be to find it in minor-mode-map-alist but I think it would be needlessly complicated).
Also, I prefer putting such mode-specific settings within eval-after-load (which means they will be evaluated once) rather than in a hook (in which case the settings are evaluated multiple times: each time one buffer activates flyspell-mode). But this is a matter of preference and either way is fine.

Setting shortcuts keys in specific modes in Emacs (e.g. ido)

I have two problems which are somewhat related I believe:
1) In IDO I'd like to change ido-restrict-to-matches to samething else than C-SPC or C-#. Unfortunately I do not know how to tell emacs that I want a different shortcut (say C-0).
2) I'd like to protect my C-; but whenever flyspell-mode is running it overtakes C-;. My definition is in .emacs as:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'mark-paragraph)
but apparently flyspell overwrites this... (although even then, if I look in the help M-h k C-; it does say mark-paragraph)
Could somebody please tell me how to bind/unbind keys in these conditions? It has to work without modifying ido.el and flyspell.el and re-building, right?
Thanks very much!
Flyspell provides a customization for the C-; binding, so you can either M-x customize RET flyspell-auto-correct-binding RET or put something like this in your ~/.emacs:
(setq flyspell-auto-correct-binding (kbd "C-~")) ; or a binding of your choice
As for ido, your question is slightly confusing, because it implies there are times when you're using ido outside the minibuffer...
The documentation in ido.el contains the following advice:
;; To modify the keybindings, use the ido-setup-hook. For example:
;;(add-hook 'ido-setup-hook 'ido-my-keys)
;;(defun ido-my-keys ()
;; "Add my keybindings for ido."
;; (define-key ido-completion-map " " 'ido-next-match)
;; )
Using that knowledge, you can change the key bindings like this in your own "ido-my-keys" function:
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-SPC") nil)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-#") nil)
(define-key ido-completion-map (kbd "C-0") 'ido-restrict-to-matches)
There's an additional ido hook specifically for the minibuffer, too, but it's not clear why you would need that: ido-minibuffer-setup-hook.

Unbinding keys in cc-mode

This is driving me nuts.
I've bound M-e to some useful stuff, but cc-mode is hogging it. I've tried adding c-mode-hooks, c-mode-commons and I've tried eval-after-load on c-mode, ie
(eval-after-load "c-mode"
'(define-key c-mode-map (kbd "M-e") nil))
but whenever I open a C file, M-e is still bound to c-end-of-statement. How do I disable it and replace it with my own bindings?
Maybe you could try this
(define-key c-mode-map [remap c-end-of-statement] 'your-useful-stuff)
(define-key cc-mode-map [remap c-end-of-statement] 'your-useful-stuff)