How to surround data with an ellipse - matlab

Suppose that I am plotting different vectors of data with different dimensions in the same plot (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and I would like to surround this data with an ellipse, one ellipse for the (x1,y1) and another for (x2,y2). Can Matlab do it, or is it impossible?
And if this can be done with Matlab, can I also for some reasons, let one of the point of this data (x1,y1) lie outside the ellipse?


How do I create a 3D polygon/mesh over data points?

I have an array of data points, Points = [X,Y,Z], where X,Y & Z are n-by-1 vectors. The x, y and z values are the result of a blackbox.
Here is an example of the points:
Fig. 3D Points
I want to generate something that looks like this:
Fig. Mesh Drawing
If you can't make the drawing out, it's something like a deformed cylinder. A convex hull does not work because there are dips in the geometry that would be ignored.
The solution I was looking for was the boundary function in Matlab which creates a "shrink wrap" around the points.
It was hard to find this solution because while research & literature refers to this as a "Concave Hull", Matlab refers to it as "Nonconvex polygons" so searches for the former did not turn up anything.
Meshed Object

Creating surface in matlab

I have a variable named say P which is simply a n*3 matrix. It stores x,y,z coordinates for a contour plot, its like a closed loop. Now I have several matrices like P which slice my object. What I would like is to create a surface using these contour points. scatter3() does not really give a good representation. The issue using surf() is that since I have contour coordinates, the coordinates are unordered. So the plot obtained using surf() is not the actual closed surface of my figure. How can I resolve this? Let's brainstorm.

How to set an arbitrary direction on a contour plot to perform operation in Matlab

I am looking for help for my particular problem.
I have a contour plot created from XYZ data. This plot contains 2 broad peaks with one more intense than the other.
When the most intense peak is aligned with the Y axis, I can perform a fitting of every YZ curve at each X values. I usually do a gaussian fit to plot the peak center on the same graph.
In some cases I need to perform the same fitting but no along the Y axis direction (in this case I just plot YZ scan at every different X values) but along another arbitrary direction.
For the moment the only way I found is the following:
-plot the contour plot and find for the position of the most intense peak
-if the position is not aligned with the Y axis, then rotate all the datas and plot again the contour
-perform the YZ gaussian fit for every X value
- Rotate the resulting XY position to go back to the original plot
-plot the XY position as a line on the original contour plot
this is quite long and requires a lot of memory. i would like ot know if there is a more elegant/faster way.
Thanks for your help
I take it you want to extract data from the (x,y,z) data along some arbitrary line in order to make a fit. A contour plot will show only part of the data, the full z(x,y) data can be shown with imagesc etc. Say you want the data along line defined by two points (x1,y1) -> (x2,y2). According to the eq of the line, the line y=a*x+b the slope a is (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) and b=y1-a*x1. For example, I'll select (x,y) coordinates in the following contour:
Create data and end points:
x1=11 ; x2=97;
y1=66; y2=40;
Thus the line parameters are:
and the line is:
select the proper (x,y) elements using linear indexing:
contour(m,10); hold on
line([x1 x2],[y1 y2],'Color',[1 0 0]);
You can now use vec=m(ind) to fit your function.

Plot 3D surface that is not the graph of a function

I have a 3D data set of a surface that is not a function graph. The data is just a bunch of points in 3D, and the only thing I could think of was to try scatter3 in Matlab. Surf will not work since the surface is not a function graph.
Using scatter3 gave a not so ideal result since there is no perspective/shading of any sort.
Any thoughts? It does not have to be Matlab, but that is my go-to source for plotting.
To get an idea of the type of surface I have, consider the four images:
The first is a 3D contour plot, the second is a slice in a plane {z = 1.8} of the contour. My goal is to pick up all the red areas. I have a method to do this for each slice {z = k}. This is the 3rd plot, and I like what I see here a lot.
Iterating this over z give will give a surface, which is the 4th plot, which is a bit noisy (though I have ideas to reduce the noise...). If I plot just the black surface using scatter3 without the contour all I get is a black indistinguishable blob, but for every slice I get a smooth curve, and I have noticed that the curves vary pretty smoothly when I adjust z.
Some fine-tuning will give a much better 4th plot, but still, even if I get the 4th plot to have no noise at all, the result using scatter3 will be a black incomprehensible blob when plotted alone and not on top of the 3D contour. I would like to get a nice picture of the full surface that is not plotted on top of the 3D contour plot
In fact, just to compare and show how bad scatter3 is for surfaces, even if you had exact points on a sphere and used scatter3 the result would be a black blob, and wouldn't even look like a sphere
Can POV-Ray handle this? I've never used it...
If you have a triangulation of your points, you could consider using the trisurf function. I have used that before to generate closed surfaces that have no boundary (such as polyhedra and spheres). The downside is that you have to generate a triangulation of your points. This may not be ideal to your needs but it definitely an option.
EDIT: As #High Performance Mark suggests, you could try using delaunay to generate a triangulation in Matlab
just wanted to follow up on this question. A quick nice way to do this in Matlab is the following:
Consider the function d(x, y, z) defined as the minimum distance from (x, y, z) to your data set. Make sure d(x, y, z) is defined on some grid that contains the data set you're trying to plot.
Then use isosurface to plot a (some) countour(s) of d(x, y, z). For me plotting the contour 0.1 of d(x, y ,z) was enough: Matlab will plot a nice looking surface of all points within a distance 0.1 of the data set with good lighting and all.
In povray, a blob object could be used to display a very dense collection of points, if you make them centers of spheres.
If you want to be able to make slices of "space" and have them colored as per your data, then maybe the object pattern (based on a #declared blob object) might do the trick.
Povray also has a way to work with df3 files, which I've never worked with, but this user appears to have done something similar to your visualization.

plot a set of 3D data in different angles in MATLAB

I have a formula that depends on theta and phi (spherical coordinates 0<=theta<=2*pi and 0<=phi<=pi). By inserting each engle, I obtained a quantity. Now I have a set of data for different angles and I need to plot the surface. My data is a 180*360 matrix, so I am not sure if I can use SURF or MESH or PLOT3. The figure should be a surface that include all data and the axes should be in terms of the quantity, not the quantity versus the angles. How can I plot such a surface?
I see no reason why you cannot use mesh or surf to plot such data. Another option I tend to use is that of density plots. You basically display the dependent variable (quantity) as an image and include the independent variables (angles) along the axis, much like you would with the aforementioned 3D plotting functions. This can be done with imagesc.
Typically you would want your axes to be the dependent variables. Could you elaborate more on this point?
If I understand you correctly you have calculated a function f(theta,phi) and now you want to plot the surface containing all the points with the polar coordinated (r,theta,phi) where r=f(theta,phi).
If this is what you want to do, the 2D version of such a plot is included in MATLAB under the name polar. Unfortunately, as you pointed out, polar3 on MatlabCentral is not the generalization you are looking for.
I have been able to plot a sphere with the following code, using constant r=1. You can give it a try with your function:
phi1=0:1/(3*pi):pi; %# this would be your 180 points
theta1=-pi:1/(3*pi):pi; % your 360 points
From my tests it seems that delaunay also includes a lot of triangles which go through the volume of my sphere, so it seems this is not optimal. So maybe you can have a look at fill3 and construct the triangles it draws itself: as a first approximation, you could have the points [x(n,m) x(n+1,m) x(n,m+1)] combined into one triangle, and [x(n+1,m) x(n+1,m+1) x(n+1,m+1)] into another...?