I have browse SO for last 30 mins but couldn't get answer, so decided to post question.
I cannot use Time::Piece or Date::Parse module as suggested in some answers.
I'm trying to subtract two times and get result in seconds
use warnings;
use strict;
$tod = `date "+%H:%M:%S"`; chomp $tod; #record time of the day to variable
#Sample time 16:55:44
my startTime = $tod;
Insert records;
my endTime = $tod;
my totalTime = $startTime - $endTime;
Arguemnt "16:55:14" isn't numeric in subtraction (-)
You can use the time function:
my $start = time;
sleep 3;
my $end = time;
print $end - $start, ' seconds elapsed';
In general, it's best to avoid executing external commands with backticks or system when you can do the same thing with pure Perl.
If you want better than one-second resolution, you can use Time::HiRes as described in Is there a better way to determine elapsed time in Perl?
Time::Piece has come with Perl since 5.10 which was seven years ago, I'm a bit dubious about your claim to not be able to use it and it's really going to cause a lot of unnecessary pain in the long term to not use modules. You can check these things using Module::CoreList. Anyhow...
You can convert the "HH:MM:SS" time of day into seconds since midnight. Fortunately you're using 24 hour time which makes this simpler.
sub time_of_day_to_seconds {
my $tod = shift;
my($hour, $min, $sec) = split /:/, $tod;
my $total_seconds = $sec;
$total_seconds += $min * 60;
$total_seconds += $hour * 60 * 60;
return $total_seconds;
If you cannot avoid to get the time as a string, you can use DateTime::Format::Strptime in combination with Datetime::Duration.
Bear in mind you will have to install it since it is not in the core modules...anyway here an example:
use warnings;
use strict;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%T', );
my $diff = $strp->parse_datetime("23:23:12") - $strp->parse_datetime("23:23:10");
print join('-',$diff->deltas()); #months-0-days-0-minutes-0-seconds-2-nanoseconds-0
Hope this helps!
Every time I tried to find the difference of these date strings, there is an error. I wonder if you could help me this.
my $datecreated = '2021-09-06 04:52:38';
my $dateresolved = '2021-09-06 04:52:48';
my $time_elapsed= $dateresolved - $datecreated;
print $time_elapsed;
And I want to convert the result into minutes and hours.
These two timestamps are mere strings. In order to get the duration between these two moments in time ("subtract" them) one needs to build date-time objects from them, in a library that knows how to then find duration between them. One good choice is DateTime
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
my ($ts1, $ts2) = (#ARGV == 2)
? #ARGV : ('2021-09-05 04:52:38', '2021-09-01 04:52:48');
my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%F %T', time_zone => 'floating', on_error => 'croak'
my ($dt1, $dt2) = map { $strp->parse_datetime($_) } $ts1, $ts2;
# Get difference in hours and minutes (seconds discarded per question)
my ($hrs, $min) = delta_hm($dt1, $dt2);
say "$hrs hours and $min minutes";
# Or (time-stamp hh:mm in scalar context)
my $ts_hm = delta_hm($dt1, $dt2);
say $ts_hm;
# To get wanted units (hours+minutes here) best use a delta_X
sub delta_hm {
my ($dt1, $dt2) = #_;
my ($min, $sec) = $dt1->delta_ms($dt2)->in_units('minutes', 'seconds');
my $hrs = int( $min / 60 );
$min = $min % ($hrs*60) if $hrs;
return (wantarray) # discard seconds
? ($hrs, $min)
: join ':', map { sprintf "%02d", $_ } $hrs, $min;
The hard-coded input time-stamps here are different than the ones in the question; those would make an hour+minute difference a zero, since they differ only in seconds! (Is that intended?) One can also submit two time-stamp strings as input to this program.
Note that a generic duration object makes it harder to convert to any particular desired units
One cannot in general convert between seconds, minutes, days, and months, so this class will never do so. Instead, create the duration with the desired units to begin with, for example by calling the appropriate subtraction/delta method on a DateTime.pm object.
So above I use delta_ms since minutes are easily converted to hours+minutes. Seconds are discarded as the question implies (if that is in fact unintended add them in the routine).
For more general uses one can do
use DateTime::Duration;
my $dur = $dt1->subtract_datetime($dt2);
# Easy to extract parts (components) of the duration
say "Hours: ", $dur->hours, " and minutes: ", $dur->minutes; # NOT conversion
Can do this with the core Time::Piece as well
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Time::Piece;
my ($ts1, $ts2) = (#ARGV)
? #ARGV : ('2021-09-05 04:52:38', '2021-09-01 04:52:48');
my ($dt1, $dt2) = map { Time::Piece->strptime($_, "%Y-%m-%d %T") } $ts1, $ts2;
# In older module versions the format specifier `%F` (`%Y-%m-%d`) may fail
# so I spell it out here; the %T (for %H:%M:%S) should always be good
# For local times (not UTC) better use Time::Piece::localtime->strptime
my $delta = $dt1 - $dt2;
# say $delta->pretty;
my $hrs = int( $delta->hours );
my $min = int($delta->minutes) - ($hrs//=0)*60;
say "$hrs:$min";
This is much simpler, but watch out for occasional tricky (error-inducing) API of Time::Piece.
Note, while Time::Piece is core, succinct, and much lighter (and correct!), the DateTime is far more rounded and powerful, also with an ecosystem of extensions.
Use Time::Piece which is a standard part of the Perl library since 2007.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
# Define the format of your inputs
my $format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S';
# Convert your date strings into Time::Piece objects
my $datecreated = Time::Piece->strptime('2021-09-06 04:52:38', $format);
my $dateresolved = Time::Piece->strptime('2021-09-06 04:52:48', $format);
# Time::Piece objects can be subtracted from each other.
# This gives the elapsed time in seconds.
my $time_elapsed = $dateresolved - $datecreated;
# Do the calculations to displace the elapsed time in hours,
# minutes and seconds.
printf "%02dh:%02dm:%02ds\n",
$time_elapsed->minutes % 60,
$time_elapsed->seconds % 60;
I want to subtract two timestamps in Perl. I converted them to unix-time via the function below and convert the unix timestamp back to how it was. In the example below the result is 01:20:00 instead of 00:20:00
(I think it has sth to do with the start of the unix timestamp 1.1.1970 01:00:00 but not sure how to resolve it)
Any idea? Many thanks for your help in advance.
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use Time::Local qw( timelocal );
sub to_epoch {
$_ = shift;
my #a = split /\W+/, $_;
my $b = timelocal($a[5],$a[4],$a[3],$a[2],$a[1],$a[0]);
return $b;
my $h_end = "2018.11.12 00:50:00";
my $h_start = "2018.11.12 00:30:00";
my $duration = to_epoch($h_end) - to_epoch($h_start);
my $convert_back = POSIX::strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($duration));
print $convert_back , "\n";
Ouptut: 01:20:00
It works for me. But I think that's because I'm in GMT and you're in CET (GMT+1).
The flaw is in your final step. You are confusing two concepts - a point in time and a duration.
You correctly convert your two points in time to Unix epoch numbers and then you subtract those numbers to get the number of seconds between them. That number is a duration. And you want to convert that duration into a human-readable format. Using localtime() and POSIX::strtime() is not the way to do that. POSIX::strftime() and localtime() deal with points in time, not durations.
The number you get is 1,200. By passing that to localtime() you are saying "what is the epoch number 1,200 when converted to a date and time in my local timezone?" 1,200 is 20 past midnight on Jan 1st 1970 GMT. But in your local, Frankfurt, timezone, it's 20 past 1am. Which is why you're getting 1:20 and I'm getting 0:20.
There are a couple of ways to fix this. You can do the conversion manually.
my $duration = 1_200;
my $mins = int($duration/60);
my $secs = $duration % 60;
Or you can use a proper date/time handling module like DateTime (along with its associated module DateTime::Duration).
It might work if you use timegm() and gmtime() in place of timelocal() and localtime() - but I really don't recommend this approach as it perpetuates the confusion between points in time and durations.
Update: A version using DateTime.
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
my $h_end = '2018.11.12 00:50:00';
my $h_start = '2018.11.12 00:30:00';
my $date_p = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S'
my $duration = $date_p->parse_datetime($h_end)
- $date_p->parse_datetime($h_start);
printf '%02d:%02d:%02d', $duration->in_units('hours', 'minutes', 'seconds');
1200, the value of $duration, signifies the following when treated as a epoch timestamp
The solution is to replace
strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime($duration));
strftime("%H:%M:%S", gmtime($duration));
This gives
Of course, this is still a hack. You're not suppose to be passing a duration to gmtime. Use an appropriate module instead.
use DateTime::Format::Strptime qw( );
my $format = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S',
on_error => 'croak',
my $h_end = $format->parse_datetime('2018.11.12 00:50:00');
my $h_start = $format->parse_datetime('2018.11.12 00:30:00');
my $dur = $h_end - $h_start;
printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n", $dur->in_units(qw( hours minutes seconds ));
By the way,
should be
Let's say I just ran for 10 km and I now have 10 1km split times in the form of MM::SS. I want a simple way to add up an arbitrary number of the split times and average them. For instance, maybe I want to see how much faster (or slower) the last 5 km were when compared with the first 5 km.
I can do this myself by parsing the times, dividing them into seconds and then converting them back to MM::SS. The math isn't hard, but I was wondering if something on CPAN already does this in a simple way. My first attempt was using DateTime, but it doesn't convert from seconds to minutes, because of leap seconds.
To be clear, I don't care about leap seconds in this context, but I'm curious as to whether a library exists. As an example, here is what I have tried.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use DateTime::Format::Duration;
my $formatter = DateTime::Format::Duration->new( pattern => '%M:%S' );
my #splits = #ARGV;
my $split_number = #splits;
my $total = $formatter->parse_duration( shift #splits );
foreach my $split (#splits) {
$formatter->parse_duration($split) );
say 'Total time: ' . join ':', $total->minutes, $total->seconds;
$total->multiply( 1 / $split_number );
say 'Average time: ' . join ':', $total->minutes, $total->seconds;
say 'Using DateTime::Format::Duration: ' . $formatter->format_duration( $total );
And a sample run:
$ perl script/add-splits.pl 1:30 2:30
Total time: 3:60
Average time: 1.5:30
Using DateTime::Format::Duration: 01:30
So, you can see that the duration object itself, gives me a correct answer, but not something that a human wants to decipher.
DateTime::Format::Duration tries to be helpful, but tosses out 30 seconds in the process.
I'm not looking for the raw code to do this. I am interested in whether this already exists on CPAN.
The problem with finding this exact functionality on CPAN is that you want to manipulate strings that are time intervals. Most modules are concerned with the context of such strings, working with them as date and time. So it's hard to find something that simply adds mm:ss format. Since this quest is rather specific, and simple to write, why not wrap it in your own package?
Having said that, see whether the snippet below fits what you are looking for.
This is a simple solution with the core module Time::Piece. It does go to seconds to do the math, but it can be wrapped in a few subs that are then also easily extended for other calculations.
use warnings 'all';
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX 'strftime';
use List::Util 'sum';
my #times = #ARGV;
my $fmt = '%M:%S';
my $tot_sec = sum map { Time::Piece->strptime($_, $fmt)->epoch } #times;
my $ave_sec = sprintf("%.0f", $tot_sec/#times); # round the average
my ($tot, $ave) = map { strftime $fmt, gmtime $_ } ($tot_sec, $ave_sec);
say "Total time: $tot";
say "Average time: $ave";
For manip_times.pl 2:30 1:30 this prints
Total time: 04:00
Average time: 02:00
We use strptime from Time::Piece to get the object, and then its epoch method returns seconds, which are added and averaged. This is converted back to mm:ss using strftime from POSIX. The Time::Piece also has strftime but to use it we'd have to have an object.
Note that Time::Piece does subtract its objects directly, $t1 - $t2, but it cannot add them. One can add an integer (seconds) to an object though, $t1 + 120. Also see the core Time::Seconds, a part of the distribution.
Comments on the method used in the question
The DateTime::Duration objects that are used cannot convert between different units
See the How DateTime Math Works section of the DateTime.pm documentation for more details. The short course: One cannot in general convert between seconds, minutes, days, and months, so this class will never do so.
From a bit further down the page, we see what conversions can be done and the related ones are only "hours <=> minutes" and "seconds <=> nanoseconds". The reasons have to do with leap seconds, DST, and such. Thus the calculation has to produce results such as 1.5 minutes.
The Class::Date also looks suitable for these particular requirements.
Here is a version using the DateTime object. Since it doesn't handle date parsing, we have to split the strings ourselves...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use DateTime;
my #splits = #ARGV;
my $split_number = #splits;
my $fmt = "%M:%S";
my $total = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => 0 );
foreach my $split (#splits) {
my ($split_min, $split_sec) = split /:/, $split;
$total->add( minutes => $split_min, seconds => $split_sec );
say 'Total time: ' . $total->strftime($fmt);
my $avg_seconds = $total->epoch / $split_number;
my $avg = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => 0 )->add( seconds => $avg_seconds );
say 'Average time: ' . $avg->strftime($fmt);
$ perl add_splits.pl 1:30 2:30
Total time: 04:00
Average time: 02:00
minute_end - minute_start
Example: I start timing something at 3:50 and it stops at 4:10. Just looking at minutes difference, the difference is 20 minutes, which is what I want. However, 50-10 is 40. How do I account for this situation? I'm sure it's an if statement but I don't know how to start.
Perhaps you should be keeping track of things using time from the very beginning?
However, you can parse those strings using Time::Piece to calculate the difference:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
my $start = Time::Piece->strptime('3:50', "%H:%M");
my $stop = Time::Piece->strptime('4:10', "%H:%M");
my $diff = $stop - $start;
print $diff->minutes;
This is rough, but probably adequate.
my $start_time = time;
# ...
my $end_time = time;
my $seconds_run = $end_time - $start_time;
my $minutes_run = $seconds_run / 60;
For much more precise timing, see Time::HiRes.
You can get assign current localdates like this, I modify miller's version:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $time1 = strftime("%H:%M", localtime(time));
# do something or wait
my $time2 = strftime("%H:%M", localtime(time));
my $start = Time::Piece->strptime($time1, "%H:%M");
my $stop = Time::Piece->strptime($time2, "%H:%M");
my $diff = $stop - $start;
print $diff->minutes;
I found the answer to my question, and it's simple. It's what I was trying to think of doing originally but it didn't click until I ran across it while browsing for an answer.
If I do minute_end - minute_start and the answer is negative, I just add 60 minutes to get the correct answer.
10 - 50 = -40
-40 + 60 = 20
The log4j logs I have contain timestamps in the following format:
2009-05-10 00:48:41,905
I need to convert it in perl to millseconds since epoch, which in this case would be 124189673005, using the following gawk function. How do I do it in perl?
I have little or no experience in perl, so appreciate if someone can post an entire script that does this
function log4jTimeStampToMillis(log4jts) {
# log4jts is of the form 2009-03-02 20:04:13,474
# extract milliseconds that is after the command
split(log4jts, tsparts, ",");
millis = tsparts[2];
# remove - : from tsstr
tsstr = tsparts[1];
gsub("[-:]", " ", tsstr);
seconds = mktime(tsstr);
print log4jts;
return seconds * 1000 + millis;
Though I almost always tell people to go use one of the many excellent modules from the CPAN for this, most of them do have one major drawback - speed. If you're parsing a large number of log files in real-time, that can sometimes be an issue. In those cases, rolling your own can often be a more suitable solution, but there are many pitfalls and nuances that must be considered and handled properly. Hence the preference for using a known-correct, proven, reliable module written by somebody else. :)
However, before I even considered my advice above, I looked at your code and had converted it to perl in my head... therefore, here is a more-or-less direct conversion of your gawk code into perl. I've tried to write it as simply as possible, so as to highlight some of the more delicate parts of dealing with dates and times in perl by hand.
# import the mktime function from the (standard) POSIX module
use POSIX qw( mktime );
sub log4jTimeStampToMillis {
my ($log4jts, $dst) = #_;
# extract the millisecond field
my ($tsstr, $millis) = split( ',', $log4jts );
# extract values to pass to mktime()
my #mktime_args = reverse split( '[-: ]', $tsstr );
# munge values for posix compatibility (ugh)
$mktime_args[3] -= 1;
$mktime_args[4] -= 1;
$mktime_args[5] -= 1900;
# print Dumper \#mktime_args; ## DEBUG
# convert, make sure to account for daylight savings
my $seconds = mktime( #mktime_args, 0, 0, $dst );
# return that time as milliseconds since the epoch
return $seconds * 1000 + $millis;
One important difference between my code and yours - my log4jTimeStampToMillis subroutine takes two parameters:
the log timestamp string
whether or not that timestamp is using daylight savings time ( 1 for true, 0 for false )
Of course, you could just add code to detect if that time falls in DST or not and adjust automatically, but I was trying to keep it simple. :)
NOTE: If you uncomment the line marked DEBUG, make sure to add "use Data::Dumper;" before that line in your program so it will work.
Here's an example of how you could test that subroutine:
my $milliseconds = log4jTimeStampToMillis( "2009-05-10 00:48:41,905", 1 );
my $seconds = int( $milliseconds / 1000 );
my $local = scalar localtime( $seconds );
print "ms: $milliseconds\n"; # ms: 1241844521905
print "sec: $seconds\n"; # sec: 1241844521
print "local: $local\n"; # local: Sat May 9 00:48:41 2009
You should take advantage of the great DateTime package, specifically use DateTime::Format::Strptime:
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
sub log4jTimeStampToMillis {
my $log4jts=shift(#_);
#see package docs for how the pattern parameter works
my $formatter= new DateTime::Format::Strptime(pattern => '%Y-%m-%d %T,%3N');
my $dayObj = $formatter->parse_datetime($log4jts);
return $dayObj->epoch()*1000+$dayObj->millisecond();
print log4jTimeStampToMillis('2009-05-10 10:48:41,905')."\n";
#prints my local version of the TS: 1241952521905
This saves you the pain of figuring out DST yourself (although you'll have to pass your server's TZ to Strptime via the time_zone parameter). It also saves you from dealing with leap everything if it becomes relevant (and I'm sure it will).
Haven't used it, but you might want to check out Time::ParseDate.
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS");
Date time = dateFormat.parse(log4jts);
long millis = time.getTime();