Push enabled app is not listed in the Notification section in the device - blackberry-10

Am converting apk to bar with push feature with reference of the below url,
I installed the app in Blackberry Z10 and getting the device token. But my installed app is not listing the notification enabled apps section.
Is there any other parameter to be added "android.cfg" file to make it push enabled app ?
Thanks in advance,

If your app is push enabled then it is not automatically added to the notification section of BlackBerry settings. You have to implement notifications.


Can we send push notifications to apps that use our SDK?

Lets suppose some app developers use our SDK. Can we send push notifications to devices that use our SDK independently, without the help of hosted app?
I know that push is unique to every app , multiple push keys , settings can't be made.
But I just like to know if any other options are available.
Our goal is to send push for devices that use our SDK.
This is not possible using Apple Push Notifications. Sending an Apple Push Notification to an iOS Application requires a certificate that is unique for each application. You would need to receive the certificates from the developers of those apps.
In addition, the apps would have to register to APNS and send the device token to your server. This part can be done as part of your SDK, assuming the users of your SDK call some SDK method that performs the registration and sends the token.

testflight the app token for this app was not detected

Recently I have added some devices on Developer portal and try to upload the new build on test flight but getting this error
"the app token for this app was not detected"
It appears that TestFlight are presenting this message either in error or to push their SDK.
I can confirm that if you 'Ignore and Continue' everything works as per usual. I have verified that beta testers are able to install and open the app.
Check you token from testflight app
Add device identifier for test flight
// In application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
[TestFlight setDeviceIdentifier:[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]];
[TestFlight takeOff:#"9e5f8b26-358f-4a0e-b9c2-186d932b1187"];
Login to the Dashboard. Select the app you want to upload. Click on App Token on the left menu. You can get your app token from there. Then download the SDK. Follow SDK Installation Guide to integrate TestFlight to your app.
Go to Testflight.
Go to Apps
Go to your app name
Click on the down-arrow beside your app name in the top-right corner.
Go to edit info
Check the Token appears there
Compare the Token with your app token.
If they are same. Then wait for the cashes from Testflight. Otherwise correct those.
In case if you haven't integrated testflight sdk into your app.
Delete your app from testflight and upload it again.
To delete app checkout following snap.
Enjoy Programming!

Knowing if an app is authorized to receive push notifications on-the-fly

Consider this situation. The app runs and application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: receives information that the app is authorized to receive push notifications.
User puts app to background and removes app's authorization to receive notifications on the device's configuration.
User runs app again. Returning from background, the app still thinks it has authorization to receive push notifications. Neither application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: or application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: receives anything at this point.
Is there a way to know at any given point if an app has authorization to receive push notifications (reading something from device's notification preferences)?
You can check for [[UIApplication sharedApplication] enabledRemoteNotificationTypes] each time the app returns from background.
See: iOS - Check for push notification support in the app
Once I have verified that the user has it disabled is there a way to programmatically direct the user to the notification settings on the device's configuration?
No for newer iOS versions. According to Navigate to settings screen in iphone and iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme, you can use -[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:] to navigate to settings screen, but only on devices running iOS version 5.0 and prior.

Push notification in next updated version

I have an app version 1.0 which is on Appstore, now I want to update this app and also want to integrate push notifications to this app. Now my question is since the provision profile, that signed with last version ,has not been configured for push notifications, now If I configure the push notification ,will push notifications will be available on updating the app.
You need to recreate the profile, redownload it and resign the new version with this in.
You can verify it is enabled by creating an ADHOC profile and doing some live testing (which you should be doing anyway!)

Local Push Notification Settings and notification section in device settings

I am using local push notifications in my app. I need the users to have an option in the push notification section of the device settings page. Currently my app is not listed under the notification section. Is there a way so that apps with local push notifications would also be listed in this section. Or, the notification section only shows apps with Apple Push Notification Service.(Remote APNS)
The answer is already here. You can't be listed on settings->notifications, you handle it on your own in your app. But you can also (as mentioned in the previous answer) make your own Settings bundle (Apple documentation here).