Paypal Mobile SDK cannot proceed payment, received unknown error - paypal

I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem. I receive this error from my iOS SDK, for 2 attempted requests:
2015-01-22 16:14:32.238 Page Advisor Consumer[6442:607] PayPal SDK: Request has failed with error: UNKNOWN_ERROR - System error (UNKNOWN_ERROR). Please try again later. (400) | PayPal Debug-ID: be3d18e185478 [live, PayPal iOS SDK 2.8.2]
2015-01-22 16:15:06.557 Page Advisor Consumer[6442:607] PayPal SDK: Request has failed with error: UNKNOWN_ERROR - System error (UNKNOWN_ERROR). Please try again later. (400) | PayPal Debug-ID: 52795d8d95006 [live, PayPal iOS SDK 2.8.2]
I wonder what cause this error. Because when I use direct payment REST API there seems to be no problem at all. I already use US Account. Please tell me if i need to provide anymore details. Thank you guys!
I have done further testing, turns out that Mobile SDK somehow cannot create transaction in SGD if connected to a US account, while REST API allows it. Turns out the SDK needs Singapore Account in order to proceed.
The problem is Singapore Account cannot use the newest SDK. Any solution for this? I really desperately need the newest SDK to work with SGD, because the current REST API allows it.

I looked up the debug IDs you provided (both Live and Sandbox) and they were all failing for the same reason: unsupported currency for direct credit card transactions.
SGD is not a supported currency for Direct Credit cards with the REST APIs. A list of supported direct credit card currencies can be found here. SGD is a supported currency for PayPal payments with the REST APIs. Since the mSDK sits on top of the REST APIs, the supported currency list for REST and mSDK are one and the same.
As for the error message itself, I will put in a request with the appropriate folks to see if we can display something a bit more informative.


PayPal Vault integration

I am currently developing a mobile marketplace application using React-Native and Nest.js. I am implementing the 'onboarding before payment' flow for sellers, where I am storing the merchant id in my database. However, when a customer adds a payment method and I use the "v3/vault/setup-tokens" and "v3/vault/payment-tokens" to retrieve the vault_id, and then create an order using "v2/checkout/orders", I always receive a 422 response with the message "Payee account specified is invalid. Please check the payee.email_address' or payee.merchant_id' specified and try again. Ensure that either payee.merchant_idor `payee.email_address" is specified."
I have followed the steps outlined in the PayPal documentation but am still encountering this issue.
I would like to know if anyone has any experience with this issue and could provide guidance on how to solve it. I am also looking to integrate PayPal and credit card payments in my application and any suggestions on how to do this with React-Native and Nest.js would be greatly appreciated.


I am using the PHP SDK, other API calls, like getting payment information work so the configuration is correct.
What I am trying to do is starting from a payment ID to find the billing agreement, check the agreement details and in some cases attempt to update it.
From the documentation I see only the billing agreement ID is the requiered parameter
so I do not understand what profile is this error mentioning, is the payment/transaction/payer missing some profile or other profile ?
That PHP SDK is deprecated and does not support the current version of PayPal Subscriptions, documented here.
There is no supported SDK for it; use a direct HTTPS integration for any server-side API calls.

PayFlow Pro error -104 "Unexpected transaction state"

I develop for a credit card processing application that works with PayFlow Pro (among other processors). One of our customers is seeing a "Unexpected transaction state" result when submitting an authorization to PayFlow Pro.
I've found the result listed in the developer docs here, but it does not provide any information as to the cause or how to fix it. Is there anywhere that I can find more information on this issue? PayPal doesn't seem to provide a way to contact them directly regarding development questions, and just points me here.
According to PayFlowPro guide there is a communication result value with this error code (-104). Check the firewall status in the user computer, is the most common issue.
It turns out the customer had entered the wrong URL for the PayflowPro gateway. It should be "" not "".


I am implementing paypal , my code works in sandbox , but does not work on live production .
I use
com.paypal.sdk : paypal android -sdk - : 2.14.1
E/paypal.sdk: request failure with http statusCode:422,exception:Unprocessable Entity
E/paypal.sdk: request failed with server response:{"name":"PAYMENT_CREATION_ERROR","debug_id":"ca78bf1438119","message":"checkout-session not created","information_link": ""}
That error usually has to do with the funding source that's being chosen for the payment. If you believe that everything is good with that, then I'd recommend you contact PayPal Customer Support so that they can take a look to see what may be causing it. You can reach them by clicking the Contact Us link at the bottom of a PayPal page. This isn't an issue with the SDK or your code.

Credit Card payments not working Paypal

Hi I am implementing paypal API on my website where different vendors come and sell their products.Currently I am using sandbox environment.Payments are working perfectly using paypal account but payments are not working using Credit Card.Getting following error:
We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.
For some browsers, this problem can be resolved by clearing or
deleting cookies.
Message 6838
Any ideas?
If this is an issue that is happening with every transaction, make certain that you are using live credentials with live endpoints.
If you are using Express Checkout make certain you have the correct API Signature credentials.
Below are two links for going live and correct API Endpoints:
PayPal Developer Site, Going Live
API Endpoints
If this is happening on only a handful of transactions it may be a technical issue.You can submit a ticket to PayPal Merchant Technical Support