Using shareToFacebook method in Android -

Can I use shareToFacebook method for Android/Android Emulator?

Yes it is possible to use it but I suggest you to use Facebook APIs on Smartface App Studio.
I suggest you to read the articles below;


How to check if NFC available for iOS using ionic?

I wanted to know is it possible to check using ionic if iOS device has NFC functionality. I can use "PhoneGap NFC Plugin" but it only has nfc.beginSession() function which isn't what I need because it opens NFC reading window for iOS but I just want to check if available without opening any windows. I know that you can call in swift NFCNDEFReaderSession.readingAvailable() but is there a plugin which offers what I need?
The enabled() method of the phonegap-nfc plugin seems to do exactly what you want on iOS: it internally calls NFCNDEFReaderSession.readingAvailable().

Is it possible to add a video call feature on an app using Smartface App Studio?

Is it possible to add a video call feature on an app using Smartface App Studio?
I've tried cloning Viber using another software however it wasn't successful
Short answer: No;
Long answer: Maybe
Smartface doesn't have direct support for SIP/VoIP. For video you could use Sockets (however the problem still remains on video encoding).
However, to implement a video call feature I would recommend to do this using the native platform SDKs

Apple / Android pay in nativeScript

what is the best way to use Apple / Android pay in nativeScript for in App purchase? Is there any plugin around? Can anyone give me a direction?
Check out this one:
Currently, it is only supporting IOS, but guessing will have Android support soon.
nativescript-purchase currently supports both android and iOS.
And it is constantly being updated.
As far as I know there is no such plugin at the moment however you can create easily new one by using some already available cocoa pod for example for iOS:
You can use this repo to get started with Google Pay:
Here is also more info how to create {N} plugins:

Can I use the JavaScript facebook SDK for phonegap apps?

I am not sure whether my question is appropriate or not.
I am integrating facebook for the first time and also for the for first my app is multi-platform.
I am integrating facebook in my app for iphone and android.My question are below:
1)If i am doing it with plugin i have to do it separately for both iPhone and Android. Is there any way to integrate Facebook for both in a single effort for eg by using Javascript SDK
2)If yes what it is? and if possible any sample.
Thanks in advance
You should use phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect. It works on both iOS and Android and integrates great with iOS6 bulid in Facebook functionality.
The plugin provides a patched version of the Facebook JS API.

AdSense SDK download

Hi I have registered in Google AdSense and I want to use SDK for iOS, but currently I can't find SDK download link.
My application has been approved.
Anybody know how to download this sdk.
I use this link that describe how to use it but does not have link on SDK download.
AdSense iOS SDK
Thanks a lot!
I don't use AdSense instead I use AdMob. Really cool thing!
Very simple and very fast way for provide advertising in your app.