Are variable length datatypes supported by h5py? - h5py

I'm a bit confused by what I see on the h5py FAQ: specifically, the claim there is that variable length datatypes aren't supported.
The weird thing is that when I upgrade to the latest version (2.5.0) they seem to be, i.e. for a compound datatype that contains a variable-length array:
struct {
"mass" +0 native double
"eta" +8 native double
"vertices" +16 variable length of
struct {
"mass" +0 native double
"parx" +8 native double
} 16 bytes
} 32 bytes
I have no problem accessing all the entries. So what is the FAQ referring to?

The FAQ is out of date up-to-date! Support for variable length datatypes was added in 2.3. There is an example on how to use them in the "Special Types" section of the manual.
EDIT: I updated the FAQ, so it is now correct; h5py does support VLENs of arbitrary types.


Bug? JsNumber toFixed returns different values in SuperDev and JS

I'm using GWT 2.8.2.
When I run the following code in SuperDev mode, it logs 123.456, which is what I expect.
double d = 123.456789;
JsNumber num = Js.cast(d);
When I compile to JavaScript and run, it logs 123 (i.e. it does not show the decimal places).
I have tried running the code on Android Chrome, Windows Chrome and Windows Firefox. They all exhibit the same behavior.
Any idea why there is a difference and is there anything I can do about it?
Update: After a bit more digging, I've found that it's to do with the coercion of the integer parameter.
console.log(num.toFixed(3)); // 123 (wrong)
console.log(num.toFixed(3d)); // 123.456 (correct)
It seems that the JsNumber class in Elemental2 has defined the signature as:
public native String toFixed(Object digits);
I think it should be:
public native String toFixed(int digits);
I'm still not sure why it works during SuperDev mode and not when compiled though.
Nice catch! This appears to be a bug in the jsinterop-generator configuration used when generating Elemental2's sources. Since JS doesn't have a way to say that a number is either an integer or a floating point value, the source material that jsinterop-generator works with can't accurately describe what that argument needs to be.
Usually, the fix is to add this to the integer-entities.txt (, so that the generator knows that this parameter can only be an integer. However, when I made this change, the generator didn't act on the new line, and logged this fact. It turns out that it only makes this change when the parameter is a number of some kind, which Object clearly isn't.
The proper fix also then is probably to fix the externs that are used to describe what "JsNumber.toFixed" is supposed to take as an argument. The spec says that this can actually take some non-number value and after converting to a number, doesn't even need to be an integer (see and
So, instead we need to be sure to pass whatever literal value that the Java developer provides to the function, so that it is parsed correctly within JS - this means that the argument needs to be annotated with #DoNotAutobox. Or, we could clarify this to say that it can either be Object or Number for the argument, and the toFixed(Object) will still be emitted, but now there will be a numeric version too.
Alternatively, you can work around this as you have done, or by providing a string value of the number of digits you want:
Filed as
The problem is that "java" automatically wraps the int as an Integer and GWT end up transpiling the boxed Integer as a special object in JS (not a number). But, if you use a double, the boxed double is also transpiled as a native number by GWT and the problem disappears.
I'm not absolutely sure why this works in super-devmode, but it should not. I think that the difference is that SDM maps native toString to the Java toString, and (even weirder) the native toFixed call the toString of the argument. In SDM the boxed-interger#toString returns the string representation of the number which ends up coercing back to int, but in production, the boxed-interger#toString returns "[object Object]", which is handled as NaN.
There is a special annotation #DoNotAutobox to being able to use primitive integers in JS native APIs. This prevents integer auto-wrap, so the int is transpired to a native number (example usage in the Js#coerceToInt method). Elemental2 might add this annotation or change the type to int as you suggest. Please, create an issue in the elemental2 repo to fix this (

Dart equivalent of long? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I declare 64bit unsigned int in dart/flutter?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
What is the equivalent of java's long datatype in dart ? should int or long be used?
In Java:
long: The long data type is a 64-bit two's complement integer. The signed long has a minimum value of -2^63 and a maximum value of 2^63-1. In Java SE 8 and later, you can use the long data type to represent an unsigned 64-bit long, which has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 2^64-1. Use this data type when you need a range of values wider than those provided by int. The Long class also contains methods like compareUnsigned, divideUnsigned etc to support arithmetic operations for unsigned long.
In Dart:
Integer values no larger than 64 bits, depending on the platform. On the Dart VM, values can be from -2^63 to 2^63 - 1. Dart that’s compiled to JavaScript uses JavaScript numbers, allowing values from -2^53 to 2^53 - 1.
So, you can exactly use int in Dart for the equivalent of long in Java. But beware of the caveat when compiled to JavaScript.

Type inference issue with Swift's Double initializer for shifted integer parameters

I am trying to initialize a Float or Double with the result of an integer bit shifting operation. The passed parameter is an integer literal, shifted by an unsigned byte. As far as I understand Swift's type inference, that parameter should be of type Int. However, the resulting floating point value is 0.0. Oddly, the issue is gone as soon as I put the parameter expression in brackets.
let someByte = UInt8(16)
print(Double(1 << someByte)) //Prints "0.0" ?!
print(Double((1 << someByte))) //Prints "65536.0"
This looks like a bug in the compiler. As #Hamish said, the latest master has this problem fixed, I can confirm that as I have the toolchains for Swift 4.2 and Swift 5.0 installed:
with the Swift 4.2 toolchain the behaviour is as you described: the first print outputs 0.0, while the second one outputs 65536.0
while if using the latest Swift 5.0 toolchain, both calls print 65536.0

What is the correct type for returning a C99 `bool` to Rust via the FFI?

A colleague and I have been scratching our heads over how to return a bool from <stdbool.h> (a.k.a. _Bool) back to Rust via the FFI.
We have our C99 code we want to use from Rust:
myfunc(void) {
We let Rust know about myfunc using an extern C block:
extern "C" {
fn myfunc() -> T;
What concrete type should T be?
Rust doesn't have a c_bool in the libc crate, and if you search the internet, you will find various GitHub issues and RFCs where people discuss this, but don't really come to any consensus as to what is both correct and portable:
As far as I can gather:
The size of a bool in C99 is undefined other than the fact it must be at least large enough to store true (1) and false (0). In other words, at least one bit long.
It could even be one bit wide.
Its size might be ABI defined.
This comment suggests that if a C99 bool is passed into a function as a parameter or out of a function as the return value, and the bool is smaller than a C int then it is promoted to the same size as an int. Under this scenario, we can tell Rust T is u32.
All right, but what if (for some reason) a C99 bool is 64 bits wide? Is u32 still safe? Perhaps under this scenario we truncate the 4 most significant bytes, which would be fine, since the 4 least significant bytes are more than enough to represent true and false.
Is my reasoning correct? Until Rust gets a libc::c_bool, what would you use for T and why is it safe and portable for all possible sizes of a C99 bool (>=1 bit)?
As of 2018-02-01, the size of Rust's bool is officially the same as C's _Bool.
This means that bool is the correct type to use in FFI.
The rest of this answer applies to versions of Rust before the official decision was made
Until Rust gets a libc::c_bool, what would you use for T and why is it safe and portable for all possible sizes of a C99 bool (>=1 bit)?
As you've already linked to, the official answer is still "to be determined". That means that the only possibility that is guaranteed to be correct is: nothing.
That's right, as sad as it may be. The only truly safe thing would be to convert your bool to a known, fixed-size integral type, such as u8, for the purpose of FFI. That means you need to marshal it on both sides.
Practically, I'd keep using bool in my FFI code. As people have pointed out, it magically lines up on all the platforms that are in wide use at the moment. If the language decides to make bool FFI compatible, you are good to go. If they decide something else, I'd be highly surprised if they didn't introduce a lint to allow us to catch the errors quickly.
See also:
Is bool guaranteed to be 1 byte?
After a lot of thought, I'm going to try answering my own question. Please comment if you can find a hole in the following reasoning.
This is not the correct answer -- see the comments below
I think a Rust u8 is always safe for T.
We know that a C99 bool is an integer large enough to store 0 or 1, which means it's free to be an unsigned integer of at least 1-bit, or (if you are feeling weird) a signed integer of at least 2-bits.
Let's break it down by case:
If the C99 bool is 8-bits then a Rust u8 is perfect. Even in the signed case, the top bit will be a zero since representing 0 and 1 never requires a negative power of two.
If the C99 bool is larger than a Rust u8, then by "casting it down" to a 8-bit size, we only ever discard leading zeros. Thus this is safe too.
Now consider the case where the C99 bool is smaller than the Rust u8. When returning a value from a C function, it's not possible to return a value of size less than one byte due to the underlying calling convention. The CC will require return value to be loaded into a register or into a location on the stack. Since the smallest register or memory location is one byte, the return value will need to be extended (with zeros) to at least a one byte sized value (and I believe the same is true of function arguments, which too must adhere to calling convention). If the value is extended to a one-byte value, then it's the same as case 1. If the value is extended to a larger size, then it's the same as case 2.

Memory occupied by a string variable in swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Swift: How to use sizeof?
(5 answers)
Calculate the size in bytes of a Swift String
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I want to find the memory occupied by a string variable in bytes.
Lets suppose we have a variable named test
let test = "abvd"
I want to know how to find the size of test in runtime.
I have checked the details in Calculate the size in bytes of a Swift String
But this question is different.
According to apple, "Behind the scenes, Swift’s native String type is built from Unicode scalar values. A Unicode scalar is a unique 21-bit number for a character or modifier, such as U+0061 for LATIN SMALL LETTER A ("a"), or U+1F425 for FRONT-FACING BABY CHICK ("🐥")." This can be found in
So if thats the case, apple is actually using a fixed size representation for unicode code points instead of the dynamic UTF8 encoding.
I wanted to verify this claim.
Thanks in advance.
To your real goal: neither understanding is correct. Strings do not promise an internal representation. They can hold a variety of representations, depending on how they're constructed. In principle they can even take zero real memory if they are statically defined in the binary and memory mapped (I can't remember if the StaticString type makes use of this fully yet). The only way you're going to answer this question is to look at the current implementation, starting in String.swift, and then moving to StringCore.swift, and then reading the rest of the string files.
To your particular question, this is probably the beginning of the answer you're looking for (but again, this is current implementation; it's not part of any spec):
/// The core implementation of a highly-optimizable String that
/// can store both ASCII and UTF-16, and can wrap native Swift
/// _StringBuffer or NSString instances.
The end of the answer you're looking for is "it's complicated."
Note that if you ask for MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: test), you're going to get a surprising result (24), because that's just measuring the container. There is a reference type inside the container (which takes one word of storage for a pointer). There's no mechanism to determine "all the storage used by this value" because that's not very well defined when pointers get involved.
String only has one property:
var _core: _StringCore
And _StringCore has the following properties:
public var _baseAddress: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
var _countAndFlags: UInt
public var _owner: AnyObject?
Each of those take one word (8 bytes on a 64-bit platform) of storage, so 24 bytes total. It doesn't matter how long the string is.