Alternative to Boolean OR in Sphinx? - sphinx

I have/had a mysql query that was pretty fast using in e.g.
FieldA in (X,Y,Z)
I've moved over to Sphinx which is clearly much faster EXCEPT when using pipes in case like this e.g.
#(FieldA) (X|Y|Z)
Where X|Y|Z are actually about 40 different values. The MysQl In takes .3 seconds the Sphinx takes over a minute. Given how much faster Sphinx has proven to be I am wondering if there is some 'IN' version for Sphinx with multiple values vs | which clearly is slowing it down.

Really it depends on a lot of things. For certain queries, changing to use a MVA might better than using keywords. (they you do have an 'IN' function )
... particularly if you have other search keywords.
Sphinxes full-text indexing is optimized for answering short user entered queries. To answer a long 'OR' style query, it has to load and merge each wordlist. And rank all that. Its all overhead.
Whereas attribute based filtering is generally pretty quick, particully if you have a highly selective keyword query, which gives a relatively short list of potential matches.


What considerations in mongo should I have turning indexed numeric attributes into strings

We are moving to a new system which is forcing us to use strings instead of Int32s for an id. Not to be confused with the _id. None of our queries are intending to change, but they are a lot slower. They effectively went from 170ms to 1.4minutes. We have a lot of lookups in this main query, if it wasn't proprietary I would post it here, but really it's not the query since only the database attributes that we use for lookups has changed from a number to a string. They are already indexed on that using unique and descending indexes, but maybe there is more consideration I might need for it? Effectively this change made the attribute "a12343cgr3h" from a number like 4321. I personally believe numbers are faster and I have doubts we can make this any faster, but I'm hoping we can speed it up somehow, I just believe the solution is out of my wheelhouse. I'm not sure if I need a text index or if there are other solutions I need to change. Most of the queries use a simple find({id: "a12343cgr3h"}), but then we have some aggregate queries with lots of lookups and nested arrays that also have their own lookups. I can't post the query otherwise I would. Any thoughts on what I should do in terms of indexes or anything else I need to consider when changing an indexed numeric attribute to a text attribute that could be slowing down the query?

Can I find text that's "close" to some query with PostgreSQL?

I have a table in my DB called text. It will have something like this is an example of lite coin. I want to query this for litecoin and things that are close (like lite coin). Is there some way to do this generically as I will have multiple queries. Maybe something with a max Levenshtein distance?
There is a core extension to PostgreSQL which implements the Levenshtein distance. For strings of very unequal length, as in your example, the distance will of necessity be large. So you would have to implement some normalization method, unless all phrases being searched within are the same length.
I don't think Levenshtein is indexable. You could instead look into trigram distance, which is indexable.
+1 on the trigram suggestion. Trigrams in Postgres are excellent and, for sure, indexible. Depending on the index option you choose (GIN or GiST), you get access to different operators. If I remember correctly off the top of my head, GiST gives you distance tolerances for the words, and lets you search for them in order. You can specify the number of words expected between two searches words, and more. (If I'm remembering correctly.) Both GIN and GiST are worth experimenting with.
Levenshtein compares two specific strings, so it doesn't lend itself to indexing. What would you index? The comparison string is unknown in advance. You could index every string by every string in a column and, apart from the O(aaaargh!) complexity, you still might not have unything like your search string in the index.
Tip: If you must use Levenshtein, and it is pretty great where it's useful, you can eliminate many rows from your comparison cheaply. If you've got a 10 character search string and want strings only with a distance of 2, you can eliminate shorter and longer strings from consideration without fear of losing any matches.
You might find that you want to apply Levenshtein (or Jaccard, etc.) to possible matches found by the trigrams. But, honestly, Levenshtein is, by nature, biased towards strings in the same order. That's okay for lite coin/light coin/litecoin, but not helpful when the words can be in any order, like with first and last name, much address data, and many, many phrase-like searches.
The other thing to consider, depending on your range of queries, are full text searches with tsvectors. These are also indexable, and also support a range of operators.

Difference of More Like This (MLT) and normal select query in Solr

Can someone explain the exact difference of MLT and normal select query in Solr ? I know that Solr uses an advanced form of TF.IDF to score documents based on a select query for a textual field, but how does the scoring algorithm differ when MLT is being used ?
I'm not sure if the question really makes sense - More Like This is used to find more documents similar to one you already have. This is different from entering a query and wanting to get something back, they're used to solve very different modes of operation.
Behind the scenes they're both queries in the meaning of "looks up something in the index based on input", which for MLT is the terms from the existing document, instead of the query the user has entered.
You can see how the MLT query is built in If I read the code correctly, a PriorityQueue is used to fetch the scores for all the terms, which are then added as boost queries to a large set of terms in a boolean query, where each term is set to SHOULD occur. That way the terms are boosted based on MLT semantics, while it uses the ClassicSimilarity behind the scenes.
But again, the use case for MLT is very different from when you'd use a regular query.

What is the fundmental difference between MongoDB / NoSQL which allows faster aggregation (MapReduce) compared to MySQL

I have the following problem. I have a table with huge number of rows which I need to search and then group search results by many parameters. Let's say the table is
id, big_text, price, country, field1, field2, ..., fieldX
And we run a request like this
[use FULLTEXT index to MATCH() big_text] AND
[use some random clauses that anyway render indexes useless,
like: country IN (1,2,65,69) and price<100]
This we be displayed as search results and then we need to take these search results and group them by a number of fields to generate search filters
(results) GROUP BY field1
(results) GROUP BY field2
(results) GROUP BY field3
(results) GROUP BY field4
This is a simplified case of what I need, the actual task at hand is even more problematic, for example sometimes the first results query does also its own GROUP BY. And example of such functionality would be this site
(search results plus filters on the left)
I've done and still doing a deep research on how MySQL functions and at this point I totally don't see this possible in MySQL. Roughly speaking MySQL table is just a heap of rows lying on HDD and indexes are tiny versions of these tables sorted by the index field(s) and pointing to the actual rows. That's a super oversimplification of course but the point is I don't see how it is possible to fix this at all, i.e. how to use more than one index, be able to do fast GROUP BY-s (by the time query reaches GROUP BY index is completely useless because of range searches and other things). I know that MySQL (or similar databases) have various helpful things such index merges, loose index scans and so on but this is simply not adequate - the queries above will still take forever to execute.
I was told that the problem can be solved by NoSQL which makes use of some radically new ways of storing and dealing with data, including aggregation tasks. What I want to know is some quick schematic explanation of how it does this. I mean I just want to have a quick glimpse at it so that I could really see that it does that because at the moment I can't understand how it is possible to do that at all. I mean data is still data and has to be placed in memory and indexes are still indexes with all their limitation. If this is indeed possible, I'll then start studying NoSQL in detail.
PS. Please don't tell me to go and read a big book on NoSQL. I've already done this for MySQL only to find out that it is not usable in my case :) So I wanted to have some preliminary understanding of the technology before getting a big book.
There are essentially 4 types of "NoSQL", but three of the four are actually similar enough that an SQL syntax could be written on top of it (including MongoDB and it's crazy query syntax [and I say that even though Javascript is one of my favorite languages]).
Key-Value Storage
These are simple NoSQL systems like Redis, that are basically a really fancy hash table. You have a value you want to get later, so you assign it a key and stuff it into the database, you can only query a single object at a time and only by a single key.
You definitely don't want this.
Document Storage
This is one step up above Key-Value Storage and is what most people talk about when they say NoSQL (such as MongoDB).
Basically, these are objects with a hierarchical structure (like XML files, JSON files, and any other sort of tree structure in computer science), but the values of different nodes on the tree can be indexed. They have a higher "speed" relative to traditional row-based SQL databases on lookup because they sacrifice performance on joining.
If you're looking up data in your MySQL database from a single table with tons of columns (assuming it's not a view/virtual table), and assuming you have it indexed properly for your query (that may be you real problem, here), Document Databases like MongoDB won't give you any Big-O benefit over MySQL, so you probably don't want to migrate over for just this reason.
Columnar Storage
These are the most like SQL databases. In fact, some (like Sybase) implement an SQL syntax while others (Cassandra) do not. They store the data in columns rather than rows, so adding and updating are expensive, but most queries are cheap because each column is essentially implicitly indexed.
But, if your query can't use an index, you're in no better shape with a Columnar Store than a regular SQL database.
Graph Storage
Graph Databases expand beyond SQL. Anything that can be represented by Graph theory, including Key-Value, Document Database, and SQL database can be represented by a Graph Database, like neo4j.
Graph Databases make joins as cheap as possible (as opposed to Document Databases) to do this, but they have to, because even a simple "row" query would require many joins to retrieve.
A table-scan type query would probably be slower than a standard SQL database because of all of the extra joins to retrieve the data (which is stored in a disjointed fashion).
So what's the solution?
You've probably noticed that I haven't answered your question, exactly. I'm not saying "you're finished," but the real problem is how the query is being performed.
Are you absolutely sure you can't better index your data? There are things such as Multiple Column Keys that could improve the performance of your particular query. Microsoft's SQL Server has a full text key type that would be applicable to the example you provided, and PostgreSQL can emulate it.
The real advantage most NoSQL databases have over SQL databases is Map-Reduce -- specifically, the integration of a full Turing-complete language that runs at high speed that query constraints can be written in. The querying function can be written to quickly "fail out" of non-matching queries or quickly return with a success on records that meet "priority" requirements, while doing the same in SQL is a bit more cumbersome.
Finally, however, the exact problem you're trying to solve: text search with optional filtering parameters, is more generally known as a search engine, and there are very specialized engines to handle this particular problem. I'd recommend Apache Solr to perform these queries.
Basically, dump the text field, the "filter" fields, and the primary key of the table into Solr, let it index the text field, run the queries through it, and if you need the full record after that, query your SQL database for the specific index you got from Solr. It uses some more memory and requires a second process, but will probably best suite your needs, here.
Why all of this text to get to this answer?
Because the title of your question doesn't really have anything to do with the content of your question, so I answered both. :)

Is mongoDB efficient in doing multi-key lookups?

I'm evaluating MongoDB, coming from Membased/memcached because I want more flexibility.
Of course Membase is excellent in doing fast (multi)-key lookups.
I like the additional options that MongoDB gives me, but is it also fast in doing multi-key lookups? I've seen the $or and $in operator and I'm sure I can model it with that. I just want to know if it's performant (in the same league) as Membase.
use-case, e.g., Lucene/Solr returns 20 product-ids. Lookup these product-ids in Couchdb to return docs/ appropriate fields.
For your use case, I'd say it is, from my experience: I hacked some analytics into a database of mine that made a lot of $in queries with thousands of ids and it worked fine (it was a hack). To my surprise, it worked rather well, in the lower millisecond area.
Of course, it's hard to compare this, and -as usual- theory is a bad companion when it comes to performance. I guess the best way to figure it out is to migrate some test data and send some queries to the system.
Use MongoDB's excellent built-in profiler, use $explain, keep the one index per query rule in mind, take a look at the logs, keep an eye on mongostat, and do some benchmarks. This shouldn't take too long and give you a definite and affirmative answer. If your queries turn out slow, people here and on the news group probably have some ideas how to improve the exact query, or the indexation.
One index per query. It's sometimes thought that queries on multiple
keys can use multiple indexes; this is not the case with MongoDB. If
you have a query that selects on multiple keys, and you want that
query to use an index efficiently, then a compound-key index is
There's more information on that page as well with regard to Indexes.
The bottom line is Mongo will be great if your indexes are in memory and you are indexing on the columns you want to query using composite keys. If you have poor indexing then your performance will suffer as a result. This is pretty much in line with most systems.