Deploying Windows 8.1 store apps on Windows 10 - deployment

I'm sideloading Windows 8.1 app on Windows 10. I know Win 8.1 apps required a sideloading key when it deploy through Windows 8.1 OS but due to the new feature on Windows 10 "Sideload apps" does that sideloading key still required?

No. It's not required.
According this article
With Windows 8, Microsoft copied Apple’s iPad and iPhone model,
forcing you to get your apps from Microsoft’s curated store. Windows
10 shifts back to a more PC-like, Android model — you can get apps
from anywhere you like.
In Windows 10, sideloading is different than in earlier versions of
You can unlock a device for sideloading using an enterprise policy, or through Settings
License keys are not required
Devices do not have to be joined to a domain


Is Possible to test Web Application in Windows 7 for IPhone Emulators?

I want to test my web application in iPhone Emulator but I have only Windows Machine there is any way to create iPhone emulators on Windows for testing web applications using Appium.
There is a way if you create a Virtual Machine of MAC OS. But you still need a valid MAC OS license (there is no freeware except some hacked ones).
Basically you need XCode application to run iOS emulators, which can be installed only on MAC OS.

Distributing Windows Store App Without Powershell

We have developed an app for Windows tablets. We have side loading key and certificates etc and can install the apps using the conventional methods.
We are looking, however, to be able to adhoc distribute these apps to our clients tablets without the client having to manually install the Side loading key and then running the Powershell script and not using Intune.
Ideally we would just be able to provide them a link that will trigger a download (like we can with iOS apps) or that will give them a file they can click to then trigger the install (like an exe or something).
Beta builder helps with this on iOS
Has anyone got any ideas how best to go about this or even better implemented it before?
Thanks in advance,
Unfortunately, Microsoft has chosen to restrict Windows 8 app sideloading to Windows 8 Enterprise Edition. Furthermore, Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) is required for this scenario.
Note: Of course, you can still apply for the developer sideloading key, but you already know about that.

compiling and signing xcode project on Windows

I am using an application that produce me the xcode project that I have implemented on windows. So in order to test it on iphone i have to use a mac. I am wondering is there any way to compile and sign the xcode project so I can get *.ipa or *.app.
I suggest that you install VirtualBox which enables you to run Mac OS X. Buying a Mac OS X license is rather cheap and VirtualBox is free. If you register at Apple Developer you could download Xcode for free. I have successfully used VirtualBox to setup similar environments, where I used Ubuntu as the host operating system.
The following might be of interest: Develop iPhone applications on Windows (with Virtualbox etc).
No, it is illegal and is only allowed on licensed Mac OS X software.

iphone environment setup for windows [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
iPhone development on Windows
I need to develop an iPhone application. I have Windows XP operating system. How can I configure iOS development environment in Windows XP?
You can't. iPhone development requires XCode, which only runs on Mac OS X.
On windows you could try to build native application using Web technologies, and software like . You're using one of preferable web-languages (PHP, Ruby, etc.) and it will be converted to ObjectiveC.
On Windows you can't do that. But you can maybe do it on your pc. You could try to install a Mac OS on your PC. For that consultate or However this is not rellay easy and you main have some disadvantages, like not fully working XCode and so on. Additionally its not very easy to install.
You could also search in the Internet for a Mac OS image which can be virtualized on PCs (e.g. by using VMWare).
Note: this is not fully legal as far as I know.
There is no chance to develop an iPhone application on the windows...
and also you can't do it on other than mac pc(you must have iMac,Mac mini,or Mac book)
you can install a Mac OS on general non mac pc.
but you can't install iPhone SDK successfully on that system...
So there is no chance to develop iPhone Application on the Windows as wel as non-Mac machine...strong text

How to develop Iphone Applications on Windows Platform(Xp, Vista)

Hi folks can any one please let me know , How to develop Iphone Applications on Windows Platform(Xp, Vista).if so
i have Windows System with XP OS
How to install the software
'what is the software name and
please let me know the Blogs and Free Downloads for Trail Versions
Thank in advance
It is not possible, and if it is possible, it is not worth your effort. Developing for the iPhone is only supported on Mac OS X through the Apple Xcode Developer Tools and Official iPhone SDK. While there are alternative toolchains out there (I don't know how good those are), you will almost certainly not be able to distribute your application to the App Store if you use those build tools. In addition, trying to setup your own cross-compiler environment can be quite painful. If you already don't care whether or not your application makes it into the App Store, then I suggest (from a purely technical standpoint) you buy a copy of Mac OS X Snow Leopard for $30 and violate the Apple EULA by installing it in a copy of VirtualBox on your Windows XP machine. You can then download and install the official Xcode developer tools and iPhone SDK in your virtual environment.
If you truly want to develop for the iPhone or have made the right ethical choice to not violate Apple's EULA, then I suggest you get yourself a used or refurbished Mac to develop on, or splurge for a new Mac laptop.
Take a look at the WiSDK project. Anyway it is under development and you need to register at beta tester if you want to try it. Note that this project is 100% unofficial.