Want a Cell to position right above the footer in the last page - fpdf

I am creating a PDF document with FPDF. Everything is fine but I want a Cell right above the footer. The image can describe it best. How to do that?

find the xy coordinates of cell you want to print(point A in the image)(trial and error..cant help) and use SetXY()...


Label segmented cells with different colors

I am working with Matlab to extract cells from pathology images.
My codes successfully done the job and I can outline the cells by using 'bwperim'.
To outline the cell, my codes are:
And labeled the cells are:
But now I want to make the whole cell labeled with red, rather than just outline, what should I do?
It seems like you are looking for imfill:
mask = imfill(permi, 'holes');

Dynamically update height of collection view cells

I have a collection view with many different cells in it. Each cell takes up half the width of a page, and contains an image and a label under the image.
I am starting with all of the labels being truncated, along with a "Read More" button that is supposed to expand the label.
The code to do the expanding is working, but the problem is that if I click the button on a cell in the top row, and the 2nd row also has 2 cells in it, I need those 2 cells to move down the page when I click the button as well. Right now, the text is technically "expanding" but then just being truncated due to having no height left.
I believe I need some sort of invalideLayout combination with something else to make this happen, but I can't seem to piece together how I would force all of the cells to move downwards as well.
The "Read More" button is attached to a function call that updates the number of lines for that text from "3" to "0" and reloads that cell.
Thanks in advance!

Create and display clickable cell of cells in Matlab GUI

So I want to display a cell matrix in Matlab GUI. Moreover, some of that cells are arrays of cells, and I want them to be clickable and that by clicking on them I activate a function.
Imagine I have a cell matrix:
I want to display it on an GUI, and I want to be able to click the cells, say to see the content of A{2,1}. Then I would like to click the cell entries in this cell array, and by doing so, I calculate a new matrix of the same form to display on the GUI.
However, uitable doesn't allow me to use a cell array.
An alternative would be to have a matrix of the form:
And by clicking the numbers (which I can do) a buttongroup would display (of undefined size), and by selecting one it would calculate a new matrix of the same form to display.
Thanks in advance.
Short answer: you can't
MATLAB GUI only provides only a very parse set of possible gui-elements check this documentation of MATLAB GUI. You need to change your request, so e.g. create an uitable or something like this. If you desire to create more advanced stuff in MATLAB GUI's, then you should start to look into this fellas documentation

How to properly display a grid

I need to change a crystal report. It's a simple grid with header, footer and rows inside a group.
The grid is drawned with lines and inside each square a field is added to display the data. Is this the "normal" way of doing this? I would expect just adding fields with borders would be enought without the need to draw the grid line by line.
I'm using version 14
If you are happy with the kind of display with borders to the fields then you don't need to add the lines to form a grid else if you need to be more user friendly then you can add lines.
Either of the option is just a design change but not the logic change in the report...
So the answer for this question would be up to the user requirement and design requirement of the report

Count number of grid boxes which cover an object in an image

I have displayed grid boxes over an image. I want to count number of grid boxes which cover an object in that image
for example http://snag.gy/geFIZ.jpg. In this image I have displayed grid on image but i need to count how many girds have been taken to cover that object completely.? Kindly help me regarding this
Slow, but easy to implement way:
1) Use this topic to add lines to image.
2) Make something like this:
Make a cycle to check every box. In each box check pixels. If you found first white pixel in box, add 1 to number of covering boxes and go for next one.
No code from you - no code from me, sorry :) Good luck!