Plugin using "Eclipse-BundleShape: dir" in the dropins directory - deployment

I'm developing a plug-in which I'd prefer have installed as a directory, not as a jar file.
I'm using a Eclipse-BundleShape: dir entry in the MANIFEST.MF for this. When the plug-in is installed from an update site this work fine. But when installed by placing it in the <ECLIPSE_ROOT>/dropins directory the plug-in is found and works but the jar file is not unpacked to a directory.
If I manually unpack the plug-in and place it in dropins that also works, but that requires a manual step.
How can I have my plug-in become automatically unpacked to a directory when installed in the dropins directory?

Did you give a try with "Unpack the plug-in archive after the installation" option from the feature plug-in?


Eclipse PDE Build plugins output some folders are jar-ed

I am running eclipse PDE Build from ant file. I succesfuly get the product but in the ant generated product I get some folders in plugins directory jar-ed unlike the folders I get during the export product from eclipse.
What can be the reason to have the plugins as jar but not folder ? Is there a parameter to set ?
Yes, in the MANIFEST.MF file of each plugin, you can specify this property:
Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
By default the plugin is jar-ed. With this option, it is expanded as a directory during installation of the plugin.
Note: This option is available since Eclipse 3.5 only.

duplicate bundle in eclipse Mars Release (4.5.0)

I use eclipse which version is Mars Release (4.5.0) to develop RCP application . In product definition file, I designated javax.servlet 3.1.0 bundle. But after I export product, I found a file javax.servlet_3.0.0_2011xxxx.jar in product plugins directory. It puzzled me a lot. Then I browse the Eclipse directory structures, and two jars exist in eclipse/plugins directories: javax.servlet_3.0.0_2011xxxx.jar
I'm confused why there are two javax.servlet bundles. Even if there are two bundles, I had designate a version 3.1.0, why export wizard copy a wrong jar file?
I have solved this problem.
In product definition editor page, a precise version.
Referenced from the picture above( I cannot upload picture now, sorry.), click Properties... button to enter an precise version 3.1.0.v20140161800. I must enter 3.1.0.v20140161800 instead of 3.1.0, because a bundle jar named javax.servlet_3.1.0.v20140161800.jar located in eclipse/plugins directory.
Then I export the product, all is done.

How to include JAR to Liferay portlet in Eclipse

How to import jsoup.jar to Liferay portlet, through Eclipse IDE?
just copy your jar file into docroot/WEB-INF/lib folder of your portlet. if you create your portlet correctly using eclipse and Liferay IDE(plugin), eclipse automatically recognize your lib folder and jar files under it into classpath
liferay has ivy settings. you could just locate the ivy.xml file in your liferay-plugin-sdk-6.2 folder (this normally reflects in eclipse as a project folder with your version). add this line <dependency org="org.jsoup" name="jsoup" rev="1.8.1"/>
and then build "all". You'll see it download the dependency. When done, navigate to liferay-plugins-sdk-6.2/.ivy folder, look up the downloaded jar and copy it to your project's lib folder i.e /lib. Go to project properties, then Java Build Path. In the libraries tab, click Add JARs and navigate to /lib and add it.

Adding a sample plugin into Eclipse

I have a plugin that i want to integrate with my Eclipse IDE . The plugin I downloaded from the internet consists of two jar files, namely:
How do i get them into my IDE? I tried putting them in the Eclipse dropins folder, but i think this may be incorrect .
Can someone help ?
The definitely belong in the eclipse/plugins folder. You will likely need to restart eclipse as well.
Placing the plugin in the dropins directory is correct! It does not belong in the plugins directory. Ever since p2 was added to Eclipse, the dropins directory was introduced as a means to install new plugins via general file system operations
The dropins folder is configured to be scanned during startup. Thus the dropins folder can be used
much like the plugins directory was used in the past.
Here is some information about the dropins folder. This also includes valid layouts for a plugin that lives in dropins. Have a look. It's very likely you just need to 'layout' the plugin properly.

How do I get list of files installed for a plugin in eclipse?

If you download an archive (ZIP file) for an eclipse plugin package (different versions in the same archive), the contents are usually the following:
If the installation of a plugin A version X has resulted in the copy of certain jars to
eclipse folder\features and eclipse folder\plugins folder, is there any way I can a list of these jars, so I can separate them for a specific version for local backup?
Look deeper in the zip file. "features" and "plugins" are folders.