PhpStorm IDE-wide deployment settings - deployment

I am trying to configure my IDE to save the deployment settings for my servers IDE-wide rather than project specific. I know you could do this, but can't find that setting any more.
My PhpStorm is fully up-to-date, so I'm not sure if I'm missing it somewhere or if that feature was removed.
Any help appreciated.


Deployment PhpStorm gone

My Deployment in PhpStorm is gone.
I tried to upload a project and noticed that I couldn't. Then I figured it must be mappings that aren't set the right way, but when I went to Tools and wanted to click Deployment, Deployment wasn't even there.
Make sure that "Remote Hosts Access" plugin is enabled. Enable and restart IDE if not.
If it's enabled but still nothing -- check Keymap if Deployment actions are there. If there -- maybe you have somehow removed them from Menus. For that -- reset menus & toolbars (or add those actions there manually).

Port Eclipse Problems view configuration to IDEA/Android studio

I'm using Intellij IDEA/Android Studio.
I was asked not to make any commits unless my code doesn't trigger any warnings in Problems View of Eclipse IDE.
So, is there any quick way to port Eclipse's analysis configuration to IDEA?
There is not. There is the Eclipse Code Formatter third party plug-in for portng over code formatting definitions. Pehaps you can contact that developer and see if he would add problems/inspections definition syncing. Until then, I see two options for you...
Configure your IDEA inspections so they match the team's Eclipse settings. This of course would require some time to initially set up. But I think in the end, it's the best solution.
IDEA can export to files in eclipse format. As part of that it can keep its configuration linked to the eclipse files. This way you could pop over to eclipse to check for problems prior to committing.

New to Aptana, two questions on deployment

I've moved to Aptana from DW (mainly to get better Phonegap/Android integration). I'm using Aptana integrated into Eclipse (i.e. installed Eclipse and then added Aptana).
I have two questions.
How can I configure Aptana/Eclipse to copy files to my local development server when I want to test? I can clearly do this in the filesystem outside the IDE, but would like it inside on a button or menu.
How can I configure the process to use, for example, the Google closure tools for js and css as part of my build/deployment process? I'd like to automatically minify the js and/or be able to use the css extensions offered (variables).
I get the feeling that all this should be possible since Eclipse is so configurable, but I don't know where to start. Would Ant do this for me? How?
Would appreciate some pointers.
I can answer your first question.
If you have the Aptana plug-in installed, you will have an option on your right-click menu titled "Deploy". Expanding the deploy setting will reveal the option to "Run Web Deployment Wizard...". From here, if you are using a web server as mentioned, you will probably want to choose the FTP/SFTP/FTPS option. Fill in the form with your servers information and be sure to run a test to make sure things are working properly.
I always check the "Automatically sync my changes with the remote site" box and then select the "Automatically sync in both directions" radio button. This will automatically deploy my current file to my web-server upon a save.
You may also want to only select the "Automatically sync from my machine to remote site", the reason I choose both ways is because I sometimes work from different machines and it helps me keep things in sync. A little tweaking and it should save you a lot of time and effort!
[Using Indigo Release 1, and Aptana Studio 3]
Aptana don't include support for "Google Closure", you can instead use "Eclipse" or "WebStorm".
I hope below links will help -
and this stack exchange thread -
Google closure compiler usage WebStorm

Putting eclipse under version control

I'd like to put the entire eclipse IDE (indigo) under version control (for us that would be SVN) to allow developers to checkout the entire IDE ready to go with minimum environment configuration. Did anybody try this? Would this cause problems with actually USING SVN in eclipse?
I could check it in and have users export it, but that would make it trickier to keep it updated.
I went with #BenjaminLinus approach, get an eclipse, add all the plugins, set up our app's environment specific stuff, zip it up and check it in.
You can... but why? It is just easier to have it in a shared drive for install. You don't need to track version of eclipse.

Unable to install updates or plugins in Eclipse

At work we use Adobe Coldfusion Builder and got no problem installing plugins like MercurialEclipse. But at home I would like to use Eclipse itself, but am running into many many problems. When I try to contact it just says "Unable to read repository at Installing updates result in an endless ...pending...
What is going wrong here? I thought it would be the firewall. Turned it off, no succes. Tried reading all the articles about this problem, could not find my solution there as well.
Hopefully someone can pinpoint me to the right direction.
Are you using a different version of Eclipse? Try opening the transfers tab before you update and seeing if it's blocking on something like downloading content.jar. If so, the problem is that the repository only supports classic update sites, while Eclipse is only using p2.
As to solving it... I noticed this wasn't working on very recent builds of Eclipse. According to docs, classic is still supposed to be supported. I don't know if this is a change in behavior or a bug. Workarounds would probably be using an older Eclipse, switching to classic updates in Preferences, General/Capabilities, or possibly placing the plugin's zip in the eclipse dropins folder (eclipse/dropins).
I haven't tried these, but the Preferences seems most likely.
I'm using Eclipse 3.7 build I20110526-1708.
Yeah, you can tell that it's a p2 problem: is a 404, while works fine. site.xml is the classic update mechanism.
According to the wiki:
However, users will rarely have a need for enabling Update Manager, because p2 is able to install from any update site that was designed for Update Manager.
I just tried this out myself, and can verify the Capabilites workaround works: After enabling it, go to Help>Software Updates>Find and Install. Click Search for new Features to install, and add your site as a remote site.
It should successfully find the provided features.
As listed on the wiki, this is a workaround, and shouldn't normally be used. I'm not sure why it's necessary; I couldn't find information about it myself.
As for the dropins dir, I made a mistake: it should be a jar file, not a zip. The plugin's jar, which can be found by looking through the site.xml file. This is probably a worse workaround than the first, though.
It may be proxy related issue. Go to network connections preference page and in active provider select manual. Then select HTTP, click on edit and then provide the necessary details. Do the same for HTTPS also in the preference page. Then close the preference page and try again. It should work.