Can We Access Facebook Api Using Postman client - facebook

I want to access my full details using facebook api . I am using postman client for this and hit api as
AccessToken : djbjd
AppID : dsdmds
AppSecret :sdkkd
Now I get response :
STATUS : 400 Bad Request and Response
"error": {
"message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 2500,
"fbtrace_id": "AQt0krgrd2U"
Can anyone tell me how I can hit facebook api using postman client .

You only need one GET parameter for this, the access_token parameter. It must be a valid User Token or Page Token.
You can also just try this in the browser directly:

I've been using Bearer Token to input the access token on Postman Client. The cool thing about it is you can add it to the folder and have every query inside the folder inherit it from the parent.
This lets me focus on the call and use each folder as an environment for calls related to the same object Page, App, Messenger and other tests


I want to use Get /v1.2/products REST API of Uber in android

I want to use Uber in my app by using its Rest API, and when I hit the same from Postman and i will get the same error every time
"message": "No authentication provided.",
"code": "unauthorized"
after entering the same request as given sample on the Uber Developers Site. you can also check the same here:
this is the link
And I am attaching here the pic of my request.
here is the image
In your Authorization header, replace server_token with Token.
So your example header has:
Authorization:server_token SERVER_TOKEN
replace that with:
Authorization: Token SERVER_TOKEN

Facebook Graph API Error (access token)

I'm getting the following error when I try to access the Graph API with my access token:
"error": {
"message": "Expected 1 '.' in the input between the postcard and the payload",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 1
I'm grabbing the access token after successfully authenticating an app I'm working on. I have accepted the permissions and I'm hitting the app's landing page. The access token doesn't look like others I've seen online. It doesn't have the '|' character in it. It does have a period and some underscores along with the typical alphanumeric combination.
I figured out the problem. The other developer I was working with used part of the raw signed_request object (not parsed) to form the access token. After taken a gander at the documentation, I quickly realized that you need to parse the signed_request object first before obtaining the oauth_token value. After that was fixed, I was able to easily make an API call.
Check to ensure you are verifying the "code" parameter returned by Facebook before signing the request, not the "access token". Signing a request with a bad access token produced this error message for me.

Unable to get access token from Facebook with Server-Side Authentication

I try to get an access_token like this documentation :
but it does not work !
I have this error :
"error": {
"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "Error validating verification code."
In the documentation it says we can use :
client_id is my app_id
client_secret is the App secret
redirect_uri is the url of the website (Site URL in app configuration) (I tried with / and without at the end)
So my url is :****&*********&code=AQCVmlM9peMiL8Pv3mdi7c3FifwGLQDECdtN0oGMW4I6cisebeawDdSHP_crQlhsZxHKDOFT6zOrqeaoiL2pkQSkqAvwoPZdw0o1uCoLpUVjchghgfhgfhEXb2XS3UBD7iEc8eZ_YLF0cbVWL5i58sj3Rsr9vVFtfYwfghghgfhgfTkwajGcRp9n-lWWcepxghgIwzMMYLv8e__iDoMDiSNg
It's been ages since I last coded a Facebook app. Not sure if this will help: Facebook access token and AJAX calls

How to verify Facebook access token?

There's only thing that server has to do; just check any access token's validity.
Clients send to the server user id and access token obtained by FB.getLoginStatus. As I expected, there would be any URL that checks access token's validity, like
That returns whether it's available one or not or is there any API (server side) for that?
The officially supported method for this is:
See the check token docs for more information.
An example response is:
"data": {
"app_id": 138483919580948,
"application": "Social Cafe",
"expires_at": 1352419328,
"is_valid": true,
"issued_at": 1347235328,
"metadata": {
"sso": "iphone-safari"
"scopes": [
"user_id": 1207059
You can simply request if you get an error, the token is invalid. If you get a JSON object with an id property then it is valid.
Unfortunately this will only tell you if your token is valid, not if it came from your app.
Just wanted to let you know that up until today I was first obtaining an app access token (via GET request to Facebook), and then using the received token as the app-token-or-admin-token in:
However, I just realized a better way of doing this (with the added benefit of requiring one less GET request):
As described in Facebook's documentation for Access Tokens here.
Simply request (HTTP GET):
That's it.
The app token can be found from this url.
I found this official tool from facebook developer page, this page will you following information related to access token - App ID, Type, App-Scoped,User last installed this app via, Issued, Expires, Data Access Expires, Valid, Origin, Scopes.
Just need access token.
Exchange Access Token for Mobile Number and Country Code (Server Side OR Client Side)
You can get the mobile number with your access_token with this API Maybe, once you have the mobile number and the id, you can work with it to verify the user with your server & database.
xxxxxxxxxx above is the Access Token
Example Response :
"id": "61940819992708",
"phone": {
"number": "+91XX82923912",
"country_prefix": "91",
"national_number": "XX82923912"
Exchange Auth Code for Access Token (Server Side)
If you have an Auth Code instead, you can first get the Access Token with this API -|yyyyyyyyyy|zzzzzzzzzz
xxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyy and zzzzzzzzzz above are the Auth Code, App ID and App Secret respectively.
Example Response
"id": "619XX819992708",
"access_token": "EMAWdcsi711meGS2qQpNk4XBTwUBIDtqYAKoZBbBZAEZCZAXyWVbqvKUyKgDZBniZBFwKVyoVGHXnquCcikBqc9ROF2qAxLRrqBYAvXknwND3dhHU0iLZCRwBNHNlyQZD",
"token_refresh_interval_sec": XX92000
Note - This is preferred on the server-side since the API requires the APP Secret which is not meant to be shared for security reasons.
Good Luck.

How to handle OAuthAccessTokenException in facebook api searches

I'm using Facebook API for searching. For example if I want to search for 'Conti' i get thsi url:
In this particular case, and others, instead of getting the list of results, I get this error:
"error": {
"type": "OAuthAccessTokenException",
"message": "An access token is required to request this resource."
why is this? should i get a token in order to the get the results?
Do I need to register an app?
You need to get the access token first, have a look at this tutorial:
Facebook Graph API — getting access tokens