Numerical Value That Appears Several Times in Same Column - oracle-sqldeveloper

So I have a table, Employees. I want to display the same month when employees were hired in department 50, 60, and 80. This is the code I wrote:
select to_char(hire_date, 'Month') as "Month Name"
from employees
where department_id = any (50, 60, 80);
However, this displays all the months when employees were hired in the three departments:
Month Name
Since January is the same month that appears in all three departments, I only want January to be displayed. How should I fix that?

You can count how many departments actually matched, which means you need to group by the month; and then filter on those that have the same number of matches as the number of departments you were looking for:
select to_char(hire_date, 'Month') as "Month Name"
from employees
where department_id = any (50, 60, 80)
group by to_char(hire_date, 'Month')
having count(distinct department_id) = 3;
Month Name
That is looking for the same month in any year - which I guess might be useful to see who has anniversaries coming up. If you really want the same actual month, in the same year, then the grouping needs to include the year:
select to_char(trunc(hire_date, 'MM'), 'Month') as "Month Name"
from employees
where department_id = any (50, 60, 80)
group by trunc(hire_date, 'MM')
having count(distinct department_id) = 3;
Month Name
This is with the standard HR schema's employee table; you may have different data in yours if you've been modifying it. In this data there are 12 people who are in one of those departments with a hire date in any February; three were hired in February 1999, one in each of those departments.


How to Display Last rolling 12 months in correct month order

I have an SSRS report that shows customer sales for the year and I have been asked to change it to the last 13 rolling months. I have changed my where clause to be:
WHERE (#First12Months.FirstSaleDate BETWEEN DATEADD(MM,-13,#ReportDate) AND (#ReportDate))
( #ReportDate is the last day of the month that needs to be displayed on the right of the matrix.)
This where clause pulls the correct data but it is still displaying in my monthsort order and I need to change this to the last 12 months so that the newest month is on the right and the oldest month is on the left. I cannot work out how to do the sort.
My old sort is MonthSort which gives each month a number where April is 1 through to March = 12:
CASE WHEN Month(#First12Months.FirstSaleDate)<=3 THEN MONTH(#First12Months.FirstSaleDate)+9 ELSE MONTH(#First12Months.FirstSaleDate)-3 END AS MonthSort
but of course this is now incorrect as I need the month from #ReportDate to be number 13 and each month before that chronologically to be 1 number less.
I found this post which is the only one that seems to come close to what I need but unfortunately I simply don't understand what it is saying.
Dynamic table/output each month for report
How do I tell the MonthSort column which number to allocate to the months to get the correct sort order for a rolling 13 months?
As your data is in rows and your SSRS displays it in columns you can do the following:
Add a sorting column to your sql query that uses an analytical function in order to give the (dense) rank of the month. That rank can then be used as a sorting criteria in SSRS.
Assuming your month column is called month, your query could look like this:
select t.*, dense_rank() over (order by month) rnk from t
That order could also be done descending like this:
select t.*, dense_rank() over (order by month desc) rnk from t
Let's have an example:
with t as (
select 2134 sales, cast('20190101' as date) month union all
select 3456 sales, cast('20190201' as date) month union all
select 234 sales, cast('20190301' as date) month union all
select 4567 sales, cast('20190401' as date) month union all
select 5678 sales, cast('20190501' as date) month union all
select 234 sales, cast('20190601' as date) month union all
select 756 sales, cast('20190701' as date) month union all
select 9 sales, cast('20190801' as date) month union all
select 24356134 sales, cast('20190901' as date) month union all
select 2456134 sales, cast('20191001' as date) month union all
select 234 sales, cast('20191101' as date) month union all
select 675 sales, cast('20191201' as date) month union all
select 86 sales, cast('20200101' as date) month union all
select 786 sales, cast('20200201' as date) month union all
select 715 sales, cast('20200301' as date) month union all
select 156 sales, cast('20200401' as date) month union all
select 123 sales, cast('20200501' as date) month union all
select 687 sales, cast('20200601' as date) month union all
select 45 sales, cast('20200701' as date) month
, t1 as (
select sales, month from t where t.month > dateadd(MONTH, -12, getdate())
select t1.*, DENSE_RANK() over (order by datefromparts(year(month), month([month]), 1)) rnk from t1
will return
I guess, your first query retrieving the data is correct. Changing the columns' order would have to be done in the SSRS report.
For sorting tablix (table elements in SSRS) have a look here
Posting my own answer:
I have managed to work out a formula that calculates a position number for each column to replace my MonthSort column:
select case when MONTH(saledate) BETWEEN MONTH(dateadd(mm,-11,#ReportDate)) AND 12 THEN((MONTH(saledate)+1)-MONTH(#ReportDate)+11) ELSE ((month(saledate)+1)+month(#ReportDate)+11) end as position,
from table
WHERE (saledate BETWEEN DATEADD(MM,-11,#ReportDate) AND (#ReportDate))
This doesn't quite give me what I wanted as I wanted 12 months but couldn't work out how to differentiate between the same month this year and the same month last year e.g. if the report date is 30/6/2020 then with a 12 month parameter it gives 2 June months (1 for each year 2019 and 2020) but places both of them in position 1 when June 2019 should be in position 1 and June 2020 should be in position 13. Works well with 11 months. If anyone can help with getting it to 12 months I would be grateful
I am posting another answer of my own because it is a different way of achieving what I needed as well as the simplest - I was making this issue far more complicated than it needed to be.
In my second effort I added an extra column called SaleYear using: YEAR(SaleDate). I already had a column for MONTH(SaleDate) that I was using in a case when to achieve the Apr to March sort.
I restricted the data within the SQL query to the last 13 months using a where clause:
WHERE (SaleDate BETWEEN DATEADD(MM,-13,#ReportDate) AND DATEADD(minute, - 1, #ReportDate + 1))
And in the SSRS report I added 'Year' as a parent column group to the 'Month' column group. In the column group I added sorting by Year and then by month.
Because I had already restricted the data in the sql query to the last 13 months I have the last 13 rolling months in the correct order.
This is the cleanest and most simplistic answer.

Extracting data that is relevant to the financial year as set by the parameter date

I have a student_table and in this table there is a column student_financial_aid_type and the next column is date_ , so the value of student_financial_aid_type e.g. = 'direct' and the date_ 1/04/2018. I have used CTE tables and I have a parameter date at the beginning of the code, so that I get the number of students as of that day. e.g. my parameter date is 20/04/2019.
My financial year runs from april to march eg 1/04/18 - 31/3/19.
My question is where, it indicates that the student received some form of financial aid in the financial year, I will have an output column that says either 'Y' or 'N'. So using the example above, because the date 1/04/2018 is not in the financial year of the parameter date (20/04/19), it's actually in the previous financial year (1/04/18 - 31/3/19) then I would want this to be 'N' in the output column as in the financial year of the parameter date (20/04/19) the student did not receive any financial aid. However if I happen to change the parameter date 2/06/18, then the date that the student received the financial aid (1/04/18) is in the dame financial year as the parameter date, therefore my output column will now have 'Y' to reflect this. So however I do this it has to be dynamic and respond to the parameter date as that is the one that I as the user will be changing as and when
I have tried using date_part and I have managed to have the month number of the date that the student received the payout, from this point on I was thinking of using the month number as an indicator to what FY year it falls in, but I am not sure how to go about this.
parameter_date as (
select '2019-04-26':: date p_date),
student_cohort as (select * from (
SELECT Distinct
FROM master_student_table ms
left join student_semeter ss on ms.student_id=ss.student_id ,
parameter_date, p
AND ss.student_admission_date <= p_date -- i.e. began studies less than
or equal to p_date
AND (ms.graduation_date is null or ms.graduation_date > p_date)) -- i.e.
student finished studies more than p_date or IS NULL
)x ),
student_finance as (select * from ( select date_part('month', st.date_::
date_part, st.date_, st.studentid,st.student_financial_aid_type
from student_table st
left join student_cohort s on st.studentid = s.studentid
where st.student_financial_aid_type in ('direct' , 'indirect')
) x )
select distinct
-- this is what I would like it to be -- case when is in the same
--financial year as the parameter_date
--then 'Y' else 'N' end was_financial_aid_received_in_the_fy,
cohort s
left join student_finance sf on s.student_id = sf.student_id and
sf.student_financial_aid_type = 'direct'
left join student_finance sf1 on s.student_id = sf1.student_id and
sf1.student_financial_aid_type = 'indirect' `
I would love for the output column 'was_financial_aid_received_in_the_fy' from the case statement, to have 'Y' if the sf.date_ that the student received financial aid is in the same FY year as the parameter_date and 'N' if this isn't the case
Thank you very much for all your help
I think this question basically boils down to the following:
Given a parameter date, figure out the financial year for that date.
Figure out if other dates fall in this financial year.
This is a great place to use dateranges, one of my favorite types. We can figure out the financial year from the parameter date and use a daterange to represent it. If the parameter date is before April, the financial year should be from April 1 of the previous year (inclusive) to April 1 of this year (exclusive). If the parameter date is after April, the financial year should be April 1 of this year (inclusive) to April 1 of next year (exclusive).
Here's a query that should demonstrate how to do this:
WITH parameter_date as (
select '2019-04-26'::date p_date
), fiscal_year as (
select daterange(
make_date(case when date_part('month', p_date)<4
THEN date_part('year', p_date)::int-1
ELSE date_part('year', p_date)::int END,
4, 1),
make_date(case when date_part('month', p_date)<4
THEN date_part('year', p_date)::int
ELSE date_part('year', p_date)::int+1 END,
4, 1),
'[)') as f_year
FROM parameter_date
test_data as (
select test_date::date from (values
) v(test_date)
select test_date,
CASE WHEN test_date <# fiscal_year.f_year THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END as in_f_year
from test_data, fiscal_year;
test_date | in_f_year
2019-04-01 | Y
2018-04-01 | N
2019-03-02 | N
2020-12-01 | N
2017-05-26 | N
2020-02-27 | Y
2020-04-01 | N
(7 rows)

PostgresSQL date when students turn 21

I have a table that stores student ID numbers and dates of birth.
However we want to have a view of the date of their 21st birthday or whether it was in the past.
So a student born on 1/05/1990 had his 21st birthday on 1/05/2011. Similarly, we want e.g., a student born on 1/01/2000 will have her 21st birthday on 1/01/2021.
Table that holds studentId and studentdob = studentview.
Thank you very much in advance
You can use interval:
select '1990-05-01'::date + interval '21 years'
Select students ids and theirs 21 birtdays:
SELECT studentid, studentdob + interval '21 years' as '21st_birthday' FROM studentview;
Create view from this select:
CRAETE VIEW viewname AS SELECT studentid, studentdob + interval '21 years' as '21st_birthday' FROM studentview;

Redshift - Find average sales by month

I have the below query that find count of sales done by month.
select to_char(sale_date,'Mon') as mon,
count (*) as "Sales"
from sales
where to_char(sale_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') between '2018-10-01' and '2018-12-01'
group by 1
I am trying to find the average sales done by month. How could I modify the above query to get this output. I am using Redshift.
You may query a CTE and take the average:
WITH cte AS (
select to_char(sale_date,'Mon') as mon, count (*) as "Sales"
from sales
where to_char(sale_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') between '2018-10-01' and '2018-12-01'
group by 1
FROM cte;
Note that ideally you should be grouping by year and month, because a given month can belong to more than one year. If you wanted to keep your current query, but include the average over all months, then you could try:
to_char(sale_date,'Mon') as mon,
extract(year from sale_date) as year,
count (*) as "Sales",
avg(count(*)) over () "AvgSales"
from sales
where to_char(sale_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') between '2018-10-01' and '2018-12-01'
group by 1, 2;

Postgres: longest streak per developer regardless of Saturdays and Sundays

I got the information I needed from my last post about Postgres: Defining the longest streak (in days) per developer.
However now I want know the longest streak per developer regardless of Saturdays or Sundays. For instance, Bob worked from Thursday 18, Friday 19, Monday 22 and Tuesday 23, hence Bob streak is 4 days.
I understand I can use the DOW window function, which gives me 0 as Sunday , 1 Monday and so on. But
I don’t see how I can apply DOW function in the last solution proposed by Gordon Linoff.
Can some of you help me in this matter? Cheers,
working_limits AS (
MIN(mr_date) AS start_date,
MAX(mr_date) AS end_date
working_days AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS day_number,
s.d::date AS date
GENERATE_SERIES((SELECT start_date FROM working_limits),
(SELECT end_date FROM working_limits),
'1 day') AS s(d)
worked_days AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER () AS day_number,
mr_date AS date
COUNT(*) AS days
wngd.day_number - wd.day_number AS delta
working_days wngd INNER JOIN worked_days wd
ON = AS x
x.developer, AS y