Weblogic : deploy war with prepared state not activate it - deployment

I want to deploy war on Weblogic in state prepared not active
I am using Weblogic and communicate with it using WLST, but web console can be an option.
How can I achieve this?


Deliver WildFly with default deployment

WildFly Full 10.1.0.Final (WildFly Core 2.2.0.Final):
I am searching for a possibility to trigger the deployment of my Java EE application (packed as EAR file), without starting the WildFly server or using the deployment-scanner.
Is it possible to add the ear file to a configuration file, so that the server start the deployment of my application at the first time the server starts?
The server has to be started to deploy anything. You can use offline CLI to deploy the content. This wouldn't actually process the deployment until the server has been restarted.

How to deploy .EAR Application from JDeveloper to Weblogic Domain directly from Oracle JDeveloper

I have a JDeveloper Project that is in .ear file. I loaded it into JDeveloper as new application and I can see the whole project. I also have a weblogic domain where this application files in .WAR and .ear are deployed. The application is up and running ok.
What I want is to be able to deploy the project directly from the JDeveloper.
How can I do this?
I already tried to deploy the application (Deploy to Application Server) -> Created a new Application Server (Connection was a success) -> Deploy to selected instances in the Domain (Selected the server where the application is deployed - NOT the Admin Server) and Deploy as a Standalone Application.
I don't know if the previous steps were correct and neither if this is the correct way to do what I want to achieve.
See this video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKeDZ8_0BlQ
Define a connection to your application server, and then use the application->deploy option to deploy your application.

How to deploy war using CLI to individual instance than deploying to ha-server-group for jboss 6.0 eap?

Jboss version= 6.0 EAP
Need your inputs around Jboss deployment, currently we were deploying custom war files using jboss cli command like deploy custom.war --server-groups=ha-server-group
We have a requirement to deploy custom war into individual jboss servers (ha-server-1,ha-server-2) rather server group name.
Do we have any jboss cli commands which can be used for deploying war file into individual server….?.
Sorry to say but in Domain mode we cant deploy application on specific server which is part of the server-group.
If you deploy application on server group then it will be get deployed on all servers which are part of that server-group.In EAP 6 Domain mode, we can deploy application on server-group only.
If you want to deploy application on specific server instance then you can create new server group.

Deploying portlet on liferay with weblogic 10.3

Currently I have set up liferay 6.1 to weblogic server 10.3.5.
Now I can use liferay portal from weblogic server.
After that, I am trying to deploy the other sample portlet to liferay on weblogic server.
I would like to know how to deploy that sample portlet?
Another problem is that I want to develop portlet applicatin that use JSF 2.0 for view and EJB 3.0 for business layer. Can I deploy that portlet applicatin on liferay with weblogic server. Is that possible. If possible, Please guide me.
Keep in mind that Weblogic only supports hot deploy for the admin server. There are 2 import settings that liferay needs for hot deployment on weblogic. You need a setting for the weblogic dest dir and a liferay home setting that refers to the root folder of the Weblogic domain. The env.DOMAIN_HOME doesn't work in WLS 10.3.6, that's why you need to set the home location with the full path.
Normally Liferay has a "deploy" folder that it monitors for .war files. You just copy your portlet .war file to that folder, and Liferay deploys it. You can change location of that folder by configuring "auto.deploy.dest.dir" setting in portal-ext.properties.
According to documentation, on WebLogic by default it has this value:
Also another part of documentation mentions that on some containers portlets hot deployment may not work or be problematic. But I think this is not about WebLogic.

Remote deploy from Eclipse to JBoss AS and integration Eclipse with remote JBoss

I have the following situation. My JBoss server runs on the remote server under some bound address. I would like to run Eclipse on my local machine and deploy results of work to the remote server where I could test it and debug it. I'm working on enterprise Java project and I'm normally deploying one ear file.
I know how to provide remote debugging but what possibilities exist for integrating remove deploy in Eclipse?
I was trying for first the JBoss tools plugin. There is a deploy-only server for the only deploying the project. I'm connected on the network disk on the remote server where JBoss instance runs.
But this plugin deploys ear exploded and afterwards because of the one persistence.xml in my project where tag defines what jars contain entities and instead of the jar there are something.jar directories. Then hibernate isn't able to load entities.
Is there some possibility how to easily make a remote deploy directly from Eclipse? Or better is there possibility how to integrate work on remote JBoss server in Eclipse (I mean run JBoss server, stop it.)?