Session still authenticates after server restart? - flask-login

Ok, so, I'm able to login in a user successfully. And logout. Then force a user to log back in.
What doesn't seem to work is when the user authenticates, does an action that causes the server to restart, then when the server comes back up, the user is still authenticated.
This is on a hardware device, so there's no persistent storage. Somehow maybe python flask login "trusts" the cookie once its sent, always? I feel like I'm not fully understanding what Flask Login is doing...
I have no real user store. There's only one user. Here are some code blocks I have, if it helps anyone:
def load_user(id):
return User(id)
class User(FlaskLogin.UserMixin):
def __init__(self, id): = id
And the login method itself (some stuff removed of course):
def login():
sysPassword = supersecretmethodherethatreturnspasswordasastring()
if flask.request.method == "POST":
password = flask.request.form['password']
username = flask.request.form['username']
if password == sysPassword and username == 'static-user-name':
user = User(username)
return flask.redirect("/dashboard")
return flask.render_template("login.html", error="Incorrect password. Please enter the correct password.", product=productid, products=defaults.products)
return flask.render_template("login.html", error=False, product=productid, products=defaults.products)

Flask-Login is an abstraction over Flask's sessions.
Sessions in Flask are cookies. Cookies tend to stick around in the browser. You are free to configure how long sessions live and so forth. But as long as you present a valid session to Flask-Login, you will remain logged in.
The docs cover this here.


Keycloak : implement "reset password" (as admin) flow same as "forgot password" (as user)

I would like to implement this authentication flow in Keycloak:
A user creates an account by typing only his email
The user is logged in and can access my service
2'. At the same time, an email is sent to him, allowing him to "finalize" his account
The user leaves his session -> to reuse my service, he must click in the received email
By clicking in the received email, the user defines his first password
The user is then logged in automatically (without going through a login page).
The objective of this flow is to be the simplest, to hook users who are not used to webapps.
The implementation I would do:
Create an account without password request: I customize the Keycloak Registration flow by disabling the Password Validation and Profile Validation rules
Programmatically, in my webapp, at the first connection of a user, via the REST Admin API, I trigger the email action UPDATE_PASSWORD
I get something that works, but:
A. The link received by email redirects to an intermediary page confirming the execution of actions ("Perform the following action (s)") - (similar to Keycloak Implement Reset password flow same as forgot password flow)
B. The user is then redirected to a login page, and not directly connected to the application.
When, as a normal user, I trigger a reset password request (through 'forget password' feature), the process is the one I want: by clicking on the email link, I go directly to the page allowing me to enter and confirm a new password, then I'm authenticated.
My question: Do you see a way to implement this 'simplified' flow?
My keycloak version : 11.0.2
Thank you !
I could remove the "info.ftl" page display, customizing the "ExecuteActionsActionTokenHandler", as explained here :
You have to create a file :
containing the name of the class you want to use instead :
Then you create that class com.example.ExecuteActionTokenHandlerFactory with the following code :
public class ExecuteActionTokenHandlerFactory extends ExecuteActionsActionTokenHandler {
public Response handleToken(ExecuteActionsActionToken token, ActionTokenContext<ExecuteActionsActionToken> tokenContext) {
AuthenticationSessionModel authSession = tokenContext.getAuthenticationSession();
String redirectUri = RedirectUtils.verifyRedirectUri(tokenContext.getUriInfo(), token.getRedirectUri(),
tokenContext.getRealm(), authSession.getClient());
if (redirectUri != null) {
authSession.setAuthNote(AuthenticationManager.SET_REDIRECT_URI_AFTER_REQUIRED_ACTIONS, "true");
authSession.setClientNote(OIDCLoginProtocol.REDIRECT_URI_PARAM, redirectUri);
UserModel user = tokenContext.getAuthenticationSession().getAuthenticatedUser();
// verify user email as we know it is valid as this entry point would never have gotten here.
String nextAction = AuthenticationManager.nextRequiredAction(tokenContext.getSession(), authSession, tokenContext.getClientConnection(), tokenContext.getRequest(), tokenContext.getUriInfo(), tokenContext.getEvent());
return AuthenticationManager.redirectToRequiredActions(tokenContext.getSession(), tokenContext.getRealm(), authSession, tokenContext.getUriInfo(), nextAction);
Actually it is the same implementation as the upper class, except we removed the following part :
if (tokenContext.isAuthenticationSessionFresh()) {
which means that if the user did not have a session, which happens when the user is reseting his password, he is redirected to that "info.ftl" page.
As a workaround for problem A, I customize info.ftl template page. I add an ugly inline script to click on the link, redirecting automatically to the update password page.
<#import "template.ftl" as layout>
<#elseif actionUri?has_content>
<p><a id="yolo" href="${actionUri}">${kcSanitize(msg("proceedWithAction"))?no_esc}</a></p>
It'll do the job until I found a cleaner solution.
At the moment, B problem remains.

Duplicated anonymous users when session expired in Parse platforms

if let cachedUser = PFUser.current() {
// proceed to save some objects
} else {
PFAnonymousUtils.logIn{ (user, error) in
// proceed to save some objects
if ((error as NSError).code == 209) {
// session expired, logout and call PFAnonymousUtils.logIn again later
For a simple Swift mobile app, we save data on parse backend anonymously. If there is session expiration error (1 year default on Parser server), we will have to do something about it or we wont be able to save anything anymore. We therefore logout and re-login again.
Once we logout and re-login again, this creates a second new User on the backend.
This creates a problem - we no longer have an accurate picture of the number of users on the backend.
What was wrong in the flow above? Is there a way to prevent duplicated anonymous user when handling expired session?
It is possible to increase the default session duration in your server configuration.
You can also add the code below to your server configuration...
expireInactiveSessions: false
This thread may provide further useful insights into this issue.

Checking if a user already signed up

I built a custom authentication system using FirebaseAuthentication tokens.
My signup / login flow should work like this:
User presses login button
My server generates the authentication token and sends it to the client
Check if the user already exists (in the 'Auth' table or in my database?)
If true: sign in using FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(withCustomToken:...
If false: Show a form to to enter custom information (name, etc..)
sign using FIRAuth.auth()?.signIn(withCustomToken:...
save the custom information to my database
My question is: How can I find out if the user has already signed up?
Would a publicly accessible database with only uid's be the way to go?
This is fairly opinion based, but yes, I would use a standalone DB that stores each user's username who has signed up. Then all that is required is a quick web request through a PHP file querying for any rows returned with that username.
The firebase sign in method will feedback in asynchronous callback.
FIRAuth.auth()?.signInWithEmail(email, password: password, completion: { (user , error) in
if let error = error {
If you haven't sign up yet. The error will print out
There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted.

Facebook UserId returned from Azure Mobile Services keeps changing within the same Windows Phone app

I'm a newbie to app development. I am building a Windows Phone 8.1 app and have followed the tutorial here: to add authentication using Facebook. Everything seems to work fine, except that every now and again it appears to stop bringing back any data from my Azure database. Further investigation revealed that the UserId that is being shown from the code below, changes periodically (although I can't quite work out how often it changes).
// Define a member variable for storing the signed-in user.
private MobileServiceUser user;
var provider = "Facebook";
// Login with the identity provider.
user = await App.MobileService.LoginAsync(provider);
// Create and store the user credentials.
credential = new PasswordCredential(provider,
user.UserId, user.MobileServiceAuthenticationToken);
message = string.Format("You are now logged in - {0}", user.UserId);
var dialog = new MessageDialog(message);
dialog.Commands.Add(new UICommand("OK"));
await dialog.ShowAsync();
This code is identical to the code in the tutorial. The Facebook app settings (on the Facebook developers site) confirm that I am using v2.3 of their API so I should be getting app-scoped UserIds back. I have only ever logged in with one Facebook account, so I would expect the UserId to be the same each time, but they're not. The UserId is prefaced with 'sid:', which someone on the Facebook developers group on Facebook itself says stands for Session ID, which they would expect to change, but if that's the case, I can't work out where to get the actual UserId from that I can then store in my database and do useful things with. I'm sure I must be doing something basic wrong, but I have spent hours Googling this and cannot (unusually) find an answer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So dug deeper. This is how Mobile Apps work (I was thinking from a Mobile Services perspective). The issue here is that the Gateway doesn't provide static SIDs, which is what User.userId provides. The work around to this is listed in the migration doc.
You can only get the Facebook AppId on the server.
ServiceUser user = (ServiceUser) this.User;
FacebookCredentials creds = (await user.GetIdentitiesAsync()).OfType< FacebookCredentials >().FirstOrDefault();
string mobileServicesUserId = creds.Provider + ":" + creds.UserId;
You should note, that this Id is directly connected with your Facebook App registration. If you ever want to migrate your App to a new Facebook App, you'd have to migrate them. You can also use the Facebook AppId to look up the user's global facebook Id via the Facebook Graph API, which you could use between applications. If you don't see yourself using multiple apps, etc., you can use the Facebook AppId just fine.
Hard to tell what's going on to cause you to use a SID instead of the Faceboook token (which like Facebook:10153...).
It may be faster to rip out the code and reimplement the Auth GetStarted. Maybe you missed a step or misconfigured something along the way. If you have the code hosted on github, I can try to take a look.
Another thing you can do is to not trust the user to give you their User id when you save it to a table. On your insert function, you can add it there.
function insert(item, user, request) { = user.userId;
That should, theoretically, be a valid Facebook token. Let me know if that doesn't work; can dig deeper.

Clear all Facebook profile fields and manually fill out the registration form?

You know how users can clear the pre-populated form and revert to normal registration?
I'm developing an iframe registration app and when the user clears the form fields, it looks like the signed_request is still valid (if upon load the user was logged into facebook).
Anyone know how we are supposed to know if the user is really using FB info or registration info? I previously thought the session would tell us but my session is still valid after the
user hits "clear form".
// Check to make sure we have a signed_request object, if not, redirect to home
var sreq = Request.Form["signed_request"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sreq))
var app = new FacebookApp();
WHy is app.UserId still populated if the user clears the FORM!
How do I detect that we really want to integrate with FB or not ?
I agree about the authentication vs registration but I think the Facebook API is not clearing the authentication cookie correctly because it is still valid if you clear the form or logout (i'm using iFrame registration), so I guess I'm looking for a best practice since when I get the signed-request, the id is the authenticated user so the only work-around I have right now is to check for String.IsEmptyOrNull( on the password field) - which tells me that this user did not use facebook registration). I think this is a hack but if anyone knows the "proper" way to take a signed request and convert it to an object please comment on my approach. It is kinda amazing that we still have to write a ton of code for what should be a straight forward approach to getting what we need. I've seen tons of complaints about FB development and they are mostly true - the Google API is not this frustrating and FB makes it almost impossible to test different environments as well (not to mention the famous cookie problems with localhost).
Problem : App.UserId is still the authenticated user after clearing the iframe form or logging out of FB - go figure.
Solution : check the presense of password field - this tells us that we have a non-fb registration going on....
C#.NET for all the minority out there.
// Check to make sure we have a signed_request object, if not, redirect to home var sreq = Request.Form["signed_request"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sreq)) { Response.Redirect(WebConstants.SiteConstants.Home); }
JObject meObject = null;
var app = new FacebookApp();
if (app.SignedRequest != null)
meObject = JObject.Parse(app.SignedRequest.Dictionary["registration"].ToString());
// Access meObject
JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
fbReg = ser.Deserialize<FBRegistration>(meObject.ToString());
if (fbReg != null)
// 02 Feb 2011 - MCS - bug in facebook API, does not delete cookie if logout of FB
// We check to see if we have password - then - we know we can check the UserId
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fbReg.password))
// FB Registration
FacebookUserId = app.UserId;
FacebookUserId = 0;
// Non FB Registration
Registration and authentication are two completely different things. Just because the user "clears" a form does not log them out of facebook. The C# SDK is just detecting if a signed_request exists and is valid.