How to specify link distance between nodes in Cytoscape.js? - cluster-analysis

I am new to Cytoscape.js, so I may be missing something obvious...
I know how to do this in D3.js, but need more power to display clustering of a large number of nodes (> 1,000) and don't need to visualize the links.
Thanks in advance to pointing me in the right direction...

It turns out I was looking at the doc for WebCola, not Cytoscape.js :-)
elements: {
nodes: [
{ data: { id: 'a' } },
{ data: { id: 'b' } },
{ data: { id: 'c' } },
{ data: { id: 'd' } },
{ data: { id: 'e' } }
edges: [
{ data: { id: 'ae', weight: 1, source: 'a', target: 'e' } },
{ data: { id: 'ab', weight: 3, source: 'a', target: 'b' } },
{ data: { id: 'be', weight: 4, source: 'b', target: 'e' } },
{ data: { id: 'bc', weight: 5, source: 'b', target: 'c' } },
{ data: { id: 'ce', weight: 6, source: 'c', target: 'e' } },
{ data: { id: 'cd', weight: 2, source: 'c', target: 'd' } },
{ data: { id: 'de', weight: 7, source: 'd', target: 'e' } }


Sync map and graph series in apache echarts

I am using Apache Echarts v5, and I am trying to implement a graph with a world map background.
For this, I understand the best choice is to use a "graph" serie and a "map" serie, both reading from a "geo" configuration, based in a geoJSON or the world map, which I downloaded from here. Yet I am having a hard time figuring how to do this two things:
Sync coordinates, so the elements of the graph are always in the correct places of the map.
Be able to zoom in are out both the graph and the map at the same time.
For this I have prepared a minimal example of what I am doing. This code can be directly pasted into any echarts online example and it should work (I used other geoJson for mockup).
$.get(ROOT_PATH + '/data/asset/geo/HK.json', function (geoJson) {
echarts.registerMap('fullMap', geoJson);
option = {
legend: {
data: [
name: 'One',
name: 'Two',
name: 'Three',
bottom: '25',
itemHeight: '10',
textStyle: {
fontSize: '10',
type: 'scroll',
geo: [
map: 'fullMap',
layoutSize: '100%',
geoIndex: 0,
series: [
type: 'graph',
layout: 'none',
roam: true,
lineStyle: {
color: 'source',
curveness: 1e-21,
data: [
id: 'A',
name: 'A',
category: 0,
x: 51.8954823121139,
y: 0.918566971127893,
symbol: 'rect',
id: 'B',
name: 'B',
category: 0,
x: 52.0742496381072,
y: 1.22603740005249,
symbol: 'rect',
id: 'C',
name: 'C',
category: 0,
x: 52.8723466202309,
y: -0.192814484661784,
symbol: 'rect',
id: 'D',
name: 'D',
category: 0,
x: 53.3688011059499,
y: 0.0024000083847046,
symbol: 'rect',
links: [
source: 'A',
target: 'B',
source: 'B',
target: 'C',
categories: [
name: 'One',
name: 'Two',
name: 'Three',
map: 'fullMap',
type: 'map',
left: 0,
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
boundingCoords: [
[-180, 90],
[180, -90],
geoIndex: 0
The thing is, if I try to set the "coordinateSystem" for the graph serie to "geo", the graph stops rendering, and currently the zoom only works for the graph, not the map. Moreover, I have set my map to follow coordinates with "boundingCoords", but I do not see that same setting in the graph serie.
The documentation is not very clear about this, so any help would be appreciated.

How to display multiple lines in eCharts using encode?

In eCharts, how do I modify the following option to show multiple lines in the chart? What I want is one line for product "Matcha Latte" and one line for "Cheese Cocao"? I would like to keep the dataset unchanged if possible.
option = {
legend: {},
tooltip: {},
dataset: {
dimensions: [{name:'product', type:'ordinal'}, {name:'date'},
source: [
{product: 'Matcha Latte', 'date': 2016, 'value': 85.8},
{product: 'Matcha Latte', 'date': 2017, 'value': 73.4},
{product: 'Cheese Cocoa', 'date': 2016, 'value': 65.2},
{product: 'Cheese Cocoa', 'date': 2017, 'value': 53.9}
xAxis: {type: 'category', name: 'date'},
yAxis: {type: 'value', name: 'value'},
series: [
{type: 'line', encode: {x: 'date', y:'value'}},
you can you transform the dataset by using a filter:
option = {
legend: {},
tooltip: {},
dataset: [
dimensions: [
{ name: 'product', type: 'ordinal' },
{ name: 'date' },
{ name: 'value' }
source: [
{ product: 'Matcha Latte', date: 2016, value: 85.8 },
{ product: 'Matcha Latte', date: 2017, value: 73.4 },
{ product: 'Cheese Cocoa', date: 2016, value: 65.2 },
{ product: 'Cheese Cocoa', date: 2017, value: 53.9 }
fromDatasetIndex: 0,
transform: [
type: 'filter',
config: {
dimension: 'product',
value: 'Matcha Latte'
fromDatasetIndex: 0,
transform: [
type: 'filter',
config: {
dimension: 'product',
value: 'Cheese Cocoa'
xAxis: { type: 'category', name: 'date' },
yAxis: { type: 'value', name: 'value' },
series: [
{ datasetIndex: 1, type: 'line', encode: { x: 'date', y: 'value' } },
{ datasetIndex: 2, type: 'line', encode: { x: 'date', y: 'value' } }

Echarts show additional info in tooltip

I am using echarts for a scatter plot. Upon hover of a point, I want to show some more data in the tooltip, such as a date and unique ID - this data is not an axis in the plot. So far I have the following below, however I cannot figure out how to display the extra info
option = {
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
name: 'X axis title',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameGap: 50,
nameTextStyle: {
fontSize: 12
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
name: 'Y axis title',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameGap: 70,
nameTextStyle: {
fontSize: 12
dataZoom: [{
type: 'inside'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
left: 10
grid: {
top: 80,
containLabel: true,
tooltip: {
trigger: "item"
series: [{
name: 'Outliers (Forensic Cases)',
type: 'scatter',
data: [[161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6]
}, {
name: 'Inliers (Regular Transaction)',
type: 'scatter',
data: [[172.7, 105.2], [153.4, 42]]
Thanks for config, it saves time.
The tooltip component has method formatter and you can pass to it function-callback where to make request to addition data store to get and show on tooltip necessary information.
Suppose you have an object that stored additional information that needs to be shown in the tooltip:
var store = {
outliers: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
inliers: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
Let's add id to the each data series, which will simplify data fetching.
id: 'outliers', // <--- this
name: 'Outliers (Forensic Cases)',
id: 'inliers', // <--- this
name: 'Inliers (Regular Transaction)',
In the callback you will have this default args:
$vars: ["seriesName", "name", "value"],
borderColor: undefined,
color: "#c23531",
componentIndex: 0,
componentSubType: "scatter",
componentType: "series",
data: [159.5, 49.2],
dataIndex: 2,
dataType: undefined,
dimensionNames: ["x", "y"],
encode: {
x: [0],
y: [1]
marker: "<span style=\"display:inline-block;margin-right:5px;border-radius:10px;width:10px;height:10px;background-color:#c23531;\"></span>",
name: "",
seriesId: "outliers",
seriesIndex: 0,
seriesName: "Outliers (Forensic Cases)",
seriesType: "scatter",
value: [circular object Array]
Let's make the callback handler for the process series data and shown it on the tooltip:
var callback = (args) => {
var data = store[args.seriesId][args.dataIndex]
return args.marker + ' ' + args.value[1] + '<br />' + args.seriesId + ': ' + data
Now you can pass callback to formatter. It's all. See example below:
var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('main'));
var store = {
outliers: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
inliers: ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
var callback = (args) => {
var data = store[args.seriesId][args.dataIndex]
return args.marker + ' ' + args.value[1] + '<br />' + args.seriesId + ': ' + data
var option = {
xAxis: {
type: 'value',
name: 'X axis title',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameGap: 50,
nameTextStyle: {
fontSize: 12
yAxis: {
type: 'value',
name: 'Y axis title',
nameLocation: 'middle',
nameGap: 70,
nameTextStyle: {
fontSize: 12
dataZoom: [{
type: 'inside'
legend: {
orient: 'vertical',
left: 10
grid: {
top: 80,
containLabel: true,
tooltip: {
trigger: "item",
formatter: callback,
series: [{
id: 'outliers',
name: 'Outliers (Forensic Cases)',
type: 'scatter',
data: [
[161.2, 51.6],
[167.5, 59.0],
[159.5, 49.2],
[157.0, 63.0],
[155.8, 53.6]
id: 'inliers',
name: 'Inliers (Regular Transaction)',
type: 'scatter',
data: [
[172.7, 105.2],
[153.4, 42]
<script src=""></script>
<div id="main" style="width: 600px;height:400px;"></div>

Column chart has repeating x-axis label

I am at a loss on why Google column chart is repeating the x-axis label.
Please find the CodePen URL:
You may notice that I have tried both the approaches:
arrayToDataTable (line #4 in code pen)
conventional datatable structure (line #5 in code pen)
Following is the code from CodePen link:
//console.log("Loading current Google charts");
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
I have also referred following URLs:
Duplicate label on x-axis, stacking bar chart (google charts)
since you're using datetime for x-axis,
the chart doesn't know it should only show one label for each day.
instead, it adds dates to fill the range of the x-axis.
and since the format does not include time,
labels are repeated.
to correct, use option hAxis.ticks to provide your own labels.
to build dynamically, use data table method --> getColumnRange
this will return the min and max dates in the table.
then build an array of dates for each day.
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
see following working snippet...
google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
//let dataTable = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(GetJSONArray()); //This also has the same issue
let dataTable = new google.visualization.DataTable(GetJSONData());
RenderChart(dataTable, "chart");
function RenderChart(dataTable, elementId) {
try {
const dateFormat = "MMM dd";
const oneDay = (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);
let hAxisTicks = [];
let dateRange = dataTable.getColumnRange(0);
for (var i = dateRange.min.getTime(); i <= dateRange.max.getTime(); i = i + oneDay) {
hAxisTicks.push(new Date(i));
let numberOfRows = dataTable.getNumberOfRows();
let options = {
tooltip: { isHtml: true /*, trigger: 'selection'*/ },
height: 240,
legend: { position: "bottom" },
colors: ["#4CAF50"],
chartArea: { left: 80, top: 20, width: "90%" },
//isStacked: 'true',
hAxis: {
format: dateFormat,
ticks: hAxisTicks
//gridlines: { count: numberOfRows }
vAxis: {
//format: '%',
title: "Percentage",
viewWindow: {
max: 100,
min: 0
if (numberOfRows === 1) {
//If there is only one date then Google chart messes up the chart, in that case it is must to set viewWindow
let hAxis = {
hAxis: {
viewWindow: {
min: dataTable.getValue(0, 0),
max: dataTable.getValue(numberOfRows - 1, 0)
options = $.extend(true, options, hAxis);
let wrapper = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
chartType: "ColumnChart",
dataTable: dataTable,
options: options,
containerId: elementId
} catch (e) {
function GetJSONArray(){
let data = [
['Date', 'Pass', { role: 'annotation' } , {'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}} ],
[new Date(2018, 9, 6),96, "48 (96.00%)", "<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 8),96.55172413793103448275862069,"168 (96.55%)","<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 9),95.82409460458240946045824095,"2,593 (95.82%)","<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 10),96.81303116147308781869688385,"2,734 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 11),96.80555555555555555555555556,"2,788 (96.81%)","<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"],
[new Date(2018, 9, 12),96.863295880149812734082397,"2,069 (96.86%)","<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"]
return data;
function GetJSONData() {
return {
cols: [
{ type: "date", id: "Date", label: "Date" },
{ type: "number", id: "Pass", label: "Pass %" },
type: "string",
id: "Annotation",
label: "Annotation",
p: { role: "annotation" }
type: "string",
id: "ToolTip",
label: "ToolTip",
p: { html: "true", role: "tooltip" }
rows: [
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 6)" },
{ v: 96 },
{ v: "48 (96.00%)" },
"<div>2018-10-06 (Sat)</div><div> - Pass: 48 (96.00%)</div><div> - Fail: 2 (4.00%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 8)" },
{ v: 96.55172413793103448275862069 },
{ v: "168 (96.55%)" },
"<div>2018-10-08 (Mon)</div><div> - Pass: 168 (96.55%)</div><div> - Fail: 6 (3.45%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 9)" },
{ v: 95.82409460458240946045824095 },
{ v: "2,593 (95.82%)" },
"<div>2018-10-09 (Tue)</div><div> - Pass: 2,593 (95.82%)</div><div> - Fail: 113 (4.18%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 10)" },
{ v: 96.81303116147308781869688385 },
{ v: "2,734 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-10 (Wed)</div><div> - Pass: 2,734 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 90 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 11)" },
{ v: 96.80555555555555555555555556 },
{ v: "2,788 (96.81%)" },
"<div>2018-10-11 (Thu)</div><div> - Pass: 2,788 (96.81%)</div><div> - Fail: 92 (3.19%)</div>"
c: [
{ v: "Date(2018, 9, 12)" },
{ v: 96.863295880149812734082397 },
{ v: "2,069 (96.86%)" },
"<div>2018-10-12 (Fri)</div><div> - Pass: 2,069 (96.86%)</div><div> - Fail: 67 (3.14%)</div>"
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart"></div>

Chained Selectfields -- Sencha Touch 2.0

I am using the Sencha Touch 2.0 KitchenSink example to try to learn some of the basics. I am getting stuck on chained selectfields though.
I am going off the tutorial here but with the different setup I am being thrown off. The code below runs perfectly in the Forms.js file in kitchensink, but I am missing on the actual chainedselect part of it.
EDIT: What I am asking is how to make chained selectfields. I have the datastores and the selectfields in the example code, but not a working chained selectfield from first to second.
Ext.regModel('First', {
idProperty: 'FirstID',
fields: [{
name: 'FirstID',
type: 'int'
}, {
name: 'FirstName',
type: 'string'
Ext.regModel('Second', {
idProperty: 'SecondID',
fields: [{
name: 'SecondID',
type: 'int'
name: 'FirstID',
type: 'int'
}, {
name: 'SecondName',
type: 'string'
var firstStore = new{
model: 'First',
data: [{
FirstID: 1,
FirstName: 'Kenworth'
}, {
FirstID: 2,
FirstName: 'Peterbilt'
autoLoad: true
var secondStore = new{
model: 'First',
data: [{
SecondID: 1,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T800'
}, {
SecondID: 2,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T700'
}, {
SecondID: 3,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T660'
}, {
SecondID: 4,
FirstID: 1,
SecondName: 'T470'
autoLoad: true
Ext.define('Kitchensink.view.Forms', {
extend: '',
requires: [
config: {
activeItem: 0,
tabBar: {
// docked: 'bottom',
ui: 'dark',
layout: {
pack: 'center'
items: [
title: 'Basic',
xtype: 'formpanel',
id: 'basicform',
iconCls: 'refresh',
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Enter Data',
instructions: 'Please enter the information above.',
defaults: {
labelWidth: '35%'
items: [
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'firstfield',
label: 'First',
store: firstStore,
displayField: 'FirstName',
valueField: 'FirstID'
}, {
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'secondfield',
label: 'Second',
store: secondStore,
displayField: 'SecondName',
valueField: 'SecondID'
onFirstChange: function(selectField, value){
var secondSelectField = this.items.get(1);; // remove the previous filter
// Apply the selected Country's ID as the new Filter'FirstID', value);
// Select the first City in the List if there is one, otherwise set the value to an empty string
var firstValue =;
} else {