WinAppDeployCmd: 0x80131500 - Failed to copy package: Unspecified error - deployment

I'm trying to deploy my work-in-progress app to my Lumia 435 Windows Phone (Win 10, build 10.0.14393.576) using WinAppDeployCmd. I'm quite new at this and keep getting the following errors:
Installing app...Disconnecting.
0x80131500 - Failed to copy package: Unspecified error 'Microsoft
Corporation' violates pattern constraint of '\bms-resource:.{1,256}'.
0x80131500 - Unspecified error 'Microsoft Corporation' violates
pattern constraint of '\bms-resource:.{1,256}'. 0x800700E8 -
Unspecified error 'Microsoft Corporation' violates pattern constraint
of '\bms-resource:.{1,256}'.
My PC and phone are both in Developer mode and the phone is successfully paired.
I'm still in development so frequently deploy the app to my phone for testing. I've done so successfully several times. Recently there was a Windows phone update to build 10.0.14393.576 which I installed, after which this problem started happening. Could someone help explain:
a) Could the update be the issue?
b) What 0x80131500 - Failed to copy package: Unspecified error means, or where to get information about such error codes?
c) What can I try to resolve this?
This is a cross post as I've had no answers on another forum. Thanks.


Could not find apksig-7.1.3.jar in android studio

I'm trying to sync build.gradle for a flutter app in android studio but it gave this error
this error comes after I tried solving "ssl peer shut down incorrectly" error using the first answer in this question .
I followed all three steps of that solution but without adding the certificates and then I reconverted the steps but I remained with the same error.
Then I was trying to upgrade the gradle but it was interuppted and then the above error occured.

Facing issue in a specfic flutter project while running over my ios device in flutter

Failed to establish a debug connection with 661e647d32d2bf1e57a60abeedda37a0af480e22 using mdns: Invalid argument(s): Cannot find executable for /Users/khattab/Desktop/flutter/bin/cache/artifacts/usbmuxd/iproxy.
There is no artifact, so probably build failed. You should check your debug console to see what is the exact problem.

Build Error using IL2CPP: "System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform."

I've run into some trouble when changing the Scripting Backend from Mono to IL2CPP to support Android x64 since Google says it's necessary.
I've tried to search all over the internet for a fix, but couldn't find anything.
The error:
il2cpp.exe didn't catch exception: System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.

MATLAB Error: Can't check VCRTs

When I start MATLAB I suddenly receive the following error message on the command line:
ERROR: Can't check 8.0 VCRTs (starter line:956) System Error:
0x00000005 ERROR: Can't check 9.0 VCRTs (starter line:995) System
Error: 0x00000005 Installing required 8.0 run-time libraries. This may
take a few minutes...
I tried to repair and reinstall the Visual C++ Redistributables (2005 and 2008), but that didn't solve the problem. Doing online research I mainly found out that people who had a similar problem reinstalled windows. Well, does anyone have another idea what I could try in order to solve that?

android installation error: duplicated package

I am trying to run a map based app, using however I get the following error:
[2012-06-03 17:12:43 - myGps] Installation error: INSTALL_FAILED_DUPLICATE_PACKAGE
[2012-06-03 17:12:43 - myGps] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2012-06-03 17:12:43 - myGps] Launch canceled!
I have succeeded installing the package several times but the app wouldn't show on the emulator's screen, now I can't even install it.
I have tried:
Reseting adb
Installing manually
Checking if the package exists in ddms
None of these worked. is the default google maps package.
Try giving a different package to your application.It should work then.