In Nearby Message API How Can I get NearBy devices list who are connected?? - google-nearby

Using Nearby Connection API we can get the Endpoints (means Nearby devices list)..So In Nearby Message API How Can I get NearBy devices list who are connected like NCAPI??

The Nearby Connections API in Google Play Services 11 allows you to discover and send payloads to nearby devices.


Requesting list of a users microhone and headset & phone devices

The audio, video conferencing devices, microhones headset and other devices which are used for microsoft team calls and conferences, where are thisdata is stored?
How can I request a list for this devices overall users or for a special user. Is an intune -license needed for that or are there other ways to request this information e.g. with a graph api call?
Updated 04.10.2021:
I know it is possible to get call records after end calls and from this i get the device informations. That is not my question.
I would know if there is a possibility to request the devivices a user has connected in the past.
So is there a way to get the infos of connected audio, video devices independend from a ended call.
Because i have no available intune license , i don't know if intune only manage client devices or other devices like audio and video devices too. so that was the reason I mention intune.
But my question is:
Is there a way with graph api or different api to get the connected or registered audio video devices on azure for a user identified with UPN (not locally with running command line tools for requesting audio video devices from the locally device manager).
As per my knowledge, we do not have such API available to get the list of devices, using which user has connected in the past.

beacon based notification on Andriod without Nearby API

Google has discontinued Near By API by the end of 2018. Android OS had built in support for Near by API and hence without a custom APP , the device was able to capture the beacon based push notifications.My requirement is as follows:
With Digital loyalty pass on Google wallet, when the end customer enters the vicinity of a beacon , the device should receive offers as push notification. There is no custom app developed . With out a custom app , how to receive the push notifications with just the Digital loyalty pass on google wallet? . Please help with a solution.
Please refer
Unfortunately after Google Nearby was discontinued, there is no longer a solution to send notifications to a user on BLE detection without a third party app installed to do so.
The only workaround is to develop a third party app to do the detecting and notifying. Keep in mind that the way Google implemented this was with the Google Play Services app, so an app was still required to send the notifications. (It was just an app that was installed by default on most phones sold outside of mainland China.). And it didn't even work unless a user had opted in, something that few ever did.
Google's Nearby discontinuation basically says Google is no longer willing to use their app to send notifications for you. So you must use your own app or the app of a different partner.
There are other third party apps that track a user's location and send notifications -- such apps are often popular "free" games. But while the install base of these apps can be in the hundreds of millions they do not approach the install base of Google Play Services. These apps can also be a bit "shady" about their practices, and to my knowledge do not have a public policy about how you can get them to send notifications for you or let users opt-in or opt-out.

Android Eddystone - URL Chrome Physical Web

I have a beacon that is transmitting Eddystone - URL. I can locate my beacon using the Physical Web app in Android. I read that from Chrome 49 Physical web is by default supported by chrome but I'm using Chrome 69 version but I didn't get any nearby notification. In short my questions are,
Does Chrome by default support physical web? and if it does should I have to open the chrome app to get my notifications displayed?
Do people need to have any specific app to get nearby notifications?
You must actively turn on Physical Web in Chrome for Android's privacy settings as described here.
These notifications can also be delivered by Nearby, which requires Google Play Services, but no other apps on the phone. Most Android devices outside of China have Google Play Services installed, but those in China as well as Amazon Fire tablets and some other devices do not, and will not receive these notifications. The link above also describes how users must opt-in to Nearby notifications. If they do not opt-in, they will not get the notifications.

How to use nearby notifications API of Google Proximity Beacon?

How to can we send near by notification from rest client.
i have api key created in google developer console but when i check it gave me unauthorised.
Can anyone have demo of send nearby notifications using beacon beacon.

Can I use Nearby Notification API without registering my beacon with Google Beacon Platform?

I want to push notification to users when in my beacon's proximity. That's pretty easy if I register my beacon on Google Beacon Platform using Proximity Beacon API and then register Nearby Notification against it. I do not want to register the beacon on Google Beacon Platform and still throw a notification to user through Nearby Notification API.
If you want to Google Nearby to be triggered by a beacon, you have no choice but to register the beacon with the Google Beacon Platform. That's how it works. Nearby is a system that relies on server-side configuration to send messages to a user.
That said, it is possible to send regular Android notifications to a user when they come across your beacon without registering with the Google Beacon Platform. To do this, you must have your own custom app installed on the user's phone.
You can see an example of how to do this with the Android Beacon Library in the "Getting Notified When Beacons Appear in the Area" section of this page. A more sophisticated example that scans in the background and sends a notification to the lock screen on beacon detection is in the library's reference app.