editing a google form response and data lost - forms

I have created a standard google form and added a record. i have set options to edit the response . one of the questions i have added allows me to jump straight to submit or continue editing .
However When i am editing a response and i choose the my option to jump to submit and then press submit , i find the information is lost when i go back to edit the response.
However if i scroll through all my answers and submit at the end, then the data is saved.
Is there an issue with google forms ? i am not using any scripts - it is standard editing and form options.

This appears to be an issue with Google Forms when editing responses and changing the "go to" path from the initial submission. I've opened a question with a Google "Community Specialist" in the Google Help forums but so far she has not identified how to avoid this problem nor reported escalating it to get it fixed.
For those curious what to avoid, here is the scenario that causes a form to lose data:
Create a form with multiple Go To paths
Fill out a response using one Go To path of questions
Submit response
Click Edit Response
Choose an option that takes you down a different Go To path of questions
Submit the edited response
Click Edit Response
Going back to the original option Go To path, the earlier submitted data will now be gone.
Here is a form I've created that demonstrates the issue.
Here is the thread that as of this writing the Google Community Specialist has not yet solved. Perhaps if more people were to comment that it really is an issue she will pay more attention to it and bring it to the attention of who might be able to fix it.


How to copy edited google forms entries to another sheet - Keeping original response and edited

We are in the process of setting up a test for staff using google forms. It works great and I have enabled users to be able to edit their responses.
What we need the form to do is keep the original submitted data too so we can see how many questions the user got wrong and how many they got correct on a resubmit. Currently resubmitting the data overwrites the original. There are a lot of questions in the form so the user re submitting another would not work. Highlighting the ones they got incorrect and giving them a second chance is what I am after.
My thoughts were to copy the data to another sheet everytime either a new entry was made or when a form was edited.
I have not done much work with Google Forms or Sheets so I am starting from scratch.

How to Edit the Template for the Odoo Helpdesk Ticket Assigned Message

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025. I'm trying to edit the message the user get whenever a ticket is assigned to them. I've tried searching the email template, but I can't find it. I've also tried searching in the main folder, but I still can't find it. As of now, I only managed to make a similar template, but I also found some trouble in that task as I can't really emulate the button that can link right to the ticket editing form, only to the preview ticket window.
Here is the code for the link to the ticket:
${object.name} .​
While knowing how to make a proper link will help a lot, I would still prefer to know where I can edit the message template so I can make it more user friendly and informative.
Thanks for reading and for the help.

Creating a cascading input control with a multi-select input control

I have to build some cascading multi select input controls in JasperServer Report, but I'm having the same problem as this guy here:
The thread is very old, and people replied him to search for a "Cascading_multi_select_report" sample. I've searched for it, but I couldn't find it anywhere.
I'm struggling to make this type of cascading input control... Does anyone have any idea?
I don't have an answer for this, but I may have an answer to help you debug. Whenever you are trying to run your report on the jasper server and are just getting a blank page (no input controls), you can use Chrome developer tools or Firebug or whatever browser web developer tool you use (usually Ctrl + Shift + Q will pull it up) and in the Network pane, you can see the requests. Find the last GET request, and look at the response for it and you can see the error.

Rest Console for Chrome won't let me input any info

I installed the Rest Console extension onto Chrome. I can't use this Rest Console for anything, because the only fields that accept text are 'Request URL' and 'Request Method'.
I ask here as there is no resources or community accessible for even simple instructions on how this extension works, and there are likely members of this community who have used this extension.
Use the Postman - REST Client it works perfectly!
your_url_to_post: Fill the URL
your_json_param: The name of the param that you'll pass you json
your_json_data: The json content
Don't forget to select x-www-form-urlencoded if you'll do a post
You should be able to enter text in the other field if you tick the checkbox associated to the field first.
I started having a similar issue myself (Forms wouldnt let me input data I could click them but thats as far as it went) across a lot of web pages to include my own php game and I know the form code hasnt changed at all before this issue started. I came across a article of someone else having a similar issue themselves that I was having and someone said that they needed position: relative on their forms that are not given specific instructions on positioning when dealing with google chrome. I have since made this change myself at www.immoralattack.com and the issue has stopped on that site but still continues on many others so its pretty safe to say that is the issue.
Its only happening on the dev build of chrome for me atleast and I hope this isnt something they plan on implementing on live or this will mess up alot of websites.
Also try turning off auto fill from chrome if its on, while I was looking for this bug I found alot of similar bugs but they delt with auto fill being on.

GWT 2.1 Place/Activity technique glitch: URL changes before navigation is confirmed

I'm reading this google guide and using this sample code provided by google, but there's a glitch: using the back/forth buttons makes the URL change before the confirmation dialog has returned. This means that if the user decides not to navigate away, the URL no longer represents the current Place.
Anyone have a solution or workaround? Ideally, the URL would not change until the confirmation is given, but even just switching the URL back in a hurry after a denial would be better.
There's no workaround. Your app somehow detects that the URL has changed, which triggers the place change (thus before navigation is confirmed).
And there's no way to know why the URL changed; was it a "back"? a "forth"? a "back" using the history menu to go several steps back at a time? a bookmark? manual editing of the URL? So there's no way you could do a History.next() to "cancel" the URL change in all cases (also note that it would trigger another place change). And trying to modify the URL with anything else than History.back/next/go would erase the forward history, which you probably don't want either.
FYI, I implemented that behavior 2 years ago in my own "place manager", and talked about it with Ray Ryan when he added the PlaceHistoryHandler to GWT 2.1, and we agreed that there was no better behavior than letting the URL no longer being in sync with the place. FYI, when I studied the thing 2 years ago, and then earlier this year, GMail had the same behavior (create a draft message and navigate while the draft has unsaved changes).