Xamarin Studio: I can deploy an app but it doesn't start - deployment

I have another strange problem with an iPad. From my iMac with Xamarin Studio, I can deploy an app on the device but I receive an alert:
Application already installed.
Xamarin Studio can't launch the app on the device. I deployed a lot of time this and other apps on this device. If I try to launch the app, it doesn't start at all. No error or crashes in the device logs.
With other iPads I have no problem.

Try a different "Debugger port" setting in the "project properties" -> "iOS Debug". The default port is 10000. Try 10001 and others.


Unity building for iOS - build succeeds but nothing happens

I have a Unity app which successfully builds for iOS with no errors in the console, but nothing happens. No errors, and nothing appears on the connected iPad/iPhone.
I have XCode installed and I created an Apple ID following the Unity Manual, but there's no other special steps listed there to follow.
How do I run my development iOS build on a connected device?
There are a few extra steps you need to take to run your app:
After the build, open the XCode project that was generated.
Select the "Unity-iPhone" root of the project, then select the "Signing & Capabilities" tab.
Enable "Automatically manage signing"
Under "Team", add an account, sign in with your Apple ID, and then select it in the dropdown.
Click the Play button to build and run your project to your device.
On your iPhone/iPad, open Settings > General > Device Management and trust the app.
It should now run.
Tested with Mac 11.2.3 (Big Sur), iOS 14.4, XCode 12.4, and Unity 2019.4 LTS.

Xcode says app is running, but cannot find app on my iOS 14 device

Everything was working fine before upgrading to Xcode 12 and iOS14. Now when I run the debug build on my device, Xcode says that the app is running, but the app is nowhere to be found on my device.
In the app library, I can see the name of my development team as a category and it's empty. And for some reason, I am able to find the app inside of Settings through search. However, I am unable to launch the app.
Thanks in advance.

How to debug real iOS device from windows machine in Ionic

I am working on ionic application. I am able to debug app in real android device.
So, is it possible to debug ionic app in iPhone by connecting it through USB cable from CPU?
You require an iPhone and a mac with XCode installed.
If you are building for iOS, you’ll need to sign up for an Apple
Developer account to test as a native app on an iPhone or iPad.
Unfortunately, this costs $99 per year (don’t blame us!). Once you
have an account and you have set up Xcode with your certificates to
enable device testing, you’ll want to open the Xcode project from
platforms/ios/ and do your testing from Xcode.
As you have mentioned you do have an iPhone and Mac with XCode, see the steps below:
Run ionic cordova prepare ios
Copy across your platform/ios folder to your Mac
Open the XCode project on your Mac that is located in the platform/ios folder.
Select a device or target simulator in XCode and then click on the play button to start debugging.

iOS app won't run until device reboot after ad hoc install

Every time I install my app to an iDevice using the ad hoc distribution method (e.g. archive, create an .ipa file and let my testers download it), the app will not run until the device is rebooted. Much like the second link posted below, I did not have this problem before upgrading to iOS 5 and XCode 4.3.1 -- currently running iOS 5.1 / XCode 4.3.2 and still having the same problem. If I connect the iPhone / iPad using USB (and run directly from xcode), the app installs normally and runs fine.
Currently, when installing ad hoc, one of two things happens:
1: The app installs "normally" and the icon is visible -- but pressing it brings up the launch image, then the app fails to black screen -- then back to springboard. App never gets any further.
• or •
2: App installation seems to proceed normally, then when the "Installing..." phase is complete, the app icon simply vanishes. Reboot the iPhone and the app icon is exactly where it is supposed to be.
In either case, after a reboot of the iPhone it runs fine.
Any suggestions??
This is the closest issue I could find, but I have this problem on iOS 5.0 / 5.1 and even when installing my app to devices for the first time:
iPhone app fails to launch after install on iOS 4, works after device reboot
I also found this article, so I checked my Entitlements setting (in Targets) -- Not enabled: ad hoc app failed to install on real iPad
I've had this exact problem before when I have a different 'Bundle Identifier' set in the Info.plist to the App Id you set up in the provisioning portal.
If that doesn't work, you might try checking the log of your device when attempting to install the ad hoc ipa.
XCode -> Window -> Organizer -> Devices -> Your device -> Console

Provisioned iPhone not showing in Xcode Organizer (or iTunes)

I've recently set up an app id and provisioning profile and was able to test my app on the device successfully. I then downloaded some sample iOS XCode projects and upon deploying one of them and deleting the sample app from the phone have since been unable to sync the phone with iTunes or see it as connected in the Xcode organizer window (the device is still listed in the lefthand pane, but shows up as disconnected). All new projects created in Xcode are now greeted with the following message when I attempt to build and run on the device.
No provisioned iOS device is connected.
I'm running Xcode 3.2.5 and iOS 4.2.
Any ideas?
Many thanks.
Typically when I run across this issue I will
Disconnect the device
Clean the projects
Delete the device from the Organizer
Restart Xcode
Reconnect the device
Then the majority of the time the device will be recognized again. I do find it strange that even iTunes can't recognize it though. Maybe try restarting the device even?
I had the same problem and posted about it over at Apple.SE. Reinstalling iTunes fixed it for me.
On Xcode 5.1.1
Unplug device, remove device from Window->Organizer, Product->Clean, close Xcode, plug in device, start Xcode - Window->Organizer and add to Member Center
Hope this helps. The issue occurred for me when I enabled iCloud and there was a sync issue on iTunes.