Log when a website is published - azure-devops

Does VS Teams services have an agent to log when a website is published in Visual Studio 2015? I am new to Team Services. I have a small team of developers, 4 including myself. We have recently migrated from TFS 2010 to Team Services. Part of our PCI compliance, we need to log when our sites are published. We currently publish to an IIS server.

No, all actions are in local and not related to VS Team Services, so VS Team Service can’t log anything.
You can build and publish/deploy the web app to IIS through VS Team Service build and release system, then you can check the related information of that build/release (e.g. detail build/release log)
More information, you can refer to this article: Deploy your Web Deploy package to IIS servers


Azure pipelines self hosted agent - should there be separate users for building and deploying?

We want to use azure pipelines to deploy application on on-premise virtual machines. We are trying to see if we should use self hosted agents in azure so that we can try to manage access to private network. The tech stack is Microsoft based so we will install visual studio enterprise (for build and code coverage).
What are the best practices in setting up the self hosted agent?
Should there be a specific build user which is linked to visual studio license on the server?
Should there be a specific deploy user that has access on the on premise servers to copy artifacts like IIS websites?
Should there be a specific build user which is linked to visual studio license on the server?
No, you can check that here: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Visual-Studio-Licensing-Whitepaper-Mar-2020.pdf
Using Visual Studio on the Build Server
If you have one or more
licensed users of Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription, Visual Studio
Professional Subscription, or any Visual Studio cloud subscription
then you may also install the Visual Studio software as part of Azure
DevOps Server 2019 Build Services. This way, you do not need to
purchase a Visual Studio license to cover the running of Visual Studio
on the build server for each person whose actions initiate a build.
Should there be a specific deploy user that has access on the on
premise servers to copy artifacts like IIS websites?
Basically, yes. This user has to have corresponding permissions on target servers. However, you can use tasks that define users like Windows Machine File Copy task and PowerShell on Target Machines task.

New Service endpoint

I am following along the tutorial with SmartHotel360 and trying to set it up. In the README.md, it says 'In VSTS, navigate to Services by clicking on the gear icon...' and this is to create a new service endpoint. Where is this done? What is VSTS? Visual Studio Team Server? Do I first make a branch of the SmartHotel360 and open this in Visual Studio? What if I am using one email account to access the code where the tasks are assigned and another email to complete the courses? Does this make a difference?
I guess my question is, where is this VSTS? Is this where I view the SmartHotel360 code?
Azure DevOps Services was formerly named Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) -- rebranded as Azure DevOps in 2018. So the tutorial you followed should be before 2018.
The github README.md about SmartHotel360(like this) are retired, archived, and no longer supported. For the latest sample references please visit: https://aka.ms/tailwindtraders & https://aka.ms/rpsls
To interact with Azure, you'll need to create a Service Endpoint in Azure DevOps. This endpoint includes the authentication information required to deploy to Azure. This document gives a guide to configure Service Endpoint in Azure DevOps, please refer to it.

How do you increase # of self-hosted parallel jobs on Azure DevOps Services using an associated VS Enterprise subscription?

I have a Visual Studio (formally MSDN) Enterprise License.
My newly created Azure DevOps Service does not reflect this when looking at the self-hosted pipeline configuration under Project Settings > Pipelines > Retention and parallel jobs.
According the the (i) info button:
Visual Studio Enterprise subscribers get one self-hosted parallel job
as a subscriber benefit.
Anyone know how I can get my Enterprise Subscription to show through to Azure DevOps Services (formally VSTS)? It was pretty simple to do with TFS, but am drawing blanks on ADOS.
My user account for both my Enterprise account and ADOS are one and the same - I was rather hoping it would just show through - apparently that's not the case.
The best I found was this page - but it's only for TFS and explicitly warns that:
The requested page is not available for Azure DevOps Services. You have been redirected to the newest product version this page is available for.
My initial attempt at asking MS through their online chat "Concierge Service" was met with apathy and a suggestion I ask elsewhere...
Apparently patience is a virtue.
It took several days but eventually (or was it because I also raised this issue on the Azure Developer Community site?) it correctly shows my associated Enterprise Subscription.

How to make TFS deploy ASP.net Web App after successful build?

I am trying to set up one of my ASP.net projects for continuous integration with TFS. Amongst my requirements, I need to set up TFS so that each time there is a successful build with passing tests, the ASP.net code should be deployed to my development web server.
What I have done so far is I have set up a private agent behind my firewall (so that the agent has a "line of sight" to the development web server. I've set up a build that runs all unit tests, and I have the gated check-in setup up so that the build is rejected if the tests don't pass.
I can see that the build artifact is created by the agent, but I am stuck with trying to figure out how to actually deploy the artifact to the development web server.
I have my publish profiles in Visual Studio, but I'm guessing that those are useless in TFS.
You can refer to below link and follow the steps mentioned in the article to deploy the artifact to the web server:
End to End Walkthrough: Deploying Web Applications Using Team Build
and Release Management
Deploy to a Windows Virtual Machine
Visual Studio Team Services Release Management IIS Web Deployment
For the publish profiles, you can pass parameters into MSBuild during the building in TFS, eg : /p:DeployOnBuild=true;PublishProfile=MyProfile
Reference below threads to use the Publish Profiles:
TFS 2017 publish with PublishProfile
Build and Deploy a Web Application with TFS 2017 using Web Deploy Package

Deployment security in Visual Studio Team Services (was Visual Studio Online)

I'm trying to find how and the best practices for securing access to Microsoft Team Services.
We are looking at auto deployment from Team Services, but we have a concern about it being in the cloud.
Our machines are hosted with a third party and we need to ensure that the deployments only come from our Team Services, is this possible and what are the best practices to ensure the best security possible.
Microsoft do a lot of things to keep your Team Service project safe and secure, refer to this link for details: Visual Studio Team Services Data Protection Overview.
And for your question, you can deploy your own build agent which you can have full control and easy to configure your machines to only accept the deployment from that build agent.