Set excluded files using pattern or wildcard in PyCharm (remote host) - deployment

I use PyCharm to deploy and upload changes on my VPS. This project isn't on Git so I can't use .gitignore.
I find excluded paths in PyCharm deployment configuration very handy but I can't figure out if and how can I use wildcards to let pycharm know which files I want to exclude.
For example, I want not to upload *.pyc files. For now, I would have to specify paths for all *.pyc files.
Is it possible? I didn't find anything.

There are two ways to exclude folders from upload/download:
Explicitly, by marking the corresponding paths as excluded in the Remote Host tool window, or in the Excluded Paths tab of the Deployment dialog box.
In the Remote Host tool window, you can exclude both entire folders and specific files.
By name, that is, by specifying patterns that determine the names of files and folders to be excluded in the Exclude Items by Name text box of the Options dialog box.
Separate files can be protected against upload/download only through excluding them by name.
Excluding files and folders from upload/download by name
Open the Options dialog box by doing one of the following:
On the main menu, choose Tools | Deployment | Options.
Open the Settings / Preferences Dialog by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S or by choosing File | Settings for Windows and Linux or PyCharm | Preferences for macOS. Expand the Build, Execution, Deployment node, and then click Options under Deployment.
In the Options dialog box that opens, specify the patterns that define the names of these files and folders in the Exclude items by name text box. Use semicolons as delimiters. Wildcards are welcome.
The exclusion is applied recursively. This means that if a matching folder has subfolders, the contents of these subfolders are not deployed either.


Eclipse search only in shared files

I often use 'File Search' in Eclipse CDT and use 'Enclosing project'. Results include matches within compilation folders that I am not interested about.
I can create a 'Working set' but I've got around 25 projects and changing the working set all the time doesn't make me work faster.
Is there a way to continue using 'Enclosing project' but filter out any file that is not coming form a repository / shared in the Team? I normally use SVN but I'd rather something that works for any file that has been shared in a repo.
Set the compilation folders as derived: right-click and choose Properties: Resource and check the checkbox Derived.
Derived files are by default excluded from the File Search (in the File Search dialog is a checkbox that can be checked if derived files should also be searched).

Folding files in the navigation bar in webstorm

Iam using Webstorm for a project that uses coffeescript and Sass. In the navigation bar, I see coffeescript files along with the compiled js and map files. In the same way I see css files with the scss files. I want to be able to fold js and map files inside the corresponding coffee file for ease of navigation. I am not sure how to fix the settings for this. I want the same for scss and css files.
Yes,you can!
After google for hours,I find the answer.
Select such file(s)/folder(s) in Project View panel
"Help | Find Action" (Ctrl + Shift + A), activate check box for better results
Search for "run file watchers" (without quotes, obviously) and choose Run File Watchers entry.
see more:
PHPStorm - Run Filewatcher on existing files?
You cannot do this manually (i.e. any files you want at any time).
It's done automatically by File Watcher plugin. So .. if your *.coffee files are compiled in WebStorm by using File Watcher .. then it should be working/done automatically.
If you have File Watcher already set up -- delete intermediate files (.js/.map) and force run that file watcher.
Such grouping works if those extra files were generated after running File Watcher. IDE checks for new files and compares them with file watcher settings (Output paths to refresh field, I believe) -- based on that it creates such folding.
External file watcher (i.e. grunt-contrib-watch) is executed autonomous of IDE's File Watcher .. therefore such files will not be "grouped".
Related tickets (those few that I'm aware of) that ask about additional settings to be able to create such nesting/grouping manually:
UPDATE 2017/08/10:
As of 2016.3.x version such grouping/nesting is no longer relies on File Watchers -- it has special hard-coded rules for most common scenarios.
As of 2017.2 such rules are editable and available via Project View panel settings.

Eclipse / Aptana - exclude folder from 'Connections' sync

I have a PHP project in Eclipse (with the Aptana Plug-in) that I deploy to a number of different hosts using the 'Connections' Sync mechanism. The problem is that in addtion to all the common code each site's 'instance' of the project contains a host specific folder tree that can contain a large number of files. Each time I run 'sync' I have to manually check 'skip' for the host specific folder and all of its children.
Is there any way I can config sync to ignore this folder?
I've looked through the include/exclude filter stuff and various entries in Stackoverflow for 'exclude files/folders' but they all seem to relate only to repository syncs (GIT/SVN ...), validators, builders etc
I hope this functionality exists in Eclipse with the Aptana Plug-in, I am using Aptana standalone.
I think the option you are looking for is called cloaking. You can set up name patterns for cloaking under Window > Preferences > Aptana Studio > Publishing. Here you can add file naming patterns to be excluded from all publishing - other projects will also ignore these file name patterns so use caution. I prefix files and folders with an underscore when I don't want them syncing and then just use _* in this preference.

Multiple java output directories in Eclipse/RAD?

I'm using RAD (which is based on Eclipse) and I have two source folders in a project, one for the core source files, and one the tests. How can I have them compile to different output (bin) folders?
Obviously I don't want my unit tests to be built into my output jar.
First check the Allow output folders for source folders box, then modify the individual Output folder elements under each source directory.
Solution discovered on EclipseZone
Right click on the projects, select Properties, then Java Build Path. On the tab "source" you see your source folders. Enable the checkbox "Allow output folders for source folders" and configure each of your source folder appropriate.

How do you make NetBeans ignore files when searching for files?

In NetBeans when you go to Navigate -> Go to File you can search for files by filename. Is there a way to instruct NetBeans to ignore some files. It's picking lots of files from a tmp directory in my project which I never intend to open and it's just noise.
You can also add folders to the "Files ignored by the IDE" configuration.
Select Tools|Options and add the folder names to the regex.
NB: I have not yet confirmed that this achieves what is described.
In NetBeans 7 you go to "Project Properties" then to "Ignored Folders" and you just add your folders there.
You can configure include/exclude file patterns on a project by project basis. This feature will allow you to add an exclude pattern for your 'tmp' directory, which will stop 'Go to File' suggesting files contained in this directory.
To configure bring up the project properties (File -> Project Properties), select sources, and click 'includes/excludes' button. I.e.:
In my version of Netbeans (6.9.1 on Win 7), there is no button under Project Properties -> Source in which to enter exclusion patterns.
You have to go to Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> Files and add the necessary file names or extensions under "files ignored by the IDE" in the Ignored Files Pattern field regexp.
For ignoring an entire folder, it is (in my version) on the project properties screen, but not under Sources; instead look at the "Ignored Folders" category.