Is it possible to show the number of favorites or retweets on TWTRTimelineViewController? - twitter-fabric

I'm using Fabric's TwitterKit to display a specified user's twitter timeline on my iOS app. I'm able to display the feed successfully following the directions on Fabric's Mac OS app.
But I would like to know if it's possible to show the number of favorites or retweets on the TWTRTimelineViewController. I don't see any properties on that VC to display said info. I don't see any info about that on Fabric's TwitterKit documentation as well.


How to share an image from gallery with my flutter app?

Can anyone point me to a library or advice on how I can go about sharing an image from the gallery with my app using the share button? I want to have my app appear in the list of apps to share with. There are libraries such as [share] that allow you to share content from your app with other apps but it doesn't do what I am looking for.
TL:DR Coming from android,you can do this with a content provider. then using platfrom channels get it to flutter.
Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity
For example, if you build a social app that can share messages or photos with the user's friends, you should support the ACTION_SEND intent. Then, when users initiate a "share" action from another app, your app appears as an option in the chooser dialog (also known as the "disambiguation dialog")
To allow other apps to start your activity in this way, you need to add an element in your manifest file for the corresponding element.
When your app is installed on a device, the system identifies your intent filters and adds the information to an internal catalog of intents supported by all installed apps. When an app calls startActivity() or startActivityForResult(), with an implicit intent, the system finds which activity (or activities) can respond to the intent.
read more from docs
I guess you are searching for something like explained here:
You could also try this flutter package:

How to post on a business page's 'visitor posts' through my app using Swift

I'm writing an iOS app for a business using the latest version of Swift and Xcode. One of the requirements is to allow the user of the app to post through the app to the business's Facebook page, specifically to the Visitor Posts section.
I've already installed Cocoapods and set up my pod file to include the various Facebook entities, like Facebook login. But I'm at a loss for how to proceed further.
I couldn't find many examples of just posting to a Facebook page, but the ones I did find are confusing as they say they are for Swift development, but include a lot of objective C. Can anyone point me to documentation on how to post a line of text to the 'Visitors Posts' section of a page using Swift?

Facebook ad campaign source attribution - what tags to look for?

I am working on figuring out our source attribution for a Facebook ad campaign that we're running for our game. As part of the campaign we have a low-level ad buy going on in the right-side ad bar, which averages several hundred clicks and several hundred installs per day. The problem is when we look at our source attribution within the app, we don't see "facebook:ad" passed nearly as often as it should. It seems like the source attribution is being given to some other source, like the appcenter or canvas. Can anyone shed some light on how they have tracked ad campaign acquisitions and installs for their Facebook app?
Thanks for the help!
What analytics package are you using for your app? Also, what OS is your game written for?
If you are using Google Analytics, using Google Analytics URL Builder will allow you to tag each ad's attributes such as position and content before they get to your app. Use this in conjunction with Android SDK to see where people are finding you before they go to the store and download/install.
If you're using iOS take a look at the iOS SDK
The Apple App Store does not currently support campaign measurement using Google Analytics. However, custom URL schemes can be used in conjunction with general campaign measurement to pass campaign information into your iOS app after it has been downloaded and installed.
You may also want to look at as they have a free source attribution solution for Facebook.
Hope that helps

How to display foursquare post-checkin screen in iphone app?

Adding the "foursquare check-in" ability to an existing app has raised some questions. Mainly, "what to show after the user has checked in?". Within the native foursquare client, after a checkin is completed, it will display a screen showing any badges, specials and points you earned with that checkin.
Since checking-in isn't the primary function of our app, we wanted a way to give the user an option to see this information on demand. We can get all of this information from the API's checkin response, but we didn't want to reinvent the wheel.
We tried using the custom URL for displaying the native application as described here (Client API) but that just displays the checkin information, not the results from it:foursquare://checkins/CHECKIN_ID
Is there a client URL that is undocumented that we can call to display this information, or will it need to be displayed in our app?
There is no custom URL / intent for showing post check-in information. For now you'll need to reconstruct your version of the post check-in screen.

How to get uploaded tracks from soundcloud?

I have implemented Sound cloud api in my app to export songs to soundcloud.
Now,I want to launch a browser in my app.This browser will allow the user to browse and listen to various other users songs that have been exported to SoundCloud through my app.
Also,the songlist should not include tracks which are not uploaded through my app.
The following is a screenshot from an app which uses similar functionality:
The only change in my app will be that I dont want the Sessions list.
Please suggest how to do this.
I am with an answer for my question. wat a relief.. :)
To get the app id first, the url is to be resolved by:{appName}
With this, you will get your app id.
(For more on Resolver, can refer to the link :
Now, you can get tracks created with your app like this:{app-id}/tracks
For the browser look, it is to be customised on your own. Its not a standard from SoundCloud.