Unicode "not equal" notation in Coq (≠) - unicode

The following text is mentioned in SF book:
This is how we use not to state that 0 and 1 are different elements of nat:
Theorem zero_not_one : ~(0 = 1).
intros contra. inversion contra.
Such inequality statements are frequent enough to warrant a special
notation, x ≠ y:
Check (0 ≠ 1).
(* ===> Prop *)
But when I actually do this in Coq:
Check (0 ≠ 1).
It gives me this error:
Syntax Error: Lexer: Undefined token
In fact, looking at the standard
library, I
cannot seem to find any notation for that. So, what is the proper
notation for it ?

As #jonathon said, the operator is written <>.
Check 1 <> 2.
But you can also do this:
Require Import Unicode.Utf8.
Check 1 ≠ 2.

Not familiar with Coq typed language, but looking at the standard library, not equal to would be written as <>.


How does one access the dependent type unification algorithm from Coq's internals -- especially the one from apply and the substitution solution?

TLDR: I want to be able to compare two terms -- one with a hole and the other without the hole -- and extract the actual lambda term that complete the term. Either in Coq or in OCaml or a Coq plugin or in anyway really.
For example, as a toy example say I have the theorem:
Theorem add_easy_0'':
forall n:nat,
0 + n = n.
The (lambda term) proof for this is:
fun n : nat => eq_refl : 0 + n = n
if you had a partial proof script say:
Theorem add_easy_0'':
forall n:nat,
0 + n = n.
Show Proof.
Show Proof.
Inspected the proof you would get as your partial lambda proof as:
(fun n : nat => ?Goal)
but in fact you can close the proof and therefore implicitly complete the term with the ddt unification algorithm using apply:
Theorem add_easy_0'':
forall n:nat,
0 + n = n.
Show Proof.
Show Proof.
apply (fun n : nat => eq_refl : 0 + n = n).
Show Proof.
This closes the proof but goes not give you the solution for ?Goal -- though obviously Coq must have solved the CIC/ddt/Coq unification problem implicitly and closes the goals. I want to get the substitution solution from apply.
How does one do this from Coq's internals? Ideally while remaining in Coq but OCaml internals or coq plugin solutions or in fact any solution I am happy with.
Appendix 1: how did I realize apply must use some sort of "coq unification"
I knew that apply must be doing this because in the description of the apply tactic I know apply must be using unification due to it saying this:
This tactic applies to any goal. The argument term is a term well-formed in the local context. The tactic apply tries to match the current goal against the conclusion of the type of term. If it succeeds, then the tactic returns as many subgoals as the number of non-dependent premises of the type of term.
This is very very similar to what I once saw in a lecture for unification in Isabelle:
with some notes on what that means:
- You have/know rule [[A1; … ;An]] => A (*)
- that says: that given A1; …; An facts then you can conclude A
- or in backwards reasoning, if you want to conclude A, then you must give a proof of A1; …;An (or know Ai's are true)
- you want to close the proof of [[B1; …; Bm]] => C (**) (since thats your subgoal)
- so you already have the assumptions B1; …; Bm lying around for you, but you wish to be able to conclude C
- Say you want to transform subgoal (**) using rule (*). Then this is what’s going on:
- first you need to see if your subgoal (**) is a "special case" of your rule (*). You commence by checking if the conclusion (targets) of the rules are "equivalent". If the conclusions match then instead of showing C you can now show A instead. But for you to have (or show) A, you now need to show A1; … ;An using the substitution that made C and A match. The reason you need to show A1;...;An is because if you show them you get A automatically according to rule (*) -- which by the "match" (unification) shows the original goal you were after. The main catch is that you need to do this by using the substitution that made A and C match. So:
- first see if you can “match” A and C. The conclusions from both side must match. This matching is called unification and returns a substitution sig that makes the terms equal
- sig = Unify(A,C) s.t. sig(A) = sig(C)
- then because we transformed the subgoal (**) using rule (*), we must then proceed to prove the obligations from the rule (*) we used to match to conclusion of the subgoal (**). from the assumptions of the original subgoal in (**) (since those are still true) but using the substitution sig that makes the rules match.
- so the new subgoals if we match the current subgoal (*) with rule (**) is:
- [[sig(B1); … ; sig(Bm) ]] => sigm(A1)
- ...
- [[sig(B1); … ; sig(Bm) ]] => sigm(An)
- Completing/closing the proof above (i.e. proving it) shows/proves:
- [[sig(B1); …;sig(Bm) ]] => sig(C)
- Command: apply (rule <(*)>) where (*) stands for the rule names
Appendix2: why not exact?
Note that initially I thought exact was the Coq tactic I wanted to intercept but I was wrong I believe. My notes on exact:
- exact p. (assuming p has type U).
- closes a proof if the goal term T (i.e. a Type) matches the type of the given term p.
- succeeds iff T and U are convertible (basically, intuitively if they unify https://coq.inria.fr/refman/language/core/conversion.html#conversion-rules since are saying if T is convertible to U)
conversion seems to be equality check not really unification i.e. it doesn't try to solve a system of symbolic equations.
Appendix 3: Recall unification
brief notes:
- unification https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_(computer_science)
- an algorithm that solves a system of equations between symbolic expressions/terms
- i.e. you want
- cons2( cons1( x, y, ...,) ..., cons3(a, b, c), ... ) = cons1(x, nil)
- x = y
- basically a bunch of term LHS term RHS and want to know if you can make them all equal given the terms/values and variables in them...
- term1 = term2, term3 = term4 ? with some variables perhaps.
- the solution is the substitution of the variables that satisfies all the equations
I'm genuinely curious about intercepting the apply tactic or call its unification algorithm.
apply indeed solve a unification, according to the document.
The tactic apply relies on first-order unification with dependent types unless the conclusion of the type of term is of the form P (t1 ... tn) with P to be instantiated.
Note that generally, the apply will turn one "hole" to several "hole"s that each cooresponds to a subgoal generated by it.
I have no idea how to access the internal progress of apply and get the substitution it uses.
However, You can call unify t u to do unification maully. you can refer to the official document. As far as I am concerned, the unicoq plugin provides another unification algorithm, and you can use munify t u to find unification between two items, see the Unicoq official repo.
An example of using unify and mutify:
From Unicoq Require Import Unicoq.
Theorem add_easy_0'':
forall n:nat,
0 + n = n.
Show Proof.
Show Proof.
refine ?[my_goal].
Show my_goal.
munify (fun t : nat => eq_refl : 0 + t = t) (fun n : nat => ?my_goal).
(* unify (fun t : nat => eq_refl : 0 + t = t) (fun n : nat => ?my_goal). *)
However, I wonder whether I have understand your question correctly.
Do you want to name the goal?
If you want to "extract the actual lambda term that complete the (parial) term". The so-called "lamda term" is the goal at that time, isn't it? If so, why to you want to "extract" it? It is just over there! Do you want to store the current subgoal and name it? If so, the abstract tactic perhaps helps, as mentioned in How to save the current goal / subgoal as an `assert` lemma
For example:
Theorem add_easy_0'':
forall n:nat,
0 + n = n.
Show Proof.
Show Proof.
abstract apply eq_refl using my_name.
Check my_name.
(*my_name : forall n : nat, 0 + n = n*)
Show Proof.
(*(fun n : nat => my_name n)*)
Do you want to get the substituion?
Are you asking a substituion that make the goal term and the conclusion of the theorem applied match? For example:
Require Import Arith.
Lemma example4 : 3 <= 3.
Show Proof.
Check le_n.
(* le_n : forall n : nat, n <= n *)
apply le_n.
Are you looking forward to get something like n=3? If you want to get such a "substitution", I am afraid the two tactics mentioned above will not help. Writing OCaml codes should be needed.
Do you want store the prove of current goal?
Or are you looking forward to store the proof of the current goal? Perhaps you can try assert, as mentioned in Using a proven subgoal in another subgoal in Coq.

Searching for a counterexample to a decidable predicate

It feels like the following Coq statement should be true constructively:
Require Import Decidable.
Lemma dec_search_nat_counterexample (P : nat -> Prop) (decH : forall i, decidable (P i))
: (~ (forall i, P i)) -> exists i, ~ P i.
If there were an upper bound, I'd expect to be able to show something of the form "suppose that not every i < N satisfies P i. Then there is an i < N where ~ P i". Indeed, you could actually write a function to find a minimal example by searching from zero.
Of course, there's not an upper bound for the original claim, but I feel like there should be an inductive argument to get there from the bounded version above. But I'm not clever enough to figure out how! Am I missing a clever trick? Or is there a fundamental reason that this cann't work, despite the well-orderedness of the natural numbers?
Reworked answer after Meven Lennon-Bertrand's comment
This statement is equivalent to Markov's principle with P and ~P exchanged. Since P is decidable we have P <-> (~ ~ P), so that one can do this replacement.
This paper (http://pauillac.inria.fr/~herbelin/articles/lics-Her10-markov.pdf) suggest that Markov's principle is not provable in Coq, since the author (one of the authors of Coq) suggests a new logic in this paper which allows to prove Markov's principle.
Old answer:
This is morally the "Limited Principle of Omniscience" - LPO (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limited_principle_of_omniscience). It requires classical axioms to prove it in Coq - or you assert itself as an axiom.
See e.g.:
Require Import Coquelicot.Markov.
Check LPO.
Print Assumptions LPO.
Afair there is no standard library version of it.

Proof by contradiction in Coq

I am trying to understand the apparent paradox of the logical framework of theorem provers like Coq not including LEM yet also being able to construct proofs by contradiction. Specifically the intuitionistic type theory that these theorem provers are based on does not allow for any logical construction of the form ¬(¬P)⇒P, and so what is required in order to artificially construct this in a language like Coq? And how is the constructive character of the system preserved if this is allowed?
I think you are mixing up two related uses of contradiction in logic. One is the technique of proof by contradiction, which says that you can prove P by proving ~ (~ P) -- that is, by showing that ~ P entails a contradiction. This technique is actually not available in general in constructive logics like Coq, unless one of the following applies.
You add the excluded middle forall P, P \/ ~ P as an axiom. Coq supports this, but this addition means that you are not working in a constructive logic anymore.
The proposition P is known to be decidable (i.e., P \/ ~ P holds). This is the case, for example, for the equality of two natural numbers n and m, which we can prove by induction.
The proposition P is of the form ~ Q. Since Q -> ~ (~ Q) holds constructively, by the law of contrapositives (which is also valid constructively), we obtain ~ (~ (~ Q)) -> (~ Q).
The other use of contradiction is the principle of explosion, which says that anything follows once you assume a contradiction (i.e., False in Coq). Unlike proof by contradiction, the principle of explosion is always valid in constructive logic, so there is no paradox here.
In constructive logic, by definition, a contradiction is an inhabitant of the empty type 0, and, also by definition, the negation ¬P of a proposition P is a function of type: P -> 0 that gives an inhabitant of the empty type 0 from an inhabitant (a proof) of P.
If you assume an inhabitant (proof) of P, and derive constructively an inhabitant of 0, you have defined a function inhabiting the type P -> 0, i.e. a proof of ¬P. This is a constructive sort of proof by contradiction: assume P, derive a contradiction, conclude ¬P.
Now if you assume ¬P and derive a contradiction, you have a constructive proof of ¬¬P, but cannot conclude constructively that you have a proof of P: for this you need the LEM axiom.

Is Z.le as defined in the standard library proof irrelevant?

In the Coq standard library, there is an enumerated type called comparison with three elements Eq,Lt,Gt. This is used to define the less-than or less-than-or-equal operators in ZArith: m < n is defined as m ?= n = Lt and m <= n is defined as m ?= n <> Gt. By virtue of Hedberg's theorem (UIP_dec in the standard library) I can prove that < is proof-irrelevant, but I run into issues when it comes to <=, since it is defined negatively. I find this particularly annoying, since if <= were defined in the, IMO, more natural way (m ?= n = Lt \/ m ?= n = Eq) I would be able to prove proof-irrelevance just fine.
Context: I'm using some previously written Coq files where the author uses proof irrelevance as a global axiom to avoid bringing in setoids, and for aesthetic reasons I would prefer to do without axioms. It seems then to me that my options are:
Hope that ultimately Z.le as currently defined is still proof-irrelevant
Use my own definition(s) so that proof irrelevance is provable (less satisfying since I'd like to stick to the standard library as much as possible)
Rework things with setoids
No, this is not provable in Coq. It depends on the axiom of function extensionality, which says that (forall x, f x = g x) -> f = g. It's quite easy to prove that all negations are proof irrelevant under this assumption (since False is proof irrelevant), and quite impossible to prove that any negations are proof irrelevant without it.

How is "less than" defined for real numbers in Coq?

I am just wondering how is the "less than" relationship defined for real numbers.
I understand that for natural numbers (nat), < can be defined recursively in terms of one number being the (1+) successor S of another number. I heard that many things about real numbers are axiomatic in Coq and do not compute.
But I am wondering whether there is a minimum set of axioms for real numbers in Coq based upon which other properties/relations can be derived. (e.g. Coq.Reals.RIneq has it that Rplus_0_r : forall r, r + 0 = r. is an axiom, among others)
In particular, I am interested in whether the relationships such as < or <= can be defined on top of the equality relationship. For example, I can imagine that in conventional math, given two numbers r1 r2:
r1 < r2 <=> exists s, s > 0 /\ r1 + s = r2.
But does this hold in the constructive logic of Coq? And can I use this to at least do some reasoning about inequalities (instead of rewriting axioms all the time)?
Coq.Reals.RIneq has it that Rplus_0_r : forall r, r + 0 = r. is an axiom, among others
Nitpick: Rplus_0_r is not an axiom but Rplus_0_l is. You can get a list of them in the module Coq.Reals.Raxioms and a list of the parameters used in Coq.Reals.Rdefinitions.
As you can see "greater than (or equal)" and "less than or equal" are all defined in terms of "less than" which is postulated rather than introduced using the proposition you suggest.
It looks like Rlt could indeed be defined in the fashion you suggest: the two propositions are provably equivalent as shown below.
Require Import Reals.
Require Import Psatz.
Open Scope R_scope.
Goal forall (r1 r2 : R), r1 < r2 <-> exists s, s > 0 /\ r1 + s = r2.
intros r1 r2; split.
- intros H; exists (r2 - r1); split; [lra | ring].
- intros [s [s_pos eq]]; lra.
However you would still need to define what it means to be "strictly positive" for the s > 0 bit to make sense and it's not at all clear that you'd have fewer axioms in the end (e.g. the notion of being strictly positive should be closed under addition, multiplication, etc.).
Indeed, the Coq.Real library is a bit weak in the sense that it is totally specified as axioms, and at some (brief) points in the past it was even inconsistent.
So the definition of le is a bit "ad hoc" in the sense that from the point of view of the system it carries zero computational meaning, being just a constant and a few axioms. You could well add the axiom "x < x" and Coq could do nothing to detect it.
It is worth pointing to some alternative constructions of the Reals for Coq:
My favourite classical construction is the one done in the four Color theorem by Georges Gonthier and B. Werner: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads/5464e7b1-bd58-4f7c-bfe1-5d3b32d42e6d/
It only uses the excluded middle axiom (mainly to compare real numbers) so the confidence in its consistency is very high.
The best known axiom-free characterization of the reals is the C-CORN project, http://corn.cs.ru.nl/ but we aware that constructive analysis significantly differs from the usual one.