How to get all child node values as a array while parent node is selected in jstree checkbox plugin - jstree

I am working on jstree checkbox plugin and want to get all child node values while parent node is selected.I tried to implement get_checked method but it didn't work.
Below is my code.
<div id="demo"></div>
'core' : {
'data' : [
{ "text" : "adya", "children" : [
{ "text" : "id" },
{ "text" : "name"},
{ "text" : "order", "children" : [
{ "text" : "id" },
{ "text" : "order_name" }
'plugins':['checkbox','themes','ui'] });
a = [];
{ a.push( });
Please help me out.

Try this :

I assume that you want to select all the children nodes of a selected parent node.
for this you can use get_children_dom(obj) method (see docs here), here the argument 'obj' is parent's full node object. To get all the selected parent node objects, you can use get_top_selected() method. then for each parent node, you can get their child nodes.
In your code you can do
var parentNodes = $('#demo').jstree().get_top_selected(true);
var selectedChildNodes;
$.each(parentNodes, function(index,value){
selectedChildNodes = $('#demo').jstree().get_children_dom(value);


How to retrieve Mongodb child value without parents object/field name

Is there a way to query one type of child objects (child object/field with same name under different parents object/field ) directly without invoking the parents name in the find() command
For example I have
Here each tomato is a parameter which have some value assigned in it, And I have tomato under two different objects/fields,
Is there a way to query and retrieve all values of tomato without using the field/object names "fruits" or "vegetables" in the find () command.
As of now, there is no direct way to search for child fields without knowing the parent fields but we do have the workaround. The idea is to first filter the documents by adding the constraints in find() method and then iterate over the response and print out the values of 'tomato' key where ever its present as leaf element.
Following is the example:
function processDoc(document){
let keys = Object.keys(document);
let value = document[key];
if(typeof value === typeof Object()){
processDoc(value); // Its an embedded document, thus process it again
}else if(key == 'tomato'){
Data set:
"_id" : ObjectId("5d63ac599d32d1c15cf5ea5e"),
"eatable" : {
"vegetables" : {
"tomato" : "veg1"
"fruits" : {
"tomato" : "fru1",
"banana": "fru1"
"misc" : {
"item" : {
"tomato" : "misc1"
"_id" : ObjectId("5d63ac599d32d1c15cf5ea5f"),
"eatable" : {
"fruits" : {
"tomato" : "fru2"

How to remove an element from inner array of nested array pymongo using $ pull

Here is my news document structure
"_id" : ObjectId("5bff0903bd9a221229c7c9b2"),
"title" : "Test Page",
"desc" : "efdfr",
"mediaset_list" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae"),
"medias" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac"),
"file_type" : "png",
"file" : "",
"file_name" : "edf.jpg"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad"),
"file_type" : "mov",
"file" : "",
"file_name" : ""
The queries that i've tried are given below
Approach 1{},{'$pull': {"mediaset_list": {"medias": {"$elemMatch" : {"_id": ObjectId('5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac')}} }}})
Approach 2{},{'$pull': {"mediaset_list.$.medias": {"_id": ObjectId('5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac')}} })
Issue we are facing
The above queries are removing entire elements inside 'mediaset_list' . But i only want to remove the element inside 'medias' matching object ID.
Since you have two nested arrays you have to use arrayFilters to indicate which element of outer array should be modified, try:{ _id: ObjectId("5bff0903bd9a221229c7c9b2") },
{ $pull: { "mediaset_list.$[item].medias": { _id: ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad") } } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "item._id": ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae") } ] })
So item is used here as a placeholder which will be used by MongoDB to determine which element of mediaset_list needs to be modified and the condition for this placeholder is defined inside arrayFilters. Then you can use $pull and specify another condition for inner array to determine which element should be removed.
From #micki's mongo shell query (Answer above) , This is the pymongo syntax which will update all news document with that media id .{},
{ "mediaset_list.$[item].medias": { "_id": ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad") } } ,
array_filters=[{ "item._id": ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae")}],

How do I add an array of elements in MongoDB to an array in an existing document?

In MongoDB, I'm trying to write a query to add elements from an array to an existing document, but instead of adding the elements as objects:
property: ObjectID(xxx)
the elements are getting added as just
Forgive me if I get the terminology wrong. I'm completely new to MongoDB; I normally only work with relational databases. How do I properly add these new elements?
I have a collection called auctions which has two fields: ID and properties. Properties is an array of objects named property. Here's an example with two auction documents:
** I changed the object IDs to make them easier to reference in our discussion
Collection db.auctions
"_id" : ObjectId("abc"),
"properties" : [
"property" : ObjectId("prop1")
"property" : ObjectId("prop2")
"property" : ObjectId("prop3")
"_id" : ObjectId("def"),
"properties" : [
"property" : ObjectId("prop97")
"property" : ObjectId("prop98")
I want to add 3 new properties to auction "abc". How do I do this?
Here's is what I tried:
I have an array of properties that looks like this:
Array PropsToAdd
I wrote an update query to push these properties into the properties array in auctions:
{"_id": "abc"}
{ $push: { properties: { $each: PropsToAdd } } }
This query gave the result below. Notice that instead of adding elements named property with a value from my array, it's just added my values from my array. I obviously need to add that "property" part, but how do I do that?
Collection db.auctions (_id "abc" only)
"_id" : ObjectId("abc"),
"properties" : [
"property" : ObjectId("prop1")
"property" : ObjectId("prop2")
"property" : ObjectId("prop3")
The result I'm looking for is this:
Collection db.auctions (_id "abc" only)
"_id" : ObjectId("abc"),
"properties" : [
"property" : ObjectId("prop1")
"property" : ObjectId("prop2")
"property" : ObjectId("prop3")
"property" : ObjectId("prop4")
"property" : ObjectId("prop5")
"property" : ObjectId("prop6")
Here is some further information on that array of properties I'm adding. I get it from running these queries. Perhaps one of them needs changed?
This query gets an array of current properties:
var oldActiveProperties = "saleNumber", { "active": true, "auction": ObjectId("abc") } );
Then those results are used to find properties in the new file that weren't in the old file:
var PropsToAdd = db.newProperties.distinct(
, { "saleNumber": { "$nin": oldActiveProperties }, "active": true}
The resulting array is what I need to add to the auctions collection.
Use the JavaScript's native map() method to map the array into an array of documents. The following shows this:
var PropsToAdd = db.newProperties.distinct("_id",
{ "saleNumber": { "$nin": oldActiveProperties }, "active": true}
).map(function (p) { return { property: p }; });
{"_id": "abc"},
{ $push: { "properties": { "$each": PropsToAdd } } }

Script to add one value to array in mongo collection

/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("55addc2f8dab32aca87ce0bd"),
"partNum" : "part1",
"dest" : "First Part",
"sales" : [
"salesData" : {
"sale1" : {
"mcode" : "mc11",
"dtype" : [
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("55addc408dab32aca87ce0be"),
"partNum" : "part2",
"dest" : "Second Part",
"sales" : [
"salesData" : {
"sale1" : {
"mcode" : "mc22",
"dtype" : [
I am not that much efficient in writing mongo script. My requirement is to append one more value to "dtype" array wherever "mcode" is "mc11" in all of the documents inside the collection. Above is the two document output from my collection. I was using the below script to do it and its not working. Can anyone please help me
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument)
db.testingRD.update({id: myDocument._id}, {$push : {"salesData.sale1.dtype" : "DDD"}});
To append one more value to "dtype" array wherever "mcode" is "mc11", use the following update where the query object is the selection criteria for the update and is the same query selector as in the find() method, the update object has the $push modifications to apply and then the options document which is optional. If that is set to true, it updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria:
var query = { "salesData.sale1.mcode": "mc11" },
update = {
"$push": { "salesData.sale1.dtype": "DDD" }
options = { "multi": true };
db.testingRD.update(query, update, options);
You had a typing mistake in the script (you forgot an underscore):
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument)
db.testingRD.update({_id: myDocument._id}, {$push : {"salesData.sale1.dtype" : "DDD"}});
I always use a trick when an update seams to not working: I change the update with a printjson + find so that I can see if it is matching anything:
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument) { printjson(db.testingRD.find({_id: myDocument._id})) } );

Update Object at Specific Array Index in MongoDB

I have a collection of the form
{ id : 1,
data: [ [ { name : "alice" }, { name : "bob" } ],
[ { name : "dan" }, { name : "rob" } ] ] }
and the structure of the array has meaning. How would I update the first element ([0][0]) and set name = "alex". I've seen many questions addressing how to update array elements that match a query but not specific elements. To be clear, after the update, the record should look like this:
{ id : 1,
data: [ [ { name : "alex" }, { name : "bob" } ],
[ { name : "dan" }, { name : "rob" } ] ] }
Assuming, you have created the structure with some purpose, which ideally becomes tougher to query, you could update it by specifying the index explicitly:
If we don't have a fixed position and is known at runtime or Dynamic
then this approach works perfectly
var setObject = {};
setObject["board."+ x +"."+ y] = player;
gamesColl.update({_id: realId},{
}, function(err,doc){
you can go further!!
if you want to paste indexes as a variable use string template like this