I wrote the following model:
#define inc(sn)if :: sn < 255 -> sn = sn + 1; ::else -> sn = 1; fi;
#define inc_twice(sn) if :: sn+2 >255 -> sn= sn-253; ::else -> sn=sn+2; fi;
active proctype monitor()
byte sn = 255;
assert (inc(sn) ==1);
But the compiler fails as follows:
spin: test2.pml:9, Error: syntax error saw 'keyword: if' near 'if'
spin: test2.pml:9, Error: syntax error saw 'token: ::'
spin: test2.pml:9, Error: syntax error saw 'keyword: fi' near 'fi'
spin: test2.pml:11, Error: aborting (ana_stmnt)
child process exited abnormally.
How can i solve it?
I have met the same problem . And you can solve it by change your code into this :
#define inc(sn)if \\
:: sn < 255 -> sn = sn + 1 \\
::else -> sn = 1 \\
#define inc_twice(sn) if \\
:: sn+2 >255 -> sn= sn-253 \\
::else -> sn=sn+2 \\
I don't know what causes this issue, but I solve it by the above method.
I am working on code where I need to hash values. SipHash seems like a great option.
let getSipHashValue (buffer:byte []) (key:byte []) =
match key.GetLength(0) with
| 16 -> SipHash24.Hash64(buffer, key)
| _ -> uint64(0)
Is there a way to pad the key to 16 bytes and make sure that it works?
I can get the exact length word as key but I would like to be able to use any word (that is shorter than 16 bytes) and just use some padding.
open System
open System.Text
let testKey : byte [] =
Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes "accumulativeness"
Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", testKey.GetLength(0))
Is there a way to do that in F#?
I think I got it:
open System
open System.Text
let rec getPaddedBytes (s:string) =
let b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s
match b.GetLength(0) with
| 16 -> b
| x when x < 16 -> getPaddedBytes (s + "0")
| _ -> b[0..15]
Console.WriteLine("Length: {0}", testKey.GetLength(0))
let testBytes = getPaddedBytes "accum"
let testString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString testBytes
Console.WriteLine("X: {0}", testString)
I need to fix getting the first 16 bytes. Not sure about that syntax.
It's not clear from your question what you want the padding to look like but you can pad with zeros with:
let getPadding (bs: byte[]): byte[] =
let rem = bs.Length % 16
let padBytes = if rem = 0 then 0 else (16 - rem)
Array.zeroCreate padBytes
let pad (bs: byte[]): byte[] =
Array.append bs (getPadding bs)
which you can then use with:
let padded = pad testKey
printfn "Key length: %d" padded.Length
Trying to get mapping digit between 1-26 from input String using stream operation.
input -
XYZ or xyz
expected output is Map -
X - 24
Y - 25
Z - 26
Below logic is giving compilation error :
Scanner scr = new Scanner(System.in);
String testString = scr.next();
Map<Character, Integer> charDigitMap = testString.chars().mapToObj(i -> (char) i).collect( Collectors.toMap(c -> c ,c -> (c - 'A' + 1)));
charDigitMap.forEach((k,v) -> System.out.println("--"+k+"--"+v));
Error is :
Type mismatch: cannot convert from Map<Object,Object> to Map<Character,Integer>
P.S :
Looks its a eclipse issue. Working fine on intelliJ.
You are missing to uppercase the chars (if input is small case). Add the following and your code should run fine:
An another approach:
Map<Character, Integer> intArray = "xyz".chars()
(c,m) -> c.put((char)m,
{X=24, Y=25, Z=26}
I need to output a number with leading zeros and as six digits. In C or Java I would use "%06d" as a format string to do this. Does PureScript support format strings? Or how would I achieve this?
I don't know of any module that would support a printf-style functionality in PureScript. It would be very nice to have a type-safe way to format numbers.
In the meantime, I would write something likes this:
import Data.String (length, fromCharArray)
import Data.Array (replicate)
-- | Pad a string with the given character up to a maximum length.
padLeft :: Char -> Int -> String -> String
padLeft c len str = prefix <> str
where prefix = fromCharArray (replicate (len - length str) c)
-- | Pad a number with leading zeros up to the given length.
padZeros :: Int -> Int -> String
padZeros len num | num >= 0 = padLeft '0' len (show num)
| otherwise = "-" <> padLeft '0' len (show (-num))
Which produces the following results:
> padZeros 6 8
> padZeros 6 678
> padZeros 6 345678
> padZeros 6 12345678
> padZeros 6 (-678)
Edit: In the meantime, I've written a small module that can format numbers in this way:
For your particular example, you would need to do the following:
If you want to format Integers:
> format (width 6 <> zeroFill) 123
If you want to format Numbers
> format (width 6 <> zeroFill <> precision 1) 12.345
How can I convert a timestamp (number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970..., aka epoch) to Date or DateTime format in Erlang? Something like {Year,Month,Day}.
msToDate(Milliseconds) ->
BaseDate = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970,1,1},{0,0,0}}),
Seconds = BaseDate + (Milliseconds div 1000),
{ Date,_Time} = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Seconds),
It just so happens that I have a github gist with a bunch of datetime utilities for exactly this purpose: http://gist.github.com/104903. Calendar has most of the low level plumbing for this stuff.
epoch() ->
epoch_hires() ->
now_to_seconds({Mega, Sec, _}) ->
(Mega * 1000000) + Sec
now_to_milliseconds({Mega, Sec, Micro}) ->
now_to_seconds({Mega, Sec, Micro}) * 1000
now_to_seconds_hires({Mega, Sec, Micro}) ->
now_to_seconds({Mega, Sec, Micro}) + (Micro / 1000000)
now_to_milliseconds_hires({Mega, Sec, Micro}) ->
now_to_seconds_hires({Mega, Sec, Micro}) * 1000
epoch_gregorian_seconds() ->
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970,1,1}, {0,0,0}})
now_to_gregorian_seconds() ->
epoch_to_gregorian_seconds({Mega, Sec, Micro}) ->
epoch_to_gregorian_seconds(now_to_seconds({Mega, Sec, Micro}));
epoch_to_gregorian_seconds(Now) ->
EpochSecs = epoch_gregorian_seconds()
, Now + EpochSecs
gregorian_seconds_to_epoch(Secs) ->
EpochSecs = epoch_gregorian_seconds()
, Secs - EpochSecs
date_to_epoch(Date) ->
datetime_to_epoch({Date, {0,0,0} })
datetime_to_epoch({Date, Time}) ->
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}))
is_older_by(T1, T2, {days, N}) ->
N1 = day_difference(T1, T2)
, case N1 of
N2 when (-N < N2) ->
_ ->
is_sooner_by(T1, T2, {days, N}) ->
case day_difference(T1, T2) of
N1 when N > N1 ->
_ ->
is_time_older_than({Date, Time}, Mark) ->
is_time_older_than(calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time})
, Mark);
is_time_older_than(Time, {DateMark, TimeMark}) ->
, calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({DateMark, TimeMark}));
is_time_older_than(Time, Mark) when is_integer(Time), is_integer(Mark) ->
Time < Mark
day_difference({D1, _}, D2) ->
day_difference(D1, D2);
day_difference(D1, {D2, _}) ->
day_difference(D1, D2);
day_difference(D1, D2) ->
Days1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(D1)
, Days2 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(D2)
, Days1 - Days2
is_time_sooner_than({Date, Time}, Mark) ->
is_time_sooner_than(calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time})
, Mark);
is_time_sooner_than(Time, {DateMark, TimeMark}) ->
, calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({DateMark, TimeMark}));
is_time_sooner_than(Time, Mark) when is_integer(Time), is_integer(Mark) ->
Time > Mark
subtract(Date, {days, N}) ->
New = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date) - N
, calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(New)
add(Date, {days, N}) ->
New = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Date) + N
, calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(New)
OTP 21.0 added this function
calendar:system_time_to_universal_time(Time, TimeUnit) -> datetime()
Time = integer()
TimeUnit = erlang:time_unit()
Converts a specified system time into universal date and time.
> os:system_time(1000).
> calendar:system_time_to_universal_time(1598512151718, 1000).
Refrence: https://erlang.org/doc/man/calendar.html#system_time_to_universal_time-2