We have encountered few exception on production environment:
UnknownTopicOrPartitionException: This server does not host this topic-partition
As per my analysis, one possible workaround for this issue is increasing no of retries since this is a retriable exception.
I am facing some difficulties which reproducing this issue locally. I tried bringing down broker while producing but it is failing with TimeoutException.
I am looking for suggestions to reproduce this issue.
If you get this error log during topic creation process, there is an open issue for this:
KAFKA-6221 ReplicaFetcherThread throws UnknownTopicOrPartitionException on topic creation
at some point of time during batch creating topics, it's likely that UpdateMetadata requests got processed later than FetchRequest, therefore metadata cache was not updated on a timely basis.
issue was about log messages that have no impact on cluster health.
We are using apache kafka 1.0 .We had stopped one of the kafka brokers in our cluster for an activity and its disk got fully wiped. We added it back with the same broker id so it started syncing with other brokers. We saw the below once it started syncing -
In application while producing to kafka things were working fine mostly . We saw a massive spike in consumer offset commit failures with error messages like below across consumers -
[Consumer clientId=abcasdfsadf, groupId=service_name_group_id] Offset commit failed on partition topic-name-1 at offset 2770664: The request timed out.
During this duration in the brokers which were already running we also so these logs pretty frequently [25-30k times in an hour] -
[2023-02-01 20:03:36,739] WARN Attempting to send response via channel for which there is no open connection, connection id broker-source-ip:broker-source-port-remote-ip:remote-port-1203082 (kafka.network.Processor)
Another observation was it seemed like the kafka cluster was expanding the isr and contracting it pretty frequently too for some topics [ it eventually did get in sync ]. Once the restarted broker got in sync all the errors seemed to go away. While the network and disk io was higher than usual but the machine on which broker runs has more bandwidth .
Was wondering if anyone has encountered a similar issue before and what could be the cause of this .
I am trying understand how to handle failed consumer records. How to
we know there is record failure. What I am seeing is when the record
processing failed in the consumer with runtime exception consumer is
keep on retrying. But when the next record is available to process it
is commiting offset of the latest record, which is expected. My
question how to we know about failed record. In older messaging
systems failed messages are rolled back to queues and processing stops
there. Then we know the queue is down and we can take action.
I can record the failed record into some db table,but what happens if this recording fails?
I can move failures to error/ dead letter queues, again what happens if this moving fails?
I am using kafka 2.6 with spring boot 2.3.4. Any help would be appreciated
Sounds like you would need to disable auto commits and manually commit the offsets yourself when your scope of "sucessfully processed" is achieved. If you include external processes like a database, then you will also need to increase Kafka client timeouts so it doesnt think the consumer is dead while waiting on error logging/handling.
We have a kafka producer configured as -
Replication Factor is 3 and total number of partition currently is 108
Rest of the properties are default.
This producer was running absolutely fine. Then, due to some reason, one of the broker went down. Then, our producer started to show the log as -
"Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms". Nothing else was there in the log and we were seeing this error. In some interval, few requests were getting blocked, even if producer was async.
This issue was resolved when the broker was again up and running.
What can be the reason of this? One broker down should not affect the system as a whole as per my understanding.
Posting the answer for someone who might face this issue -
The reason is older version of Kafka Producer. The kafka producers take bootstrap servers as list. In older versions, for fetching metadata, producers will try to connect with all the servers in Round Robin fashion. So, if one of the broker is down, the requests going to this server will fail and this message will come.
Upgrade to newer producer version.
can reduce metadata.fetch.timeout.ms settings: This will ensure the main thread is not getting blocked and send will fail soon. Default value is 60000ms. Not needed in higher version
Note: Kafka send method is blocked till the producer is able to write to buffer.
I got the same error because I forgot to create the topic. Once I created the topic the issue was resolved.
We are using a kafka broker setup with a kafka streams application that runs using Spring cloud stream kafka. Although it seems to run fine, we do get the following error statements in our log:
2019-02-21 22:37:20,253 INFO kafka-coordinator-heartbeat-thread | anomaly-timeline org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler [Consumer clientId=anomaly-timeline-56dc4481-3086-4359-a8e8-d2dae12272a2-StreamThread-1-consumer, groupId=anomaly-timeline] Node 2 was unable to process the fetch request with (sessionId=1290440723, epoch=2089): INVALID_FETCH_SESSION_EPOCH.
I searched the internet but there is not much information on this error. I guessed that it could have something to do with a difference in time settings between the broker and the consumer, but both machines have the same timeserver settings.
Any idea how this can be resolved?
There is a concept of fetch session, introduced within KIP-227 since 1.1.0 release: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-227%3A+Introduce+Incremental+FetchRequests+to+Increase+Partition+Scalability
Kafka brokers, which are replica followers, fetch messages from the leader. In order to avoid sending full metadata each time for all partitions, only those partitions which changed are sent within the same fetch session.
When we look into Kafka's code, we can see an example, when this is returned:
if (session.epoch != expectedEpoch) {
info(s"Incremental fetch session ${session.id} expected epoch $expectedEpoch, but " +
s"got ${session.epoch}. Possible duplicate request.")
new FetchResponse(Errors.INVALID_FETCH_SESSION_EPOCH, new FetchSession.RESP_MAP, 0, session.id)
} else {
src: https://github.com/axbaretto/kafka/blob/ab2212c45daa841c2f16e9b1697187eb0e3aec8c/core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/FetchSession.scala#L493
In general, if you don't have thousands of partitions and, at the same time, this doesn't happen very often, then it shouldn't worry you.
It seems as this might be caused by Kafka-8052 issue, which was fixed for Kafka 2.3.0
Indeed, you can have this message when rolling or retention-based deletion occurs, as zen pointed out in comments. It's not a problem if it doesn't happen all the time. If it does, check your log.roll and log.retention configurations.
Updating the client version to 2.3 (same version from broker) fix it for me.
In our case, The root cause was kafka Broker - client incompatibility. If your cluster is behind the client version you might see all kinds of odd problems such as this.
Our kafka broker is on 1.x.x and our kafka-consumer was on 2.x.x. As soon as we downgraded our spring-cloud-dependencies to Finchley.RELEASE our problem was solved.
dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom "org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:Finchley.RELEASE"
I am using hornetq-2.2.14 Final and configured connection-ttl in hornetq-jms.xml is 60000ms . I have a publisher program which sends messages to a topic and a Consumer program which consumes messages from the topic. My consumer program exited abruptly without closing the resources. I waited 1 minute since the ttl is 60000ms,but server not clearing up the resources even after one minute. Any one can help me out to resolve this issue, if this is a configuration issue?
Sometimes it can take as 2X TTL depending on how it happened. we recently had a fix on master to make sure it is always close to the TTL configured.