No permission to perform current operation - facebook

I am working with Graph API with live_videos edge. As am able to get the response for the live_videos method with the developer account credentials. The app got approved with "publish_actions" permissions and it's live. Even though when am trying to login with other credentials of Facebook account to login and get the response for graph API with Live_videos edge.
I am giving Publish_Actions,email, public_profile permissions. Do I need any more permission to get the successful response and generate the stream RTMP URL for live? It's getting error as:
{"error":{"message":"(#100) No permission to perform current operation.","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"fbtrace_id":"D2bY3K8zhFt"}}
What am I missing?


Get group events as a system user with Facebook API

I have a website which should list all the events from my facebook group. So I created a facebook dev account and created an app.
When I tried to get the data with the graph API explorer it worked, but the access token expired after a few hours. So I had to get a never-expiring access token.
I created a sytem user at the facebook business manager. With the system user I got a never-expiring access token but I couldn't get the event data anymore. Everytime I tried it I got this response.
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at"
I have the following permissions as system user:
read_insights, read_audience_network_insights, manage_pages, pages_manage_cta, pages_show_list, publish_pages, business_management
Why did it fail? Are the permissions correct?
Thanks for your help.

How to post status for user in 'Facebook At Work' using Graph API?

I working on a project related to Facebook At Work. (Fb#W). I have admin access token and community id.
The app need to post statuses on behalf of user in Facebook at work. I tried to add impersonate_token to API call but the result return an error as follow:
"message": "(#200) The user hasn't authorized the application to perform this action"
The problem is user can not authenticate facebook at work account. Anyone know how to do this?
Thank you for reading

Facebook App Admin cannot post Live Video API request on its own page

I'm using the Facebook Live Video API for testing purpose.
I've created a Test User, associated with my Facebook App, with the following permissions: publish_actions, user_videos, publish_pages, manage_pages
Using graph API explorer, I can make a POST request on /{user_id}/live_videos, using the Test User ID and Access Token (got it from the My App -> Role -> Test Users).
But, if I create a page with the Test User (logged in with its email), POST resquest on /{page_id}/live_videos, with the test user page ID and Page Access Token with required permissions, I get an error:
"message": "(#100) No permission to perform current operation.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
I have the exact same issue when I'm not using a Test User, i.e. when I try to post live videos on a page id with an admin page token, while it works on its user id with user access token.
I've followed these documentation:
Live Video API
Why can't I POST live_videos on page ID with a page access token while it works on user ID with user access token?
Best regards.
POSTing a live_video with the page access token should work now. After chatting with the engineers at FB, they fixed the problem, so it wasn't an issue with just you.

Cannot get Facebook ads_management extended permission

I'm trying to get statistics on my facebook ad campaigns. I've followed Facebook own guide, and I've created an app and so on. However I'm unable to get ads_management permission. If I use the Graph Explorer and its "Get Access Token", I cannot select ads_management under extended permissions, the option is simply not there.
I've also tried just sending a request to the Facebook api as follows:";
Which does get me a access token, but not one with ads_management permission
Any thoughts?
Edit: My app is not whitelisted, but unless I've misunderstood the guide, it does not have to be, as long as I'm a developer on the app, is this correct?
From what I understand of the Facebook Ads API guide is that the ads_management extended permission is only granted to whitelisted apps. So if the Graph endpoint you're hitting requires that permission then you'll have to get your app approved. Check out the getting started overview

Can't pull user posts with app credentials even though user has authorized app

I have an app and a user who has added that app and authorized it with permissions: read_stream and user_status. I've got a node js app running that's trying to make an API call (using only the app credentials) to pull the user's posts but I get the following error:
"A user access token is required to request this resource."
How can this be done without having to have the user login every time I want to pull their feed?
It can't; you need a user access token to access that user's data - the error message is fairly clear about this I think.
Check the Authentication documentation - you should be storing the users' access tokens and using those to make API calls on behalf of those users