I'm trying to learn Go API development. I have a MongoDB instance running in a Docker container. I'm trying to follow a few guides but am failing on simple queries. I don't fully understand the use of BSON and JSON tags here. I do know what those terms mean. So here is my code.
import (
const (
hosts = "localhost:27017"
database = "my_database"
username = "dev1"
password = "password123"
collection = "users"
type users struct {
user string `bson:"user" json:"user"`
data string
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting Application!")
info := &mgo.DialInfo{
Addrs: []string{hosts},
Timeout: 60 * time.Second,
Database: database,
Username: username,
Password: password,
session, err1 := mgo.DialWithInfo(info)
if err1 != nil {
defer session.Close()
col := session.DB(database).C(collection)
var user users
var books []users
var username = "cat"
col.Insert(&users{user: "dog", data: "blah"})
err3 := col.Find(bson.M{"user": username}).One(&user)
count, err2 := col.Count()
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Messages count: %d", count))
Basically I'm getting empty objects on the print line but am getting the correct Message count. I inserted the objects with robomongo if that helps.
You must export fields of structs, else they are ignored by the mgo package. Change fields of users to User and Data.
type users struct {
User string `bson:"user" json:"user"`
Data string `bson:"data" json:"data"`
By default when a struct value is transformed / stored / retrieved from MongoDB, the field name is used. If you want to use different names, you may use tags to tell what names should the fields map to.
I am using grpc+golang+mongodb, and I have the following proto file.
enum InventoryType {
LARGE = 0;
SMALL = 1;
my go code:
import (
func (i *Inventory) CreateInventory(ctx context.Context, req *pb.CreateInventoryRequest) (*pb.CreateInventoryResponse, error) {
inventory := req.GetInventory()
data := pb.Inventory{
Inventory: inventory.GetInventory(),
mctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
client, _ := mongo.Connect(ctx, options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017"))
collection := client.Database("test_db").Collection("test_collection")
collection.InsertOne(mctx, data)
return &pb.CreateInventoryResponse{}, nil
and when I save the enum to mongodb using golang, it saves the int value 0, 1 instead of 'LARGE', 'SMALL', any ideas on how I can save string instead?
Protobuf is for communication, not for database modeling. You shouldn't use protobuf generated files to save in your database.
Instead create a separate type that models the document you want to store in the database, in which you may store the string representation of your enum, and that will get stored in the database.
For example:
type MyData {
Inventory string `bson:"inventory"`
And using it:
data := MyData{
Inventory: inventory.GetInventory().String(),
I try to read and write and delete data from a Go application with the official mongodb driver for go (go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver).
Here is my struct I want to use:
Contact struct {
ID xid.ID `json:"contact_id" bson:"contact_id"`
SurName string `json:"surname" bson:"surname"`
PreName string `json:"prename" bson:"prename"`
// xid is https://github.com/rs/xid
I omit code to add to the collection as this is working find.
I can get a list of contacts with a specific contact_id using the following code (abbreviated):
filter := bson.D{}
cursor, err := contactCollection.Find(nil, filter)
for cur.Next(context.TODO()) {
This works and returns the documents. I thought about doing the same for delete or a matched get:
// delete - abbreviated
filter := bson.M{"contact_id": id}
result, _ := contactCollection.DeleteMany(nil, filter)
// result.DeletedCount is always 0, err is nil
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
c.JSON(200, gin.H{
"ok": true,
"message": fmt.Sprintf("deleted %d patients", result.DeletedCount),
}) // will be called, it is part of a webservice done with gin
// get complete
func Get(c *gin.Context) {
defer c.Done()
id := c.Param("id")
filter := bson.M{"contact_id": id}
cur, err := contactCollection.Find(nil, filter)
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
} // no error
contacts := make([]types.Contact, 0)
for cur.Next(context.TODO()) { // nothing returned
// create a value into which the single document can be decoded
var elem types.Contact
err := cur.Decode(&elem)
if err != nil {
sendError(c, err) // helper function
contacts = append(contacts, elem)
c.JSON(200, contacts)
Why does the same filter does not work on delete?
Edit: Insert code looks like this:
_, _ = contactCollection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), Contact{
ID: "abcdefg",
SurName: "Demo",
PreName: "on stackoverflow",
Contact.ID is of type xid.ID, which is a byte array:
type ID [rawLen]byte
So the insert code you provided where you use a string literal to specify the value for the ID field would be a compile-time error:
_, _ = contactCollection.InsertOne(context.TODO(), Contact{
ID: "abcdefg",
SurName: "Demo",
PreName: "on stackoverflow",
Later in your comments you clarified that the above insert code was just an example, and not how you actually do it. In your real code you unmarshal the contact (or its ID field) from a request.
xid.ID has its own unmarshaling logic, which might interpret the input data differently, and might result in an ID representing a different string value than your input. ID.UnmarshalJSON() defines how the string ID will be converted to xid.ID:
func (id *ID) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
s := string(b)
if s == "null" {
*id = nilID
return nil
return id.UnmarshalText(b[1 : len(b)-1])
As you can see, the first byte is cut off, and ID.UnmarshalText() does even more "magic" on it (check the source if you're interested).
All-in-all, to avoid such "transformations" happen in the background without your knowledge, use a simple string type for your ID, and do necessary conversions yourself wherever you need to store / transmit your ID.
For the ID Field, you should use the primitive.ObjectID provided by the bson package.
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id" bson:"_id"`
Now I'm doing:
sess := mongodb.DB("mybase").C("mycollection")
var users []struct {
Username string `bson:"username"`
err = sess.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).All(&users)
if err != nil {
var myUsers []string
for _, user := range users{
myUsers = append(myUsers, user.Username)
Is there a more effective way to get slice with usernames from Find (or another search function) directly, without struct and range loop?
The result of a MongoDB find() is always a list of documents. So if you want a list of values, you have to convert it manually just as you did.
Using a custom type (derived from string)
Also note that if you would create your own type (derived from string), you could override its unmarshaling logic, and "extract" just the username from the document.
This is how it could look like:
type Username string
func (u *Username) SetBSON(raw bson.Raw) (err error) {
doc := bson.M{}
if err = raw.Unmarshal(&doc); err != nil {
*u = Username(doc["username"].(string))
And then querying the usernames into a slice:
c := mongodb.DB("mybase").C("mycollection") // Obtain collection
var uns []Username
err = c.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).All(&uns)
if err != nil {
Note that []Username is not the same as []string, so this may or may not be sufficient to you. Should you need a user name as a value of string instead of Username when processing the result, you can simply convert a Username to string.
Using Query.Iter()
Another way to avoid the slice copying would be to call Query.Iter(), iterate over the results and extract and store the username manually, similarly how the above custom unmarshaling logic does.
This is how it could look like:
var uns []string
it := c.Find(nil).Select(bson.M{"username": 1, "_id": 0}).Iter()
defer it.Close()
for doc := (bson.M{}); it.Next(&doc); {
uns = append(uns, doc["username"].(string))
if err := it.Err(); err != nil {
I don't see what could be more effective than a simple range loop with appends. Without all the Mongo stuff your code basically is this and that's exactly how I would do this.
package main
import (
type User struct {
Username string
func main() {
var users []User
users = append(users, User{"John"}, User{"Jane"}, User{"Jim"}, User{"Jean"})
// Interesting part starts here.
var myUsers []string
for _, user := range users {
myUsers = append(myUsers, user.Username)
// Interesting part ends here.
Basically I want update in one value from the mongodb document by given fully struct interface as a change parameter in collection.Upsert(selector,change). how we do this without lose other values into empty. Other(type,category.rerportby,createon,info) values should be keep on existing values only update plant and location values into PLANT07 and BAR)
NOTE: I want use completely Service Notification Struct Object for
do this.
package models
type ServiceNotification struct {
NotificationNo string `json:"notification_no" bson:"notification_no"`
Type string `json:"type" bson:"type"`
Category string `json:"category" bson:"category"`
Plant string `json:"plant" bson:"plant"`
Location string `json:"location" bson:"location"`
ReportedBy string `json:"reportedby" bson:"reportedby"`
Info map[string]interface{}`json:"info" bson:"info"`
SAPInfo SAPNotificationInfo `json:"sapinfo" bson:"sapinfo"`
CreateOn string `json:"createon" bson:"createon"`
UpdateOn string `json:"updateon" bson:"updateon"`
package main
func main(){
input := models.ServiceNotification{
I want update plant and location by given complete struct interface to the mongo Upsert function. because I want to decide dynamically what should
update . But when I update plant and location other values going
to be LOST. in mongo record.
func Change_ServiceNotification(notification models.ServiceNotification) error {
session, err := commons.GetMongoSession()
if err != nil {
return errors.New("Cannot create mongodb session" + err.Error())
defer session.Close()
selector := bson.M{"notification_no": notification.NotificationNo}
_, err = col.Upsert(selector, notification)
if err != nil {
errMsg := "Cannot update service notification " + err.Error()
return errors.New(errMsg)
return nil
Appreciate your help
Thanks in advance
You cannot do it this way, but you can use the $set operator of MongoDB (Skipping error checking):
input := Bson.M{
"$set": bson.M{
"plant": "Plant07",
// Further fields here...
selector := bson.M{"notification_no": notification.NotificationNo}
col.Upsert(selector, input)
This will update only the provided fields.
I'm trying to learn Go API development. I have a MongoDB instance running in a Docker container. I'm trying to follow a few guides but am failing on simple queries. I don't fully understand the use of BSON and JSON tags here. I do know what those terms mean. So here is my code.
import (
const (
hosts = "localhost:27017"
database = "my_database"
username = "dev1"
password = "password123"
collection = "users"
type users struct {
user string `bson:"user" json:"user"`
data string
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting Application!")
info := &mgo.DialInfo{
Addrs: []string{hosts},
Timeout: 60 * time.Second,
Database: database,
Username: username,
Password: password,
session, err1 := mgo.DialWithInfo(info)
if err1 != nil {
defer session.Close()
col := session.DB(database).C(collection)
var user users
var books []users
var username = "cat"
col.Insert(&users{user: "dog", data: "blah"})
err3 := col.Find(bson.M{"user": username}).One(&user)
count, err2 := col.Count()
if err2 != nil {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Messages count: %d", count))
Basically I'm getting empty objects on the print line but am getting the correct Message count. I inserted the objects with robomongo if that helps.
You must export fields of structs, else they are ignored by the mgo package. Change fields of users to User and Data.
type users struct {
User string `bson:"user" json:"user"`
Data string `bson:"data" json:"data"`
By default when a struct value is transformed / stored / retrieved from MongoDB, the field name is used. If you want to use different names, you may use tags to tell what names should the fields map to.